DC punk music, interviews, and news 2006 - 2017

Recommended episodes

When Good Punk Goes Bad
London and the Birth of Punk
Backstreet Kids
Gamelan, Go Go, and Punk

Audience favorites

Ian MacKaye 1 | 2 | 3
Alec MacKaye 1 | 2 | 3
Bad Brains
Dwid Hellion 1 | 2
Mary Timony
Darkest Hour

Regional themes

Southern Hardcore
Florida Hardcore
From Gainesville to Birmingham
Sudamerica Hardcore
Centroamerica Hardcore
Chicano Punk
Russian Punk
Beijing Punk
Basque Radical Rock
Syria: Culture and Conflict

Archives by guest


86 Mentality 1 | 2
2008 Election Media Roundtable


a389 Records
Abu Rahss
Adult Crash
Age of Ruin
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Alleged Bricks
All the Power
America Hearts
American Steel
American Television 1 | 2
Amor y Lucha Records
The Andalusians
The Apes
The April Decca
The Aquarium
Assholeparade 1 | 2
At Best
Authorization 1 | 2


Bad Brains
The Bad Daddies
Bald Rapunzel
Banging the Drum in Exile
Banned in DC
BannedInDC.com 1 | 2
Barfight 1 | 2
Bats & Mice
Battery 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Beasts of No Nation
Beauty Pill 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Better Than a Thousand
Beijing Punk
Tom Berard
Birds and Wires
The Black Cat
Black Eyes
Black Market Baby
BLK w/ Bear
Born Against
Brace 1 | 2
Breakin' Even Fest
Brian MacKenzie Infoshop
Carol Bui


Capitol City Dusters
Capitol Radio
The Caribbean
Kathy Cashel
The Cassettes
Caustic Casanova
Centroamerica hardcore
The Chase
Chicano punk
Chuck Brown tribute
Circus Lupus
Citizen Useless
Cloak/Dagger 1 | 2
Coke Bust 1 | 2
Cold Cold Hearts
Cricket Cemetery Records
The Crownhate Ruin
Cynthia Connolly
Corn on Macabre | 2
The Cornel West Theory
The Cost
Count Me Out 1 | 2
Crispus Attucks 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Cry Baby Cry


Dag Nasty 1 | 2
Damaged City Fest 2015
Damnation A.D.
Dance of Days 1 | 2 | 3
Dark City Management
Darkest Hour
Daycare Swindlers
DC Public Library
Dead Meadow
Decahedron 1 | 2
Deep Lust
Del Cielo 1 | 2 | 3
Deleted Scenes
Dengue Fever
Desperate Measures
Dischord Records 1 | 2 | 3
The Dismemberment Plan
Dot Dash
Down by Law
Downside Risk
Drop Electric
Dynamite Fishermen


Edie Sedgwick 1 | 2
Egg Hunt
El Guapo
Electric Cowbell Records
Embrace 1 | 2
En Nuestras Venas
End of the World
Nick English 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
The Evens
Exotic Fever Records


The Factory Incident 1 | 2
Faith 1 | 2
Fidelity Jones
The First Step
Jonathan Fischer
Florida hardcore
Forced Forward 1 | 2
The Fordists
Foreign Press
Fort Knox
Fort Reno Park
French Toast
The Fridge 1 | 2
Friendly Fire
Frodus 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
From the Back of the Room
Fugazi 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Fury (DC)
Fury (CA) 1 | 2
The Future Generation


Gamelan, Go-Go and Punk
Georgie James
Girls Against Boys
Good Clean Fun
The Goons 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Government Issue 1 | 2
Government Warning
Grave Mistake Records
Gray Matter 1 | 2
Gwar 1 | 2


Half Japanese
Hand Fed Babies 1 | 2
Farrah Hassen
Head Roc
Heavy Breathing
Higher Conscience Records
Highway Cross
Hot Mess


Ignition 1 | 2 | 3
I Love the 90s 1 | 2
Imperial China
Inner Ear Studio
Insect Factory 1 | 2
Integrity 1 | 2
Iron Cross 1 | 2
I Was a Teenage Dominatrix


Jack on Fire
Edd Jacobs
Mark Jenkins
The Jet Age
Julie Ocean
Jury Rig 1 | 2 | 3


Stephen Kasner
The Key Figures


Laughing Man
Les Rhinocéros
Lickity Split 1 | 2 | 3
Lion of Judah 1 | 2 | 3
Living Hell
London and the Birth of Punk
The Loom of Ruin
Loud Boyz
Louisville punk
Lovitt Records
Lucia, Lucia


Majority Rule 1 | 2
Malcolm McLaren tribute
The Make-Up
Mancake 1 | 2
Marginal Man
Mass Movement of the Moth
The Max Levine Ensemble 1 | 2
Maximilian Colby
Sean McArdle
Medications 1 | 2
Men's Recovery Project
Mikhail Z. 1 | 2
Minor Threat 1 | 2
Möbius Strip
Mob Mentality
Moment of Youth
The Monorchid
Rebekah Moore
More Humans
The Mostly Dead
Most Secret Method
Mystic Eyes radio


Dave Nada
Nation of Ulysses
Nervous Impulse
Neurotiks 1 | 2
No Justice
Norman Mayer Group
No Wave
Nuclear Age


The Out_Circuit
Outerloop Management


PacMan Slim
Paper Dragons
Peanut Butter
pg. 99 1 | 2
The Pietasters
Pig Destroyer
Plums 1 | 2 | 3
The Points
Police & Thieves 1 | 2 | 3
Positive Force 1 | 2 | 3
The Problematics
The Psychic Soviet
Psywarfare 1 | 2
Puff Pieces
Pulling Teeth
Pump Me Up
Pussy Riot tribute
Pygmy Lush


Q and Not U 1 | 2
Queering Sound Festival


Radio Alumbra
Radio Free Aceh
Rah Brahs
React! Records
Red Death
Red Emma's Bookstore
Redencion 9-11
Renee Heartfelt 1 | 2
Reston hardcore
Ris Paul Ric
Rites of Spring
Routineers 1 | 2 | 3
Ruffian Records


Safari Club
Sammich Records
Sahar Sattarzadeh
The Saturday People
Say No More
The Scare 1 | 2
Scream 1 | 2
Secret History
Senator Flux
Set to Explode 1 | 2 | 3
The Sharpshooters
The Shirks
Shoutbus 1 | 2
Sick Fix
Sleepytime Trio
The Slickee Boys
Smart Went Crazy 1 | 2
Soccer Team
Sockets Records
Soft Power
Soul Side
Southern hardcore
The Spark
Spitfires United
The Spoken Word
Stereo Faith 1 | 2
Striking Distance 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Sudamerica hardcore
Superbad Records
Superman Is Dead
Supreme Commander
The Suspects
Sweetbelly Freakdown
Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie


Taffety Punk Theatre Company
Talk It
Teenbeat Records
Teen Idles
Teen Mom
Tereu Tereu
Time to Escape 1 | 2
Mary Timony
Title Tracks
Tradition Dies Here
Travis Morrison Hellfighters
Tree Fort Angst
Trial by Fire 1 | 2 | 3
Troops of Tomorrow
Trouble Funk
True Head
Turbine 1 | 2
The Twats


U Street Music Hall
United 121
Untouchables 1 | 2


Vicious Circle Records 1 | 2
Velocity Girl
Volta Bureau


Wake Up Cold
War Hungry
The Warmers 1 | 2
We Are Family
Weird War
When Good Punk Goes Bad
When Tigers Fight
While You Were Sleeping
The Whips 1 | 2
Wilson Center
Wired Wrists Studios
Worlds Collide 1 | 2
Worn Thin 1 | 2 | 3
Wraith Films
Wrangler Brutes


Young Rapids

Archives by month













February 2025
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28





***UPDATE 2-15-17***

After more than 10 years of documenting the DC punk and underground music scene, Dissonance is going off the air. The building in which Radio CPR has operated has been sold, and the station is being evicted at the end of February. Radio CPR may yet find a new home someday, and this show might return once again in a different form. But for now I'm calling an indefinite hiatus, Fugazi-style. It's been a wonderful decade sharing music and memories with so many amazing artists who call the DC/MD/VA area their home. If anything changes, I will post the news here. Thanks to everyone for listening, it's been a lot of fun. --Mike


DISSONANCE is a biweekly music and talk show broadcasting Tuesday nights at 9:00 on community station Radio CPR, 101.7 FM in Washington, DC, hosted by Danger Mike.  Each episode features a different guest from the DC music and creative community who serves as guest DJ, picking the show's playlist and answering questions.  New episodes are available for free download here the following Wednesday:

DISSONANCE in the press:

Punk Life zine with Don Irwin

Interview with On Tap magazine

Article on BORF art exhibit in the Washington Post

Blogs, etc:

VICE | Washington City Paper | Brooklyn Vegan | Brightest Young Things 1 | 2 | Absolut Zine | Inflight at Night | Upset the Setup | Metro/SeaScene Point Blank  | Memoria del Fuego | Germen TerrorThe Witch Fire | Brave Words | Franconia Station  | AHFR | Scapegoat Publishing | Urban Outfitters

Elsewhere on the web:

Radio CPR

Contact for potential guests, etc: mpberg02 at hotmail dot com

Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

2-14-17 Farewell to Dissonance

Guests: Ian MacKaye (Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Embrace, Egg Hunt, Skewbald, Fugazi, The Evens, Dischord Records), Alec MacKaye (Untouchables, Faith, Ignition, The Warmers), Basla Andolsun (Beauty Pill, Warm Sun, the Andalusians, Del Cielo), Jason Hamacher (Frodus, combatwoundedveteran, Battery, Regents, Lost Origins Productions), Carlos Izurieta (Worn Thin, Police & Thieves), Gene Melkithesian (Lion of Judah, Give, Joint Custody Records), Dave Byrd (Striking Distance, Set to Explode), Jeff Barsky (Insect Factory), Travis Johnson (Asshole Parade, Outliers, False Flag), Reese Higgins (Gentle Reminder Records), Tad Peyton (Worn Thin, Set to Explode, Slumlords, Neurotiks, Jinx Proof Tattoos), Brien Stewart (Avail, Lickity Split, 22 Turns for the Worse, Key Figures, Ruin by Design) |

Minor Threat - Salad Days |
Elvis Costello - Pump It Up |
Jackson 5 - ABC |
Talking Heads - Air |
Paul Simon - The Obvious Child |
Government Issue - Caring Line |
Tipsy - Mr. Excitement |
Converge - Plagues |
Post Teens - Fucked Up Perception |
Suicide - Rocket USA |
Kathy Cashel - Suburbs' End |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-14-17_Farewell_Episode.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

1-24-17 Heavy Breathing

Guests: Amanda Kleiman and Erick Jackson (The Apes, Heavy Breathing) |

Frank Zappa - Baby Snakes |
Chicago - I'm a Man |
Loudness - Crazy Nights |
J.J. Cale - Ride Me High |
Sister Sledge - Pretty Baby |
Stone Poneys - Different Drum |
Jeff Beck Group - Barabajagal |
The Jimmy Castor Band - Supersound |
Captain Beefheart - Tropical Hot Dog Night |
Ace Frehley - New York Groove |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-24-17_Heavy_Breathing.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guests: members of Fury, New Brigade, Worn Thin, Police & Thieves, Mindset, Clear, Line of Sight, Intent, Mob Mentality, Give, Mosher's Delight |

One Last Wish - My Better Half |
Neil Young - Lookin' for a Love |
Porches - Car |
GZA - Shadowboxin' |
Sportswear - The Power to Change |
Jackson Browne - Doctor My Eyes |
Battery - That'll Never Be ME |
Alex G - Boy (live) |
Beach Boys - God Only Knows |
Lion of Judah - Preemptive Fear |
Cat Party - Tar & Feathers |
Danzig - Dirty Black Summer |
Big Star - Thirteen |
Dinosaur Jr. - Little Fury Things |
Guided by Voices - Gold Star for Robot Boy |
Gang of Four - At Home He's a Tourist |
Meat Puppets - Up on the Sun |
Turnstile - Fuck Me Blind (Give) |
Bruce Springsteen - I'm Goin' Down |
Fury - The Feeling |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-29-16_Fury_and_friends.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Walker Grooms and Travis Johnson (Outliers, False Flag) |

Misfits - Static Age |
Citizens Arrest - Serve and Protect |
Born Against - Half Mast |
His Hero Is Gone - Like Weeds |
Blue Eyed Boy Mister Death - A Lipstick Transfer |
Vanbuilderass - Choices |
Section 8 - Bossman |
Hot Water Music - Us & Chuck |
Death of El Dona - Red 5 Standing By |
The Hell - Red Hegemony |
Alan Ogg - Episteme |
Dan Sartain - Fuck Friday |
The Ackleys - Blank Mind Between the Traffic Lights |
The Judy Garland Death Squad - Talkin' Spit Raw Out of the Basement Blues |
Panthro UK United 13 - Jackson |
Assholeparade - Prelude to Ignorance |
Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose |
Rumbleseat - Cursing Concrete |
Now I Have a Machine Gun - Untitled 2 |
False Flag - Desertification |
Outliers - Apotheosis |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-13-16_Gainesville_Birmingham.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest: Pete Stahl (Scream, Wool, Goatsnake, Earthlings?) |

Intro: Scream - Ameri-Dub |
Outro: Goatsnake - Juniors Jam |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-23-16_Pete_Stahl.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST


With Kristen and Frankie of The Kid and I Zine
>kiss off-violent femmes
>heart shaped box-nirvana
>northern whale-the good the bad and the queen
>10th floor ghost girl-cibo matto
>run fast-Julie ruin
>king of carrot flowers pt.1- neutral milk hotel
>I wanna go home-Shannon and the clams
>psychic hearts-thurston moore
>eau d' bedroom dancing-le tigre
>blue jay way-the Beatles
>something about space dude-Miley Cyrus and her dead petz
>my terracotta heart-blur
>don't talk like-sleater-kinney
>for tammy rae-bikini kill

>tea with j and t- read out louds


Direct download: THE20KID20AND20I20ZINE20DISSONANCE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07am EST

Guest DJ: Jim Thomson (Gwar, Alter Natives, Bio Ritmo, CSC Funk Band, Multiflora Productions, Electric Cowbell Records) |

Karthala 72 - Dans le Coeur du Feu |
CSC Funk Band - Catcher's Mitt |
The Sway Machinery feat. Khaira Arby - Youba |
Los Ribereños - Silvando |
Cheick Hamala Diabate - Sigi Diya |
Super Hi Fi - Single Payer |
Slavic Soul Party - Gangsta |
Tèshomè Meteku - Gara Ser New Betesh |
Flash and the Pan - Walking in the Rain |
The Pyramids - Penetration |
The Swinging Machine - Do You Have to Ask |
The Beatles - You Know My Name |
Angry Samoans - You Stupid Asshole |
Public Enemy - She Watch Channel Zero |
Nomeansno - Two Lips, Two Lungs and One Tongue |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-14-16_Jim_Thomson_Electric_Cowbell.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

5-10-16 Loud Boyz

Guest DJs: Brandon Brown, Alex Anderson, and Devin O'Donoghue (Loud Boyz) |

Danzig - How the Gods Kill |
Government Issue - Sheer Terror |
Dag Nasty - One to Two |
Annihilation Time - Too High to Die |
Red Death - Unholy Agony II |
The Exploding Hearts - Sleeping Aides and Razor Blades |
Hatebreed - Last Breath |
Gucci Mane - Back in 95 |
Misfits - London Dungeon |
86 Mentality - Degenerate |
Bad Brains - She's Calling You |
Genocide Pact - Angiogenesis |
Slayer - Dissident Aggressor |
Avail - South Bound 95 |
Angel Du$t - Stepping Stone |
Sublime - Garden Grove |
Agnostic Front - Last Warning |
Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreaks - Chinese Rocks |
Chunks - Last Rights |
Ozzy Osbourne - S.A.T.O. |
Cro-Mags - Life of My Own |
Striking Distance - Knockdown Drag Out |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-10-16_Loud_Boyz.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

DC and punk rock lost a legend yesterday. John Stabb, singer of Government Issue and the Factory Incident, passed away after a long battle with cancer. 

John was nice enough to come on this show twice, in 2006 and 2008. I was joined by DJ Stereo Faith, and we had two long (nearly 5 hours total) discussions about (first episode) the origins of Government Issue, the Unheard Music Fest, the St. Anselm's Valentine's Day show, and the GI reunion that "will never happen," and (second episode) marriage, cats, growing up in Wheaton, bumming out Jello Biafra with his outfits, his deep love of movies, and the GI reunion that eventually happened.

John also was guest DJ for both shows and picked two great, wide ranging playlists, including a bunch of rare punk covers of and by the Beastie Boys, Naked Raygun, Lillian Furneaux, and of course GI. He was a true original, relentlessly upbeat, kind soul who embodied the spirit of punk rock. We will miss him dearly.

Listen to the interviews here:

8-29-06: John Stabb / Government Issue

6-3-08: The Return of John Stabb




Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Michael Coltun (Les Rhinocéros, Connect the Dots) and Reese Higgins |

Zu - Cortar Todo |
King Ayisoba - Bayeti Eoi |
Maalem Mahmoud Guinia - Bania |
Kletka Red - Sirba |
Seabrook Power Plant - Lamborghini Helicopter |
Trophies - Beset by Anxiety (for Louise Bourgeois) |
Los Pirañas - Sir de Gusano |
Mamane Barka - Mashi |
Jerusalem in My Heart - 7ebr El 3oyoun |
Meridian Brothers - Salsa Caliente |
Zeus! - Forza Bruta Ram Attack |
Zs - Concert Blade |
Omar Khorshid - Wadil Muluk |
Mary Halvorson - Sea Seizure |
Arlt - Grande Fille |
Les Rhinocéros - Coltun's Pinkie Crusher |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-27-16_Les_Rhinoceros.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Ramtin Arablouei (Drop Electric) |

Dawn of Midi - Io |
Lemon Jelly - Space Walk |
TV on the Radio - Love Dog |
Sarah Jones - Your Revolution |
Black Star - Astronomy |
Mogwai - We're No Here |
Son of Nun - It's Like That |
Holy Other - Yr Love |
Gil Scott-Heron - Enough |
The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home |
Les Nubians - La Guerre |
Ibeyi - River |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-8-16_Drop_Electric.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Bryan Flowers and Steve Rovery (American Television) |

Timeshares - State Line to State Line / Damn Near by Beer |
Brick Top - Bored as Hell / Roasting Mallows |
American Television - Dead and Gone / Optimist |
Loud Boyz - FYK / World Is a Cage |
Collider - Crazy When It Counts / Two Hearted Creature |
Oklahoma City Car Crash - Father / I'm Happier Today |
Lilac Daze - Into the Woods / Knives |
Curse Words - Chip Away / Spine |
Iron Chic - Spooky Action at a Distance / Ys |
Railsplitter - Greatest Generation / Sense Making Practice |
Slingshot Dakota - Never Hear / Paycheck |
The Mauls - Small / Totem |
The Rememberables - If You Should / Miles |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-23-16_Breakin_Even_Fest.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Francis Beringer, Stefanie Zaenker, and Andrew Yonki (Caustic Casanova) |

Caustic Casanova - Thundersnow |
Baroness - The Gnashing |
Melvins - Roadbull |
Hum - I'd Like Your Hair Long |
Torche - Kicking |
At the Drive-In - Arcarsenal |
Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister |
Black Sabbath - A National Acrobat |
Primus - Over the Electric Grapevine |
Russian Circles - Mladek |
Boris - Farewell |
Pelican - Final Breath |
Caustic Casanova - The Painted Desert |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-9-16_Caustic_Casanova.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJs: Shawn Coleman (Latchkey, Holdfast), Ray Conklin (Concrete Bombers, DCDC, Holdfast), and Dylan Philip (Latchkey, Holdfast) |

Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows |
David Bowie - All the Young Dudes |
Mostly Dead - Decision Fist |
Supreme Commander - Flip Flops |
Lionize - DC is Tropical |
Widows Watch - Talk for Hours |
'86 Monte Carlo - Stitch the Lids |
War on Women - Second Wave Goodbye |
Token Entry - Revolution |
Holdfast - Get Out |
Bold - Today We Live |
The Screws - Positive Farce |
Kill Your Idols - Can't Take It Away |
TSOL - No Time |
Kiss - God of Thunder |
Radical Discharge - License to Kill (Yourself) |
Strung Out - Reason to Believe |
Stray from the Path - Tell Them I'm Not Home |
Motorhead - No Voice in the Sky |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-12-16_Holdfast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Chris Best, Mark Mitchell, and Brent Smith (Ain't No Mountain High Enough) |

Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Robocopstabber |
Thin Lizzy - Cowboy Song |
Dead Moon - Graveyard |
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Amfortas |
Sparks - Propaganda / At Home At Work At Play |
Love Unlimited Orchestra - Spanish Lei |
Soul Brothers Inc. - Girl in the Hot Pants |
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Me Time |
Tom T. Hall - Faster Horses |
U.X.A. - U.X.A. |
The Club - Who Wants Cock? |
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Emperor Anthony |
Between the Buried and Me - Mordecai |
Johnny Paycheck - I'm the Only Hell my Momma Ever Raised |
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Cut 'em Off / Sir / Mars |
Sammy Davis Jr. and Buddy Rich - Come Back to Me |
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Pennies |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-8-15_Aint_No_Mountain.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Nikhil Potdar (The Scare, Outerloop Management) |

Misfits - Some Kinds Hate |
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name |
Green Day - J.A.R. |
Sonic Youth - Titanium Expose |
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - The Reminisce Over You |
Dead Prez - Hip Hop |
Dag Nasty - Under Your Influence |
Give Up the Ghost - It's the Limit |
Striking Distance - Fail Me |
In My Eyes - Can't Live Through Me |
The Hope Conspiracy - It Meant Nothing |
Refused - Sunflower Princess |
Pantera - Domination |
Entombed - Say It in Slugs |
Run the Jewels - DDFH |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-24-15_Nikhil.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Jason Mogavero and Chrissy Ziccarelli (Jack on Fire) |

The Julie Ruin - Oh Come On |
The Blackbyrds - Hash and Eggs |
The Slits - I Heard It Through the Grapevine |
Nina Simone - Mood Indigo |
Sun Ra - Moon Dance |
Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet |
Hemlines - The Bear |
War on Women - Effemimania |
Caution Curves - A Little Hungry |
Bratmobile - Polaroid Baby |
Gauche - Copper Woman |
The Dance - She Likes to Beat |
Shopping - We Say You Pay |
Childbirth - Tech Bro |
Jack on Fire - Condos Part 2, Douchebag Storage Locker |
Jack on Fire - Beat the Rich |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-10-15_Jack_on_Fire.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The Dirty Secrets of the Landmark Music Festival

Presented by the Minister of Information of Punk the National Mall and Punk Life Zine.

The Eddiegate Basement Tapes from the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building with Freedom of Information Act recordings from the National Park Service and Trust For the National Mall related to the unethical and deceitful actions perpetrated on the American People by the so called "guardians" of the National Mall.

Also featuring emails from Caroline Cunningham, now former President of the Trust for the National Mall, where she lets the world know what she thinks of the National Park Foundation and Seth Hurwitz of IMP and the 930 Club. Not to be left out is King Weasel, Bob Vogel, now Director of the National Capital Region of the National Park Service too.

We also have real life interviews with Freshman Rep. Mark DeSaulinier (D. 11th District, CA) and as close to live interview as possible with 13 term Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D. DC). Not cool Ms. Norton.

Finally step back into history and listen to the 1984 Supreme Court Oral Arguments of the Clark v. Creative Community of Non-Violence and the repeated transgressions of the National Park Service against the American People in the name of stewardship of our National Parks. (Please remember CCNV this holiday season)

Thanks to Kim Stryker, Save the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Positive Force DC,  Jim DeRogatis, Scott Higham, and Steve Kiviat for their help and encouragement.


Direct download: Dirty20Secrets20of20the20Landmark20Music20Festival2C20DC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

Guest DJ: Tim Hicks (The Cornel West Theory) |

Nation of Ulysses - You're My Miss Washington, D.C.|
The Cornel West Theory - 13 Points feat. Ian Svenonius |
Backyard Band - Unabomber |
Roddy Rod - Take N Stride |
The Cornel West Theory - No Lights feat. N'digo Rose |
AZ - Rather Unique |
Brenda and the Tabulations - Stay Together Young Lovers |
Bob Marley and the Wailers - Comma Comma |
Sizzla - Greedy Joe |
Maytones - Money Worries |
The Cornel West Theory - I'll Die for this Shit feat. Queen Helene |
Main Source - Just Hangin' Out |
Gang Starr - What I'm Here 4 |
Raekwon - 10 Bricks feat. Cappadonna and Ghostface |
Prhyme - U Looz |
Georgia Anne Muldrow - Great Blacks |
Marvin Gaye - All the Way Around |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-13-15_The_Cornel_West_Theory.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Alex Gold (The Fridge gallery) |

INI Kamoze - Trouble You Trouble Me |
Grace Jones - Pull Up to the Bumper |
Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner |
Taxi Gang - Rent a Car |
Taxi Gang - Hot You Hot |
Taxi Gang - Unmetered Taxi |
Shabba Ranks - Mr. Lover Man |
Ken Rob - Trades of Tears |
Sugar Minott - Herb Man Hustling |
Buju Banton - Driver A |
Chaka Demus & Pliers - Murder She Wrote |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-22-15_Taxi_Gang.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: KC Oden (From the Back of the Room, Hot Mess, Starve, Homosuperior, Maloso), Brandon Korch (Mop Attack, Dawntreader, Hobis, Monument, Polyon, Maloso), and Maurice Alvarado (Human Anger, Disdain, Gore-Ill-Ass, JFK, The Locos, Strong Intention, A Warm Gun, Magrudergrind, Lost Again, Lotus Fucker, Mind as Prison, Plaguewielder, Maloso) |

Entombed - Full of Hell |
Marked Men - A Little Time |
Brainoil - Dark Eyes of My Past |
Tenement - Earwig |
Dirty Three - Doris |
Hessan I Sabbah - Untitled 2 |
Braid - Killing a Camera |
Magnolia Electric Co. - Hammer Down |
Brujeria - Narcos Satanicos |
Obituary - I'm in Pain / Back to One |
Eyehategod - Peace thru War thru Peace and War) |
Filth - Today's Lesson |
X - Your Phone's Off the Hook but You're Not |
Nausea - Cybergod |
Bikini Kill - Carnival |
Hole - Plump |
Cave In - Crossbearer |
Jawbreaker - The Boat Dreams from the Hill |
Dillinger 4 - O.K. F.M. D.O.A. |
Neurosis - The Tide |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-25-15_Maloso.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Matt Michel (Majority Rule, Haram, Cloak/Dagger, Highway Cross), Ben Tankersley (Shoutbus, Haram, Blockhead, Highway Cross), and Colin Barth (Cloak/Dagger, Highway Cross) |

Highway Cross - Open Eyes |
Wrangler Brutes - Chaos Collides |
Malady - Yeah |
Born Against - Mary & Child |
Dan Sartain - Fuck Friday |
Radioactivity - Other Life |
Ex Hex - You Fell Apart |
The Vicious - The Happiest Place |
Broncho - Class Historian |
Masshysteri - Dom Kan Inte Hora Musiken |
Jesus Lizard - Mouth Breather |
Nobunny - I Am a Girlfriend |
Zero Boys - Amphetamine Addiction |
Regulations - Baghdad Beach Party |
Pissed Jeans - Secret Admirer |
GISM - Nuclear Armed Hogs |
JFA - Johnny D |
Pixies - Letter to Memphis |
The Pupils - Witness the Sidewalk Weeping Pool |
Red Dons - Mauvaise Foi |
Chrome - TV as Eyes |
The Gun Club - Crab Dance |
The Pretty Things - She Says Good Morning |
Gene Clark - So You Say You Lost Your Baby |
Rolling Stones - Star Star |
Big Star - Daisy Glaze |
Bob Dylan - Girl from the North Country |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-11-15_Highway_Cross.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Amanda Huron (Caution Curves, Scaramouche, Stigmatics, Divisionaries, Vertebrates, Weed Tree, Puff Pieces) and Mike Andre (Antelope, Vertebrates, Puff Pieces) |

Neonates - Gridlock |
Thelonious Monk - Criss Cross |
The Ex - Brickbat |
Sonny Clark - Eric Walks |
Dolly Parton - Working Girl |
The Meta-Matics - Kkklown |
Quix*o*tic - Heliotrope |
Pinkwash - Ideal Death |
Dog Faced Hermans - Jan 9 |
Cecil Taylor - Port of Call |
Kraftwerk - Computer World |
Ockeghem - Missa L'Homme Arme (Curia) |
Puff Pieces - Wanna No |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-28-15_Puff_Pieces.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

7-14-15 Hoover

Guest DJ: Joe McRedmond (Admiral, Hoover, The Crownhate Ruin, The Boom, Sea Tiger, Him, Rancho Notorious) |

Talk Talk - Ascension Day |
Beastie Boys - Johnny Ryall |
Lyn Collins - Rock Me Again & Again & Agan etc. |
Dennis Brown - The Exit |
Dinosaur Jr. - In a Jar |
Ignition - Rebuilding |
The Lemonheads - Mallo Cup |
X - The Hungry Wolf |
Soul Asylum - Closer to the Stars |
Dinosaur Jr. - Poledo |
Genesis - The Feeling Begins |
Phleg Camp - Hi-Hat |
The Gun Club - She's Like Heroin to Me |
Dream Syndicate - Tell Me When It's Over |
Minutemen - Little Man with a Gun in His Hand |
The Cure - Doubt |
Sonic Youth - (I Got A) Catholic Block |
The Kinks - Such a Shame |
Soulside - Clifton Wall |
The Faith - No Choice |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-14-15_Hoover.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest performer: Bassel Hariri |
Guest DJ: Jason Hamacher (Lost Origin Productions) |

Forty Martyrs - When |
Bassel Hariri - Inhaling Death |
Bassel Hariri - Rozana |
Forty Martyrs - Today He Has Risen from the Dead |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-30-15_Bassel_Hariri.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am EST

05/26/15 Alan Bishop

Guests Alan Bishop  (Koes Barat, Sublime Frequencies, Sun City Girls) with Don Irwin from Punk Life Zine


JFA - Preppy (AZ, USA)
Dara Puspita - Pesta Pak Lurah (Indo)
Koes Bersaudara - Hari Ini (Indo)
Koes Plus - Djangan Selalu Marah (Indo)
Philosophy Gang (Harry Roesli) - Peacock Dog (Indo)
Titim Fatimah - Cikapundung (Indo)
Samsimar - Indang Pariaman (Indo)
Syamsudin - Bunga Rampai (Indo)
Yi Yi Thant & Aung Heina - Good Time (Burma)
Saing Saing Maw    - Lah Ley Cham (Burma)
Rhoma Irama - Sama Saja (Indo)
Group Doueh - Eid For Dakhla (Western Sahara)
Omar Khorshid - Guitar El Chark (Egypt)
Bellemou & Benfissa - Li Maandouche L'Auto (Algeria)
Sea-Ders (Cedars-Lebanon) - Thanks A Lot
4 M (Egypt) - Ya Sarya
Koes Barat - Pent Juri Hati (WA, USA

Direct download: 05.26.15_Alan_Bishop.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:39pm EST

Guest DJ: Jose Haymas Espada (Radio Alumbra) |

Eskorbuto - Cerebros Destruidos |
Kortatu - El Último Ska de Manolo Rastaman |
Barricada - Mañana Será Igual |
Las Vulpes - Felipe es un Punk |
Eskorbuto - Anti Todo |
MCD - Asesino a Sueldo |
La Polla Records - Ellos Dicen Mierda |
Cicatriz - Inadaptados |
Zarama - Euritan |
Potato - Reggae Popular Riojano |
Eskorbuto - Mucha Policía, Poca Diversión / La Increible Vida de un Ser Vulgar |
Maloso - The Heat and the Sorrow |
Downtown Boys - Callate |
Tercer Mundo - Viejas Glorias |
Quemacoches - Muertos |
Anexo Social - Todo |
Los Loving Darks - Complicado |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-12-15_Radio_Alumbra.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Dan Gleason (Danger Murph, Iriquois Keds, Young Rapids) and Alex Braden (Bella Russia, El Mansours, Young Rapids) |

Young Rapids - Someone Help the Ghost |
Dr. Dre - The Watcher |
James Blake - I Never Learnt to Share |
Celestial Shore - Animal Ratio |
Thom Yorke - A Brain in a Bottle |
Deerhoof - Paradise Girls |
Ava Luna - Six Seven (I Want to Hide Away) |
Do Make Say Think - Soul and Onward |
Don Caballero - Fire Back About Your New Baby's Sex |
Four Tet - Turtle Turtle Up |
Imperial China - Limbs |
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Ffunny Ffrends |
Yes - Total Mass Retain |
Dirty Projectors - Gimme Gimme Gimme |
Janel and Anthony - Bir Sur |
Stronger Sex - Love is a Herring |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Pin |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-28-15_Young_Rapids.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Alex, Alfredo, Jeremy, Madison (Fury), Austin (Clear), Ryan (True Head), Riley (Pocketknife), Brayden (Pasta), Zack (Intent), Dan (Barge, Protester), Crucial John (Give, Breakthrough), Nick (Standoff) |

The Sound - Winning |
Rain - Rivers |
End to End - None for All |
PYC - unknown |
Criminal Code - Flagstone |
Dreams So Real - Heaven |
Drop 19 - Ease It Halen |
Minutemen - Paranoid Chant |
New Brigade - Substance Abuse Is a Coward's Excuse |
Fury - Holy |
Total Control - Flesh War |
Give - Crushed |
Wild Nothing - Shadow |
Gem - Sugar High |
Waste Management - Power Abuse |
Inside Out - Can't Arrange It (live at Anthrax) |
Yo La Tengo - Blue Line Swinger |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-9-15_Fury.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Mike Ball, Brian Moran, and Sam Sherwood (Mittenfields) |

Mittenfields - Optimists |
Krill - Steve Hears Pile in Malden and Bursts into Tears |
Tom Petty - Casa Dega (demo) |
Black Brothers - Saman Doye |
Tennis System - Call It Home |
William Onyeabor - Fantastic Man |
The Jesus & Mary Chain - Between Planets |
Mittenfields - Goldmine |
Built to Spill - Randy Described Eternity |
Dandy Warhols - Everyone Is Totally Insane |
Warren Zevon - Mohammed's Radio |
Left & Right - Low Expectations |
Mittenfields - Surprise Me |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-24-15_Mittenfields.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Guest DJs: Steve Rovery, Mat Marinec, and Bryan Flowers (American Television) |

Weakerthans - Civil Twilight |
Timeshares - Oh No Not That |
Grey Area - Reminder |
Bad Religion - Struck a Nerve |
Pup - Guilt Trip |
Avail - Tuning |
Rocket from the Crypt - Can You Hear It? |
Habits - Sunrise, FL |
The Vansaders - In Revelry |
Hot Water Music - Position |
Descendents - Suburban Home |
Jawbreaker - Do You Still Hate Me? |
American Television - Life |
American Television - Driving |
Railsplitter - Communicant |
Dot Dash - (Here's to) the Ghosts of the Past |
Curse Words - Spine |
Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise |
Archers of Loaf - Wrong |
They Might Be Giants - They'll Need a Crane |
Helmet - Milquetoast |
Pennywise - Bro Hymn |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-10-15_American_Television.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Radio CPR is moving to a new home on the dial! 97.5 FM is no more, we are now on 101.7 FM in DC. Podcasts will continue to be posted here as always.

Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJs: Justin Hoben (John Bustine, Deadmen) and John Scoops (Sidewinders, Cactus Patch, Army of Me, Deadmen, Typefighter) |

Tiger Army - Cupid's Victim |
The Distrits - 4th and Roebling |
Country Teasers - Deaths |
Reigning Sound - My My |
Scatered Few - Kill the Sarx |
Joy Buttons - Cuban Missile Crisis |
The Mostly Dead - Part of the Problem |
The Living End - Roll On |
The Eagles - Teenage Jail |
The Replacements - Sixteen Blue |
John Paul Keith - Anyone Can Do It |
The Breeders - Saints |
Ned's Atomic Dustbin - Suave and Suffocated |
Swank - The Think for Yourself Movement |
Saturday Knights - Dog Park |
Spindrift - The Matador and the Fuzz |
Dan Reeder - Havana Burning |
Davila 666 - Obsesionao |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-24-15_Deadmen.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Guest DJs: Chad Clark (Beauty Pill, Smart Went Crazy) and Basla Andolsun (Beauty Pill, Warm Sun, The Andalusians, Del Cielo) |

JJ Doom - Guv'nor |
Arto Lindsay - Simply Are |
TV on the Radio - Love Dog |
Midnight Oil - Short Memory |
Antelope - Game Over |
Ramsey Lewis Trio - Hang On Sloopy |
David Pizarro - Cold Hurt |
Branford Marsalis Quartet - The Mighty Sword |
Thom Yorke - Black Swan |
Arto Lindsay - The Prize |
Elvis Costello - Man Out of Time |
Kaada - All Wrong |
Getatchew Mekuria and The Ex - Aynamaye Nesh |
Beauty Pill - The Prize |
Beauty Pill - Ain't No Jury in the World Gonna Convict You, Baby |
Beauty Pill - Exit Without Saving |
The Aquarium - Credits |
Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - Killer Diller |
TV on the Radio - You |
PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose |

* Note: this attached mp3/podcast is an edited version of the live broadcast and originally posted podcast, which included 3 Beauty Pill songs from their upcoming album. Butterscotch Records asked that those songs be taken down, as violations of their copyright; this edited podcast includes discussion of those songs but without the songs themselves.

Direct download: Dissonance_2-10-15_Beauty_Pill_edit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

12/31/14 - Jokowido, President of Indonesia

A Conversation with Rebekah Moore about the July 2014 Indonesian Presidential Elections and the Importance of the 1st Heavy Metal Hosted by Punk Life Zine

Soulside: Bass |  Iwan Fals: Guru Oemar Bakr |
Gede Robi: Freedom Skies Oppie Andaresta: Cantik dan Seksi |
Trio Lestari: Indonesiaku Superman Is Dead: Water Not War |
Nidji: Diatas Awan Koil: Mendekati Surga Slank: Pulau Biru Komunitas Revolusi Harmoni: Salam 2 Jari | Dill the DJ + Balance: Bersatu Padu Coblos Nomor 2  | Gamelan Musicians of Yogyakarta: Babarlajar Mataram (Longing for the Past; The 78 RPM Era in Southeast Asia) |

Guest DJ: JR Hayes (Pig Destroyer, Enemy Soil, Hissing Choir, Treblinka) |

Void - Who Are You? |
Faith - You're X'd |
Eyehategod - My Name Is God (I Hate You) |
Bikini Kill - New Radio |
Today Is the Day - Simple Touch |
Fugazi - Kill Taker (Returning the Screw demo) |
Black Flag - What Can You Believe |
Afghan Whigs - Summer's Kiss |
Killing Joke - Asteroid |
Antony and the Johnsons - Fisftul of Love |
Sex Prisoner - I'm Proud of You |
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant - Lily |
Brian Eno - The Big Ship |
The Laughing Hyenas - Crawl |
Steel Pole Bath Tub - Swerve |
The Dicks - Rich Daddy |
Roky Erickson - If You Have Ghosts |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-9-14_Pig_Destroyer.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Marion Barry Tribute Go Go Show Presented By Punk Life Zine

We The People  - Chuck Brown
D.C. Don't Stand For Dodge City - Go Go Posse
Drop The Bomb  - Trouble Funk
Clappers (feat. Nicki Minaj & Juicy J) - Wale
Body Moves - Rare Essence
Hot Cold Sweat - Meet Me At The Go Go - Hot Cold Sweat
Arkade Funk (Pt. 2) - Tilt
BAIT ft Wale - TCB
Roll Call - Rare Essence
Shake Your Thang - E.U.
Let Me Clear My Throat [Live] - DJ Kool
E.U. Freeze - E.U.
Sardines - Junkyard Band
Sweet Release - Wugazi
Kick Out the Jams - Bad Brains With Henry Rollins
Banned In D.C.  - Bad Brains
Pretty Girls - Wale ft Gucci Mane

Direct download: Marion_Barry_Go_Go_Tribute.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:33pm EST

Guest DJs: Lauren Algee, Bobbie Dougherty, and Michele Casto (D.C. Public Library) |

Bad Brains - Banned in D.C. |
Teen Idles - Get Up and Go |
Minor Threat - Betray |
Gray Matter - Walk the Line |
3 - Swann Street |
Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl |
Slant 6 - Soda Pop Rip Off |
Jawbox - Breathe |
The Make-Up - Pow! to the People |
Beauty Pill - Cigarette Girl from the Future |
The Shirks - D.C. is Doomed |
Title Tracks - Every Little Bit Hurts |
Chain and the Gang - Devitalize |
Ex Hex - Beast |
Dismemberment Plan - What Do You Want Me to Say? |
Ingrid - We Are the Destroyer |
Mary Christ - Success Story |
Max Levine Ensemble - Aren't All Songs Political? |
The Evens - Mt. Pleasant Isn't |
Chalk Circle - Uneasy Friend |
Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Turboslut - Exorcism |
Pygmy Lush - Proud King of the Doomed |
Hot Mess - Consent |
Spoonboy - Different Stories |
Heavy Breathing - Pleasure of the Witch |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-11-14_DCPL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Ace Mendoza (Pure Disgust, Stand Off, Red Death) and Connor Donegan (Protester, Semper Eadem, Genocide Pact) |

Agnostic Front - Hiding Inside |
Bad Brains - Riot Squad / How Low Can a Punk Get |
Project X - Dance Floor Justice |
Soundgarden - Let Me Drown |
Stiff Little Fingers - Wasted Life |
Big Star - September Gurls |
AC/DC - Touch Too Much |
Thin Lizzy - Dancing in the Moonlight |
Van Halen - Jamie's Cryin' |
Youth Brigade - It's About Time That We Had a Change |
Outburst - Learn to Care |
Out Cold - Take as Needed for Pain |
Integrity - Judgment Day |
Hatebreed - Last Breath |
F.U.s - What You Pay For |
Corrosion of Conformity - Redneck / Rabid Dogs / Holier / Technocracy |
Red Death - Already in Hell |
Shy Glizzy - Awwsome |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-28-14_Red_Death.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: David Combs (Spoonboy, Max Levine Ensemble, Somnia) |

Nice Try - I Don't Care |
Martha - Clatty Harriet |
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Woke Up Near Chelsea |
Rvivr - The Sound |
Bellows - Blue Breath, Rosy Death |
Somnia - Double Life |
Sia - Hostage |
LVL UP - Soft Power |
Aphid Ant Constructions - Amherst, MA |
Mirah - The Garden |
Spoonboy [live] - Dr. Irving Kirsch / The Dispossessed / Sexy Dreams |
The Goodbye Party - 5am Moonlight |
Colour Me Wednesday - Half a Life |
Laughing Man - Brilliant Colors |
Hot Tears - Follow You |
Art Sorority for Girls - Die Hard |
Spoonboy [live] - Stab Your Dad / Sweet Talking Child |
Shellshag - Magnet |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-14-14_Spoonboy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Ryan Little and Brendan Polmer (Tereu Tereu) |

Tinariwen - Imidiwan Ma Tennam |
Aphex Twin - 180db_[130] |
Antelope - Crowns |
Clipse - Wamp Wamp |
Samuel Yirga - Abet Abet |
Tereu Tereu - Spanish Lynx (Deleted Scenes remix) |
Deleted Scenes - You Get to Say Whatever You Want (Tereu Tereu remix) |
Dr. John - Quitters Never Win |
Spank Rock - Backyard Betty |
MIA - Bad Girls |
The Clash - Straight to Hell |
Danger Mouse - It Ain't Hard to Tell (Nas vs. Portishead) |
Edie Sedgwick - Silver Bullets |
Amerie - 1 Thing |
A Tribe Called Red - Red Skin Girl (remix) |
Chuck Brown - Chuck Baby |
Felt Letters - 600,000 Bands |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-23-14_Tereu_Tereu.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Matt Burger (Worlds Collide, Jack Potential, Blacktop Suicide, The Whips) |

Fear - Let's Have a War |
Fugazi - Margin Walker |
Naked Raygun - Mr. Gridlock |
Verbal Assault - Never Stop |
Worlds Collide - Any Worse / Effect of the Age |
Sham 69 - Borstal Breakout |
The Whips - Danger Danger / Better Than Good |
Girls Against Boys - Bulletproof Cupid |
Rites of Spring - By Design |
Quicksand - Dine Alone |
Naked Raygun - Dog at Large |
Scream - No Escape |
Soulside - Punch the Geek |
Worlds Collide - Ritual |
7 Seconds - Spread |
Token Entry - The Fire |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-9-14_Worlds_Collide.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Chris Kelly (Bereavement, Teen Mom), Sean Dalby (Golden Looks, French Letter, Pueblo, Teen Mom), and Tom MacWright (French Letter, Pueblo, Teen Mom) |

Beatles - No Reply |
Way Yes - Important |
Buke and Gase - Hard Times |
Charles Spearin - Anna |
Gap Dream - 58th St. Fingers |
Golden Looks - Fiction |
Silver Jews - Trains Across the Sea |
The Magnetic Fields - Strange Powers |
Cyndi Lauper - Money Changes Everything |
Stephen Malkmus - Shibboleth |
Lou Reed - Women |
Foozle - TV Wrestling |
Neil Young - Sample and Hold |
Lesley Gore - Maybe I Know |
Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) |
Smog - I Feel Like the Mother of the World |
Jason Molina - Don't It Look Like Rain / Some Things Never Try |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-26-14_Teen_Mom.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJs: Arika Casebolt (Circus Lupus, Antimony, The Whips, Resistoleros, The Divining Rod, Six Black Lambs) and Chris Hamley (Circus Lupus, Antimony, The Monorchid, Alarms & Controls) |

Kepone - Loud |
The Jesus Lizard - Mouth Breather |
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song |
Public Enemy - Shut Em Down (Pete Rock Mix) |
Medications - Home Is Where We Are |
Lungfish - Mother Made Me |
Cat Power - Cross Bones Style |
Nirvana - School |
The Replacements - Answering Machine |
Yes - Beyond and Before |
Sad Lovers and Giants - Cloud 9 |
Seals & Crofts - Follow Me |
Horace Silver - Creepin' In |
The Residents - Loss of Innocence |
Duke Ellington - Blue Pepper (Far East of the Blues) |
The Birthday Party - Happy Birthday |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-12-14_Circus_Lupus.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:30am EST

Guest DJ: Ian Thompson (A Day in Black and White, LTW, Dealbreaker, Human Shield, Bitter American, Cricket Cemetery Records) |

Jarhead Fertilizer - Feign / Body of Crime / Semper Fi / Untitled |
Paint Branch - Run |
Raekwon - New Day feat. Freddie Gibbs |
Highway Cross - Ghost |
PARTYNEXTDOOR - Persian Rugs |
Putrisect - Merciless Slaughter |
Resonance Cascade - Wolves / Plastic Footprints |
Sean Born & Dunc - P.G. County Sound  feat. Kaimbr / Hardship feat. Hassan Mackey & Uptown XO |
Young Money Yawn - Shout Out to Papi feat. Pusha T |
Fulgara - Splinter |
Freddie Gibbs - Scarface / Real / Harold's |
How to Dress Well - Repeat Pressure |
Passing Phases - Give Me Rhythm |
Paint Branch - Good Luck Chains |
The Shirks - Chinese Heels |
Host - A Dumb and Tired Breed / The Bridge / What We Already Know |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-8-14_Cricket_Cemetery.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

06.24.14 Elizabeth Mitchell and Daniel Littleton (Ida and the Hated) Guest Dj's with Punk Life Zine

Don't forget about the Smithsonian Folklife Festival June 25-July 6, National Mall, Washington DC featuring the cultures of Kenya and China.

Lukembi And Voice - Mbuti Pygmies Of The Ituri Rainforest |
Freight Train - Elizabeth Cotten|
Sinulug Mode On the Agung - Agung player of basalan gong ensemble |
Grassy Grass Grass - Woody Guthrie |
Sigit - Mergen Mongush |
Who's My Pretty Baby - Woody Guthrie |
Free Little Bird - Doc Watson & Clarence Ashley |
Wake Up Little Sparrow - Ella Jenkins |
Frankie - Mississippi John Hurt |
Titigo (Riau) - Various Artists |
Bring Me A Little Water, Silvy - Lead Belly |
Gambang/Gamelan Gong - Gamelan Gong (Ubud, Bali) |
Praise the Lord (1969) - Mary Lou Williams |
Mississippi Goddam - Nina Simone |
Saturday Night Blowout - John Buddy Williams Band |
Let Me Die In My Footsteps - Happy Traum and Bob Dylan |
I Drew My Ship - Shirley Collins |
Your Long Journey - Doc Watson |
Country Blues - Dock Boggs |
Moon Don't Go - Ella Jenkins |
A Squirrel Is a Pretty Thing - Peggy Seeger |
Fly Through My Window - Pete Seeger |
Blue Mountain - Michael Hurley |
Frog Went a Courting - John Jacob Niles |
Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer - Joseph Spence |
I Wish I Was A Mole In The Ground - Bascom Lamar Lunsford |
Batunan Ta Sa Lutang - Kubing |
Molimo Song Of Devotion To The Forest - Mbuti Pygmies Of The Ituri Rainforest |
Oh, Watch the Stars - The Seeger Sisters |
Manhã de Carnaval - Luiz Bonfá |
When I Get Home - Elizabeth Cotten |

Guest DJs: Farrah Hassen (journalist, Syria: Between Iraq and a Hard Place) and Jason Hamacher (Frodus, combatwoundedveteran, Battery, Regents, Lost Origin Productions) |

Omar Khorshid - Guitar El Chark |
Nawa - Fasel Al Jalal |
Ahmad Al Kosem - Love Is Not a Joke |
Entombed - Seeing Red |
Omar Souleyman - Wenu Wenu |
Black Moth Super Rainbow - Forever Heavy |
Bjork - Crystalline  Omar Souleyman remix |
Nawa - Fasel Kesmet Al Sawi |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-10-14_Syria.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Cultural Heritage Preservation on the National Mall - with Punk Life Zine

Ave Maria - Marian Anderson

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child - Marian Anderson

4th of July - The Beach Boys

Obama - Extra Golden

Tussin And Fightin - Extra Golden

Tereza sina ubaya - Nairobi Matata Jazz

Wild Grass - Carsick Cars

Wei Cheng (English Version) - Carsick Cars

The Medicine Buddha Sutra - Hanggai

Green Tara Mantra - Hanggai

This Land Is Your Land - Woody Guthrie

Banned In D.C. - Bad Brains

Forensic Scene (live) - Fugazi

Man At The Monument - Prisoners of Conscience

Kiss Me - Norman Mayer Group

Fucked Up Ronnie - D.O.A.

The Debt Collector - Iron Reagan

Broken Promises - Public Suicide

Already in Hell - RED DEATH

Congressman Trey Gowdy and NPS Director Jon Jarvis Testimony

I'm Done - Collusion

Pill - THOU

Congressman Issa and NPS Director Jon Jarvis Testimony

HIDUP - Oath

Another Mind Another Body - Body Swap

Don't Walk On The Grass - UB40

Direct download: Cultural_Heritage_on_the_National_Mall.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:33am EST







Category:general -- posted at: 1:20am EST

Guest DJ: Billups Allen (Shoutbus, Darkest Hour, Corn on Macabre, Cramhole zine) |

Barreracudas - Come On, Come On |
Big Mama Thonrton - The Fish |
Black Randy & The Metrosquad - Loner with a Boner |
The Chumps - 7-11 |
Cock Sparrer - Chip on My Shoulder |
The Crowd - Right Time |
Buck Biloxi - Shut the Fuck Up / Rats of Trantor |
Dave Dudley - Two Six Packs Away |
The Devil Dogs - Stay with Me |
G.G. Allin - Bored to Death |
The Germs - Circle One |
Gism - Death Agonies and Screams |
The Missing Links - Wild About You |
The Motards - Bombs Away |
Nervous Eaters - You Smell Like Fish |
The Overnight Lows - Eyesore |
The Plugz - Mindless Contentment |
The Pretty Things - Alexander |
Rainbow - Long Live Rock 'n' Roll |
The Rip Offs - Cops |
The Shirks - D.C. Is Doomed |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-13-14_Billups.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Clinton Doggett (More Humans) |

The Breeders - No Aloha |
Smart Went Crazy - Immutable Beauty |
Helium - Leon's Space Song |
The Caribbean - Moon Sickness |
Quasi - I Never Want to See You Again |
Bluebrain - Balcony |
Liars - Houseclouds |
Paint Branch - Take Your Time |
Melvins - Honey Bucket |
Faraquet - The Fourth Introduction |
The Evens - I Do Myself |
Dirty Projectors - Knotty Pine |
Elliott Smith - Bled White |
The Tender Thrill - It's Alright |
TV on the Radio - Family Tree |
Spiritualized - I Think I'm in Love |
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone? |
The Fiery Furnaces - The South Is Only a Home |
XTC - The Meeting Place |
Lou Reed - Andy's Chest |
John Lennon - Hold On |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-22-14_More_Humans.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Ryan McLaughlin (Pash, Time of Cholera, Joy Buttons, Poylon, Typefighter), Will Waikart (Typefighter), Thomas Orgren (Cataract Camp, Travis Morrison Hellfighters, Tereu Tereu, Torches, Typefighter), Scoops Hutch (Malcontents, Classified, Sidewinders, Cactus Patch, Army of Me, Hello Toyko, Pawns, River James, Deadmen, Typefighter) |

Skunks - Glass Pants |
Dismemberment Plan - The City |
Bella Russia - Marfa |
Medications - The Perfect Target |
Big Country - Close Action |
PUP - Dark Days |
Drunken Sufis - Super Human Harvest |
Teen Mom - I Wanna Go Out |
Shark Week - Go West |
pg.99 - Richmond Is a Hole |
Sunset Guns - View from the Half-Window |
Hard Tomorrows - Put Yourself Out |
Black Eyes - A Pack of Wolves |
Poor but Sexy - Dance Alone |
Tereu Tereu - Cut the Line |
Ugly Purple Sweater - Good Cop |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-8-14_Typefighter.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

In remembrance of Dave Brockie AKA Oderus Urungus: a mixtape featuring GWAR and others

Direct download: Dissonance_3-25-14_Gwar_tribute.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

03.14.14 Bad Daddies (East Bay, CA) with Punk Life Zine

Prince “Batdance”
Le Tigre “Deceptacon”
Gregory Jolly “What’em Doing Is My Business”
DJ Nature “Return Of The Savage”
Water Color “All Bundled Into One”
The Units “High Pressure Days”
Vivien Goldman “Launderette”
Bad Daddies “Regress”
Bad Daddies “Bad Year”
Craft Spells “Party Talk”
Monster Treasure “I Don’t Give A Shit”
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks “Gardenia”
Godspeed 209 “Glob of Spit (demo)”
Nar “I Like Times”
Charles Albright “I’m So Happy, I’m A Genius”
Synthetic ID “White Walls”
Quaaludes “Stiff Little Single”
Supercharger “Sooprize Package for Mr. Mineo”
Pop-O-Pies “Truckin’”
White Murder "Arteries Are Flexible"
Rad "I'm An Adult"
Schnell “Moral Sex”
Hysterics “Outside In”
Kleenex “Hedi’s Head”
Boyracer “North Yorkshire Coastline”
Neighborhood Brats “Break Down The Walls”
Cool Moms “wake up”
Elizabeth Mitchell and Family “Shoo lie low”

Direct download: 03.14.15_Bad_Daddies_on_Dissonance_Radio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18am EST

Guest DJs: Ian MacKaye and Alec MacKaye |

Billy Stewart - Summertime |
Bad Brains - How Low Can a Punk Get |
Tex Rubinowitz - Bad Boy |
Red C - Pressure's On |
Scream - Walking by Myself |
Antelope - Game Over |
Slant 6 - What Kind of Monster Are You? |
Soccer Team - Solid Ring Fighters |
Measles Mumps Rubella - Zusammen Mit Motown |
Edie Sedgwick - Sissy Spacek |
Razz - Marianne |
Lungfish - Picture Music |
Holy Rollers - Eleventy |
Black Eyes - Pack of Wolves |
The Shirks - Prostitution Summer |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-25-14_Ian_and_Alec.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:25pm EST

Guest DJ: Steve Lorber (Mystic Eyes / WGTB) |

Max Frost & the Troopers - Shape of Things to Come |
Roky Erickson - Right Track Now |
The Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much to Drink |
Hank Marvin - Wonderful Land |
The Shadow Vocals - Don't Make My Baby Blue |
Johnny Hallyday & the Rattles - It's Monkey Time |
Scott Walker - Next |
Fay Lovsky - Don't Feed the Animals |
Judith Durham - Wanderlove |
Linda Ronstadt - (She's a) Very Lovely Woman |
Razz - Cherry Vanilla |
Algebra Mothers - Strawberry Cheesecake |
The Outsiders - The Guy with the Long Liverpool Hair |
The Wild Giraffes - Love Me |
Country Joe McDonald - Quiet Days in Clichy |
Cliff Richards & the Shadows - The Young Ones |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-11-14_Mystic_Eyes.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Guest DJs: Brien Stewart (Avail, Lickity Split, 22 Turns for the Worse, the Key Figures, B.S.R.) and Chris Maschke (L.D.K., Psychotic Symptoms, B.S.R.) |

Adolescents - Skate Babylon |
R.K.L. - Pothead |
Agent Orange - Everything Turns Grey |
Slee Stax - Better Days |
Hostile Environment - Out of Place (Live at Than's house) |
L.D.K. - I Don't Have to Fight |
D.I. - Richard Hung Himself |
Circle Jerks - When the Shit Hits the Fan |
M.D.C. - Business on Parade |
Avail - Have They Won |
Knot Head - Not in Form |
J.F.A. - Johnny D |
The Faction - Skate and Destroy |
Dag Nasty - Circles |
Transilience - Fatal Secrets |
Spooky Ruben - 8pm Born on Labor Day |
Doubt - Word from the Wise |
L.D.K. - Kids Kids Kids |
22 Turns for the Worse - Know Surrender |
D.R.I. - Couch Slouch |
C.O.C. - Holier |
Righteous Fool - Forever Flames |
Brien and Jason - Evidence |
Repercussion - Who's on the Scene Today |
Branch Manager - Spirit Boy 2000 |
Avail - Shine |
Avail - Deep Wood |
B.S.R. - Worthwhile |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-28-14_Reston_hardcore.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm EST

Guest DJs: Gary Langworthy (Nuclear Age), Zack Wuerthner (Intent, Stand Clear), Nick Heitman (Nuclear Age, Angel Dust, Pocket Knife), Chad Tronacale (Intent, Zoom, Red Death) |

Playlist: All Demo Tapes 2013
Zoom |
Pure Disgust |
Nuclear Age |
Paranoid Minds |
Protester |
Intent |
Straight Laced |
Angel Dust |
Public Suicide |
Red Death |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-14-14_Demo_Tapes_2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Locals Only - harDCore Music: Presented By Punk Life

This is the last Punk Life Zine Podcast for the Year. I really want to thank Danger Mike for letting me take over the shows while he was out of the country. Please feel free to check out all the shows and download what you like. I was a little flakey with the last two shows but fear NOT. Danger Mike will be back in DC soon AND Punk Life Zine will have many new surprises for 2014. Thanks again Danger Mike, All the Bands who guest dj'd and took the time to speak with me, and Thanks everyone for downloading the shows during the past year. Don

Photo - Coke Bust 11/8/13 Oakland Metro, Six Weeks Records 20th Annivesary, Oakland, CA

Be sure and support all the bands and buy their music on Band Camp, from the labels, and from Record Stores.

Locals Only - HarDCore Music.
Straight Edge - Minor Threat
Red Line - Coke Bust
Thrive - MINDSET
(Joey's a) Lonely Loner - Aloners
Cheap Disguise - Protester
Power Of Youth - Nuclear Age
Boudica - SICK FIX
My Word Over Yours - Vile Faith
Dividing Lines - Sacred Love
Parasite - Thick Skin
Clown - Pure Disgust
Caught up - Misled Youth
Throw it Away - No Justice
success story - MARY CHRIST
Spirit of the Truth - The Fordists
Reanimus Cataract - Alarms & Controls
City Life - Hen of the Woods
Thanks For Cheating On Me - Minutes
Turn Your Face - Title Tracks
Psalm 151 - Bobby Sullivan
4 (radio edit) - Body Swap
Swell As Well - Regents

Direct download: Locals_Only_HarDCore_Dissonance_Radio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32am EST

DC Go Go REmixed  (38 Minute VIP After Party Mix)  by Punk Life Zine

This is the first part of this week's show. Danger Mike is still in El Salvador & I am hard at work getting ready for a special interview. Go Go music and harDCore makes DC a special place. The whole world needs to be tuned into Go Go music. If I am preaching to the choir, I don't think you will be upset by the playlist. Thx Don, Punk Life Zine

DC Go Go REmixed  (38 Minute VIP After Party Mix)

Bustin' Loose - Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers

Sardines - Junkyard Band

Party Time - Kurtis Blow

Da Butt - E.U.

Tilt - Arkade Funk

Mozart Place - Andrew Black

Direct download: REMIXED.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm EST

October 2013 Eben (Guitarist, Burgerkill, Bandung, Indonesia) with Punk Life Zine

Guest DJ Eben of Burgerkill
Minor Threat - Guilty Of Being White
Exodus - Downfall
All Pigs Must Die - Hungry Wolf, Easy Prey
Machine Head - Old
Converge - Dark Horse
Burgerkill - Shadow Of Sorrow
Megadeth - High Speed Dirt
At The Gates - Cold
Vision Of Disorder - Loveless
Jeruji - Lawan
Jasad - Cengkram Garuda
Katatonia - The Parting
Suicidal Tendencies - Shake It Out
Outright - Judgment
Testament - True American Hate
Burgerkill - Under The Scars
Local Music Showcase (East Bay, CA v. DMV Edition)
Bad Daddies - Roman Polanski; Renter's Lament
Smärtsam Utlösning - Jävla Punken I Uppsala och Rockville
Nuclear Age - Power Of Youth
Aloners - (Joey's a) Lonely Loner
INTENT - All or Nothing
Zoom - Untamed World
DMV Go Go Dance After Hours Dance Party
Chel'e P. - Do it Like A Dude
DJ Kool - I'm Done

Direct download: Oct_2013_Burgerkill_Bandung_ID_wPunk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm EST

10-08-13 Nick Tape - (Coke Bust,  Sectarian Violence, ex Grip Tape, ex Rations et al) w. Punk Life Zine

Clutch – DC Sound Attack
Coke Bust - Confined LP
Violent Minds – Riot

Pure Distrust - America
Satan Satyrs – Sadist 69
Misled Youth - Hopeless
Protester – What Comes Next
Cripus Atticus – The Art of Libertaria
Striking Distance – Find a Way
A Team – Hyde Walks Beside Me
Neocons – No Allegiances
Thin Lizzy - Oppium
Infest - Kill The Peace
Minor Threat - Filler
DRI - War Crimes
7 Seconds - We're Gonna Fight
Sectarian Violence - Desocialized
Rations – Bodies of Persuasion
Sick Fix – Junkie Fever
Time to Escape – Mr. Popular
Ramones - KKK Took my Baby Away
Heresy - Genocide
Ripcord - Furder
Youth of Today – Can’t Close My Eyes
Citizens Arrest - Serve and Protect

Cupid Car Club – Two Stroke Motobecan

Kravyad – Genesis

Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers – Go Go Swing

Direct download: 05-08-13_Nick_Tape_Coke_Bust_w._Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30am EST

I am away on another research trip, in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador, and will return to broadcasting in December. In the meantime, Don Irwin of Punk Life zine will be taking over the podcast once again. Check out all new shows by Don in October and November, posted 2nd and 4th Wednesdays as usual.


Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Scott McCloud (Soul Side, Girls Against Boys, New Wet Kojak, Paramount Style) |

Girls Against Boys - 60 Is Greater Than 15 |
The Cure - Play for Today |
Skinny Puppy - Smothered Hope |
The Jesus Lizard - Glamorous |
Pailhead - I Will Refuse |
Fugazi - Cassavetes |
Morphine - Thursday |
The Fall - U.S. 80's 90's |
Killing Joke - Requiem |
Sonic Youth - Bull in the Heather |
Beastie Boys - Sabotage |
Maserati - The Eliminator |
dEUS - Quatre Mans |
Queens of the Stone Age - Feel Good Hit of the Summer |
Antony & the Johnsons - For Today I Am a Boy |
NWA - Straight Outta Compton |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-24-13_GVSB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

Guest DJ: Alex Hernández Gutiérrez (Aparato; Fellow, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage) |

The Brat - High School |
Mono Blanco - La Bamba |
Jose Gutiérrez y los Hermanos Ochoa - La Bamba |
Ritchie Valens - La Bamba |
The Plugz - La Bamba |
The Zeros - Handgrenade Heart |
The Bags - Babylonian Gorgon |
The Brat - Attitudes |
Los Illegals - El Lay |
Union 13 - Who Are You |
Union 13 - Raices Radicales |
Terrorizer - Fear of Napalm |
Resistant Culture - Corruption |
Los Crudos - Crudo Soy |
Ricanstruction - Pedro's Grave |
Ricanstruction - Dream in Porto Rican |
Revolución X - I'm Making My Future With The Border Patrol |
Piñata Protest - Vato Perrón |
Mystery Hangup - Vista de un Ladron |
Aparato - Kriminal |
Aparato - Estrellitas |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-10-13_Chicano_Punk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm EST

08.27.13 Seringai, Jakarta, Indonesia, Guest DJ with Punk Life Zine



Nervous Breakdown (Black Flag Cover) – Void |

Seringai Interview

 Lencana (The Badge) – Seringai |

Jealous Again – Seringai |

Backstabber – Step Forward |

Good Shit 4 Good Friends – Rajasinga |

Saki Jiwa – Burgerkill |

Atur Aku (Puppen cover) – Burgerkill |

It's Over – Membara |

Myastenia Gravis - A.L.I.C.E. |

Set My Soul on Fire - Gugun Blues Shelter |

Dilarang di Bandung – Seringai |

Reconile - Love Me Butch |

Leper Messiah – Metallica |

Mjod – Kvelertek |

Inhuman Nature (Final Conflict cover) - Sepultura |

Warlords – Exodus |

Mistress of Pain - Death Angel |

Carved in Stone – Prong |

Eighties - Killing Joke |

Stone Dead Forever – Motorhead |

Digebukin - Benjamin S. |

Six Weeks Records 20th Anniversary Show, Oakland Opera House, California Preview, Nov 2013, & DC sounds

Karma Sucks in Your Face- Magrudergrind |

Lame Excuse - Vile Filth |

Confined - Coke Bust |

Dusted Ratina - Flagitious Idiosyncracy in the Dilapidation |

Postal Service After Show VIP Dance Party (Go Go inspired)

Birds - Death Grips |

Freedom – Masia One & Silzzla Kalonji

Almost Famous - Big Freedia |

Feux – C.U.T.S. |

Dance Floor Mafia (Random Remix) - Bikinies |



Direct download: 08.27.13_Seringai_with_Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:13am EST

08.13.13 Rebekah Moore, Balinese Scholar, and Punk Life Zine

Dissonance Radio (Rebekah Moore Interview) UPDATED 08/17/13 COMPLETE SHOW



Theme: 15 Years of Indonesian Rock (The Rough, Rare, and Raucous)

Puppen, “Atur Aku” (Manage Me), Puppen MKII, 1997 |

Koil (Coil), “Mendekati Surga” (Approaching Heaven), Megaloblast, 2001 |

The Dissland “Bom” (Bomb), Viva La Rock ‘N’ Roll, 2002 |

Marjinal (Marginal), “Aku Mau Sekolah Gratis” (I Want Free Education), Predator,

2005 |

Seringai (Grin), featuring Juanita Dewiana, “Mengadili Persepsi (Bermain Tuhan)”

(Prosecute Perception, Playing God), Serigala Militia (Wolf Militia), 2007 |

Superman Is Dead, “Luka Indonesia” (Indonesia’s Wound), Angels and the Outsiders,

2009 |

Geekssmile, “Napalm Drive,” Upeti Untuk Macan Indonesia (Tribute to the

Indonesian Tiger), 2010 |

Che Cupumanik, “Grunge Harga Mati” (Grunge, The Price of Death), Single, 2010 |

Trojan, “Tanah Bertumbuh Darah” (Land to Produce Blood), Metamorphosis as the

Phenomenon, 2010 |

Parau (Raucous), featuring Japz Siksakubur, “Konsumsi Puing Berhala”

(Consumption Debris Idols), Somatoform, 2010 |

Suicidal Sinatra, “Suicide Mission,” Compilation Album Far East Slappers, 2010 |

Arma Racun, “Amerika” (America), La Peste, 2010 |

Burgerkill, “Under the Scars,” Venomous, 2011 |

Nymphea “Hantu Gila” (Crazy Ghost), Compilation Album Hard Rock Rising, 2012 |

Besok Bubar (Tomorrow, Break Up), “Awas!” (Watch Out), Single, 2012 |

Navicula, “Orangutan,” Single, 2012 |

Morfem (Morpheme), “180 Derajat” (180 Degrees), Hey, Makan Tuh Gitar! (Hey, Eat

That Guitar!), 2013 |

The S.I.G.I.T. (The Super Insurgent Group of Intemperance Talent), “Son Of Sam,”

Detourn, 2013 |

Morfem (Morpheme), “Kami Bosan Jadi Negara Dunia Ketiga” (We’re Tired of

Being a Third World Nation), Compilation Album, Frekuensi Perangkap Tikus (The

Frequency of the Rattrap), 2013 |

Navicula, “Mafia Hukum” (Law Mafia), Compilation Album, Frekuensi Perangkap

Tikus (The Frequency of the Rattrap), 2013 |

Julia "JuPe" Perez, PALING SUKA 69  | 

EU, Da Butt, 1989 |

Direct download: 08.13.13_Rebekah_Moore_Dissonance_Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21pm EST

07.23.13 Guest DJ's Bikinies (Jakarta, Indonesia) with Punk Life Zine

Bikini Kill – Carnival

L7 – Fuel My Fire

Bikinies - Dance Floor Mafia; Come On

Elastica – Connection

Flatts – Foxtrot

The Donnas – Take me to the Backseat

Bikinies – My Ex Boyfriend

The Experience Brothers - She’s Alright

C.U.T.S. – Beringas

Morelia – Jatuh Cinta

Try to Shine – I Can’t

The Sneakers – When the Sun Goes Down

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Date the Night

The Tuts – Dump your Boyfriend

Madonna – Papa Don’t Preach

Hole – Celebrity Skin

Metallica – Fuel

The Warmers – Dead Reckoning

Marnie Stern – Proof of Life

Sleater Kinney – Dance Song 1997

Survival Knife – Traces of Me

Slant Six – Ladybug Superfly

Hysterics – Deformative Years

Misled Youth – Hopeless

Vile Faith – Social Leech

M.I.A. – Bring the Noize

Psy – Gangnam Style (diplo remix instrumental)

Direct download: 07.23.13_Bikinies_Dissonance_Radio_Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:43am EST

07-09-13 Guest Dj's Superman is Dead (Bali, Indonesia) with Punk Life Zine

Kuta Rock City – Superman is Dead

Jadilah Legenda or Be The Legend (for Indonesia) – Superman is Dead

Bridge Over Troubled Water – Johnny Cash

Straight Edge – No Fx

Filler – Slayer

Jealous Again – Seringai

Kuat Kita Bersinar – Superman is Dead

Wanita – Shaggy Dog

Reggae Hit Island – Poppies Soldiers

Childhood – Devildice

Surf Surf Surf (pipeline) – The Sneakers

Hell has No Fury – Civet

Metropolutan – Navicula

Los Sinatra – Suicidal Sinatra

Dance Floor Mafia – Bikinies

Exoskeleton (live) – Rodan

Oh Come On – The Julie Ruin

Corpse Pose (live) – Unwound

Clappers – Wale

Ahh DC (GO-GO Remix) – Redskins Marching Band

Direct download: 07-09-13_Superman_is_Dead_w._Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:15am EST

Guest DJ Jason McKenzie, Citizen Useless, Jakarta, Indonesia with Punk Life Zine

Good Times Wasted - Citizen Useless

Yang Penting Ku Suka - Predator Marjinal

Jobless - Rhetoric States

Flower Of Romance - Antiseptic

bandrekos is the bestos - Fukk Bar Culture

Fuckin Asshole - Reject

Boot Boys - Anti Squad

Racism is not Punk - Citizen Useless

Sick of You - Citizen Useless

Army Of The Black Rose - Devildice

I try to be a good boy but I'm fucked - The Frankenstone

Cheep and Drunk - Bob Viagra and the Terrorists

Drunk Song - Rosemary

Wachooluvyugottakil-   Sex Without Souls

Big Dumb Rock Song - High Heels Lo Fi

Gaza Zone - West Combat

Cepat Bangun - The Civil Disorder


Mariage - Stupidity

Mental Disturbance - Total Anarchy

Clash Vanguard - Street Voices

Our Own Nation Capitalizm  - Dirty Edge

Fasisme pasti runtuh - Straight Answer

United Fist - PUPPEN

BAD - Wale

70's Hero - Bobby Sullivan

Direct download: Citizen_Useless_June_2013.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:17am EST

Guest DJ's Hera Sin from Oath, with Punk Life Zine

Guest DJs: Hera Sin (Oath, from Bandung, Java, Indonesia, ex-Kroia: http://sludgeoath.blogspot.com |

Dark castle - into the past |
To What End - Reflection of isolation |
Back to 1984 - Punkrock shelter |
Meth Drinker - Incurable illness |
Black Sabbath - Children Of The Grave |
Dystopia - Sleep |
Oath - Benci |
Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt |
Hark It's Crawling Tar-Tar - Samsul Bachri Menggugat |
Ambulette - Fall |
Grave At Sea - Red Monarch |
Death breath - death breath |
Oath - cerita dusta |
Wicked suffer - grave digger |
Dystopia - socialized death sentence |
Repugnant - rapturous genocide |
Corrupted - hay que joderse |
Kroia - Nature of |
Tragedy-No words |
Burgerkill- M.T.P.M.|
Rajasinga - Angkasa Murka |
Windhand - Amaranth |
Andrew Black - Mozart Place |

Direct download: OATH_PLZINE_DISSONANCE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:45pm EST

I will be in Mexico this summer doing dissertation research, returning to DC and Radio CPR in September. While I am away, Don Irwin of Punk Life zine will be taking over podcast duties, producing brand-new episodes, beginning Tuesday, June 11 with Oath from Indonesia. Listeners in DC can hear DJ Alpha Betts, who will be taking over my usual time slots, alternating Tuesdays 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm on 97.5 FM.  --Danger Mike

Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Guest DJs: Brendan Canty (Deadline, Insurrection, Rites of Spring, Happy Go Licky, One Last Wish, Fugazi, Girls vs. Boys, Garland of Hours, Kid Congo Powers, Deathfix) and Mark Cisneros (Medications, Shortstack, Chain and the Gang, Kid Congo Powers, Deathfix) |

Cilla Black - Alfie |
Scott Walker - Montague Terrace (in Blue) |
The Who - Our Love Was |
The Coathangers - Call to Nothing |
Roxy Music - Manifesto |
Lou Reed - Berlin |
Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining |
MC5 - Borderline |
Grass Widow - Milo Minute |
The Adverts - My Place |
The Zeros - Beat Your Heart Out |
Atoms for Peace - Ingenue |
Suns of Guns - Face of God |
Dr. Dog - The Ark |
Kid Congo & the Pink Monkey Birds - Bo Bo Boogaloo |
Benji Ferree - G.u.S. |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-28-13_Deathfix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

Guest DJs: Brendan (Empurios, Time of the Wolf, Ilsa), Joshy (Exosus, Midnight Eye, Ochlocracy, No Sense at All, Forty Days Longing, Apostate, Time of the Wolf, Ilsa), Sharad (Midnight Eye, Ilsa) |

Plamatics - Lunacy |
Cianide - The Wrath of Daimajin |
California X - Pond Rot |
Theme from House by the Cemetary |
Melvins - Going Blind |
Milk Music - Fertile Ground |
Ruinebell - Charcoal Emptiness |
Theme from Poltergeist |
Motorhead - Iron Horse / Born to Lose |
Royal Headache - Never Again |
Coffins - Warhead |
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Night Shift |
Kavinsky - 1986 |
Bud the CHUD Theme from C.H.U.D. 2 |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-14-13_Ilsa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

4-23-12 Trouble Funk

Guest DJ: Big Tony Fisher (Trouble Funk) |

Stevie Wonder - Living for the City |
Ohio Players - Fire |
Gap Band - Humpin' |
Bar-Kays - Holy Ghost |
Big Tony and the T.F. Crew - Bust the Beat |
Cameo - Keep It Hot |
Trouble Funk - One More Chance (Live from Moonlight Inn 1982) |
Parliament - Aqua Boogie |
Parliament - Flash Light |
Larry Graham - It Ain't No Fun to Me |
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody |
Trouble Funk - Let's Get Small |
Trouble Funk - Pump Me Up |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-23-12_Trouble_Funk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28am EST

Guest DJs: Alex Reimer (A Common Hope, Walk the Plank), Troy Cullison (Durga Temple, Empire by Design, The Bible, Ambition Burning, Walk the Plank), Chris Faust (Walk the Plank), Ian Crocker (Walk the Plank) |

Catharsis - Passion / Obsession |
Majority Rule - At 3 AM |
1905 - For Sale |
Murder City Devils - Bear Away |
Walk the Plank - Settling |
Dropkick Murphys - Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight |
Explosion - No Revolution |
Supreme Commander - Your Best Days |
Darkest Hour - Love as a Weapon |
Converge - Last Light |
Touche Amore - Pathfinder |
Trash Talk - Reasons |
Rival Mob - Minefield |
Slapshot - Back on the Map |
Black Flag - American Waste |
Rodent Lord - Monsanto's Daughter |
Negative Approach - Dead Stop |
Dig It Up - Move My Way |
Goodtime Boys - Callous |
Walk the Plank - 93 South |
Ensign - Blueprint |
Demands - Turn It Off |
Scandals - Trench Knife |
Stabbed in the Back - Under the Black Flag |
Let It Go - Age |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-9-13_Walk_the_Plank.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am EST

Guest DJ: Roger Gastman (curator, "Pump Me Up: D.C. Subculture of the 1980s"; producer, Exit Through the Gift Shop, Wall Writers, The Legend of Cool Disco Dan; publisher, While You Were Sleeping, Swindle; author, The History of American Graffiti, Free Agents) |

Naked Raygun - Soldier's Requiem |
Duran Duran - A View to a Kill |
Explosion - Hero |
Alleycats - One More Chance |
Kid Dynamite - S.O.S. |
Ashes - Burn So Deep |
Generation X - Ready Steady Go |
Cock Sparrer - Where Are They Now |
Lush - Ladykillers |
Fear - I Love Livin' in the City |
Jets to Brazil - You're Having the Time of My Life |
Avail - Observations |
Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl |
The Sounds - Ego |
The Killers - When You Were Young |
The Cardigans - My Favourite Game |
Gwar - Vlad the Impaler |
Mötley Crüe - On with the Show |
The Paybacks - Celebrate Summer |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-26-13_Roger_Gastman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

Guest DJs: Simone Shuffett (Laughing Man, Incwell, Violet Says 5) and John Di Lascio (Paperhaus, Johnny Fantastic) |

Tune-yards - Es-so |
Scott Walker - See You Don't Bump His Head / Jackie |
Brian Eno - The Big Ship |
Vladimir Vysotsky - Fastidious Steeds |
White Noise - Here Come the Fleas |
Laughing Man - Already Always |
King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man |
Here We Go Magic - Make Up Your Mind |
Jacques Brel - Marieke |
REM - Pop Song |
Kino - Your Number |
Pink Floyd - See-Saw |
Raymond Scott - Light Works / Limbo: The Organized Mind |
Raveonettes - Dead Sound |
Woody Guthrie - Jesus Christ |
King Sunny Ade - Synchro System |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-12-13_Laughing_Man.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

Guest DJ: Jerry Busher (Fidelity Jones, Elevator, All Scars, Fugazi, French Toast, Funk Ark) |

Happy Go Licky - Cutthroat Answer |
999 - Feelin' Alright with the Crew |
Butthole Surfers - Hey (Live) |
Meters - Chicken Strut |
Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare |
John Fahey - Dance of the Inhabitants of the Invisible City of Bladensburg |
Meta-matics - KKKlown |
Fugazi - Closed Captioned (Live at the Paradiso, Amsterdam 9-16-99) |
Hnatiw - Moving In and Out |
Jerry Busher - How It Goes |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-12-14_Jerry_Busher.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm EST

Guest DJs: Misun Wojcik, William DeVon, and Andrew Wallace / DJ Nacey (Misun) |

Misun - Harlot |
El Perro del Mar - Pale Fire |
Grimes - Genesis |
Misun - Travel |
Misun - Battlefields |
Misun - Sharpshooter |
Tennis - Petition (Vacationer remix) |
Misun - The Sea |
Brett - Confidence (Nacey remix) |
Misun - My Time |
Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone |
Geographer - Original Sin |
Disclosure - White Noise (feat. AlunaGeorge) |
Misun - Coffee |
Rubblebucket - Triangular Daisies |
Misun - Sleep |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-22-13_Misun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27pm EST

Guest DJs: Ahron Reinhard (Lion of Judah, True Head), Izzy Soriano (The First Step, True Head) and Ryan Sauve (Brief Lives, True Head) |

Meat Puppets - Attacked by Monsters |
Bad Brains - Popcorn |
The Cult - Hollow Man (live) |
Comsat Angels - On the Beach |
True Head - Dream Child |
Rikk Agnew's Yardsale - Stress (I Go) |
The Sound - Heartland |
Life Sentence - Win, Lose or Sue |
Fastway - After Midnight |
Ministry - Effigy |
Girls vs. Boys - She's Lost Control |
Zoom - Zoom |
Give - Snakey Rider |
Intent - Blinded |
Bluetip - Spooky |
Shudder to Think - X French T-Shirt |
Manifesto - Gravity |
Cheap Trick - The House Is Rockin' (with Domestic Problems) |
Dreams so Real - Golden |
Kate Bush - Cloudbusting |
True Head - True Head |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-8-13_True_Head.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm EST

12-25-12 Punk Life Zine presents: Navicula from Bali, Indonesia

Guest DJs: Navicula |

Dancers of Bali - Tumulilingan (The Bumblebee) |
Bali - Music for the Shadow Play – Sekati |
Nymphea - |
The Sneakers - The KKK Took My Baby Away |
Navicula – Orangutan |
Navicula - Metropolutan |
Navicula - Refuse to Forget (live at KDVS, CA) |
Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic & Pat Smear - Cut Me Some Slack |
Suaka - Capitalist Blues |
Body Swap - Dirty Money (Abridged) |
Bad Daddies - S-T-O-P Go |
The Regents - Swell As Well |
Human Rights - Out of Bounds |
Bad Brains - Fun |
M.I.A. - Bad Girls |
The Beatnigs (Michael Frenti) - Burritos |
D.O.C. (Cokebust/Magrudergrind) - Side Map |
INTENT - Set It Straight |
Rites of Spring - End on End |
The Evens - Competing With The Till |

Direct download: Navicula_PunkLifeZine_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52pm EST

Guest DJs: Marcus Kyd (Most Secret Method, Fine Day, The Bow Shock, Taffety Punk Theatre Company) and Ryan Nelson (Most Secret Method, Jury Rig, the Routineeres, Dead Teenagers, Oswego, Beauty Pill, Soccer Team, Minutes) |

Killing Joke - Eighties |
Van Halen - Unchained |
Misfits - Nike-a-Go-Go |
3 - Empathy |
The Taffety Punk Orchestra - Sonnet 71 |
fIREHOSE - For the Singer of R.E.M. |
Banana Bag & Bodice - Body |
Karp - Bacon Industry |
Beauty Pill - Copyists |
Minutes - Sheriff of Morlock County |
Soccer Team - Mental Anguish Is Your Friend |
Betunizer - Teniente Corrupto |
Mark Lanegan - Hit the City |
Elvis Costello - Beyond Belief |
Most Secret Method - Inch |
Most Secret Method - Words and Cop Calls |
Juno - Rodeo Programmers |
Six Eye Columbia - Horsepill |
The Saints - No, Your Product |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-11-12_Most_Secret_Method.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Guest DJ: Ev Wivell (Mindset, React! Records, Free State zine) |

Mindset - Enough |
Beyond - Vitality |
Boston Strangler - Primitive |
Brotherhood - The Deal |
Give - Voodoo Leather |
Blitz - Someone's Gonna Die Tonight |
Cock Sparrer - Watch Your Back |
Coke Bust - Prove You Right |
Creem - Think Twice |
A Global Threat - Cut Ups |
Hostage Calm - Patriot |
Inside Out - No Spiritual Surrender |
Peace - Be Here Now |
Hit the Deck - Just Enough |
Anne - Punk Bike |
Judge - Take Me Away |
Justice - Lived and Learned |
Mindset - War |
Sacred Love - Indifference / In Defense of Humans |
Keep It Clear - Alone |
Lights Out - Trapped |
Mass Hysteri - Paranoid |
Last Rights - Chunks |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-27-12_Mindset.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

Guest DJ: Sean Peoples (Sockets Records, Hand Fed Babies, Fatback) |

Lemma Demissew - Astawesalehu |
Growing - Onement |
Rhythm & Sound - Carrier |
Durutti Column - Sketch for Summer |
Sun Ra - Outer Spaceways Inc. |
Can - Geheim (Half Past One) |
Cigarette - 100 Tears |
Beat Happening - Our Secret |
Urinals - Surfin' with the Shah |
John Maus - Do Your Best |
Antelope - Mirroring |
Beach Boys - unknown harmony (1968) |
Protect-U - World Music |
Jürgen Müller - Sea Bed Meditation |
Christopher Rau - Swearing (vinyl version) |
Lifetones - Decide |
The Alessi Brothers - Seabird |
Keith Hudson - Flesh of My Skin |
The Queens - Lepae Laka |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-13-12_Sockets_Records.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Guest DJ: Will Eastman (U Street Music Hall, Volta Bureau, Bliss, Secret History) |

Volta Bureau - Hot |
Lindstrom - Ed-ged-osis (Todd Terse edit) |
The Gossip - Move in the Right Direction (Classixx remix) |
Paul Johnson - Feel My M.F. Bass (120 bpm edit) |
Noir - Satisfied |
Free Magic & JKriv - Headbands |
Bicep - Silk |
Jonas Rathsman - Tobago (Volta Bureau remix) |
Elekfantz - Wish |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-23-12_Will_Eastman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

10-9-12 Punk Life Zine presents: Bam!Bam!

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |
Guest DJs: Chloe Turan and Zola Goodrich (Bam!Bam!) |


Teen Idles - I Drink Milk |
Beat Happening - Hot Chocolate Boy |
The Tuts - I Call You Up |
Sweater Girls - I'm a Little Dinosaur |
Orca Team - Resolutions |
Bam!Bam! - Medicine |
Just Handshakes - Say It |
Joanna Gruesome - Lemonade Grrl |
Joanna Gruesome - pntry grrlll |
Bastards of Fate - Police 9000 |
Bam!Bam! - I Get Lonesome |
CCBB - You Should Be Begging |
Kitchen's Floor - Loneliness Is a Dirty Mattress |
The Ethical Debating Society - Kill You Last |
Muuy Biien - She Bursts (Like a Landscape) |
Bam!Bam! - Out the Window |
Bam!Bam! - Hi Fi Widows |
Eureka California - Perfect Grammar |
Werewandas - United Nations |
Woollen Kits - Cheryl |
Grrrl Friend - Roadside Picnic (West Side Mix) |
Bam!Bam! - Why I Had To Go |
Body Swap - 4 |
Mindset - Thrive |
Sick Fix - Phoenix |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-9-12_Bam_Bam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29am EST

Guest DJs: Travis Johnson (Assholeparade, Fried Christ, Ansojuan, Buttons and Killscreen), Bill Nesper (Discount, Unitas, Routineers), Jason Hamacher (Frodus, combatwoundedveteran, Battery, Regents) |

The Believers - Come Together |
Senders - Near Freeport / Cuffed |
Scrotum Grinder - The Fight Song |
Gas o lene - Moments |
Assholeparade - As Nails Rust |
Failure Face - Suck Ass |
Slang - unknown |
Go - King of Nothing |
Bloodlet - Annulment |
Shai Hulud - If Born from This Soil |
Morning Again - Stones |
Gus - Get Well Soon |
Cavity - Wounded |
Powerhouse - Shut It Up |
Army of Ponch - Why Don't We Meet Tonight |
Behead the Romantic - Once Upon a Spider |
Discount - Portrait of a Cigarette |
Hot Water Music - Alachua |
Dead Friends - I Wish You Were in BKLN Too |
Assück - Blood and Cloth |
Assück - The Thousand Mile Stare |
Floor - Loanin' |
Palatka - Good Intentions |
End of the Century Party - Preserving Shit |
Worlds - Tomographic Incandescence |
Belching Penguins - Brain Damage |
Hot Water Music - Trusty Chords |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-25-12_Florida_HC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Tom Berard (Peer Pressure, Cereal Killer, Donut Safari, Queen Trigger, Tone) |

Gordon Withers - Savory |
Ramones - Do you Remember Rock n Roll Radio? |
Half Japanese - Double Trouble |
Fetish 69 - Hyperventilation |
Sun Wolf - Nothing Left to Do |
Bob Dylan - Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat |
Scream - Elevate |
Laughing Hyenas - Everything I Want |
Obits - You Gotta Lose |
The Roots Radics - Flash Gordon Meets Luke Skywalker |
Dub Narcotic Sound System - Echo Control |
Pere Ubu - Nonalignment Pact |
Garland of Hours - Saskatchewan |
Tone - Towers |
Peer Pressure - I Feel Alright |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-11-12_Tom_Berard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

Guest DJ: Terry Banks (Dot Dash, Julie Ocean, The Saturday People, Tree Fort Angst, St. Christopher, Glo-Worm) |

Dot Dash - Writing on the Wall |
Wire - Outdoor Miner |
The Byrds - The Airport Song |
The Jam - Life from a Window |
Joy Division - Disorder |
Dot Dash - Countdown |
The Saturday People - Slipping Thru Your Fingertips |
Tree Fort Angst - Hope |
Glo-Worm - Travelogue |
Tommy Keene - Astronomy |
11th Hour - Faster Than This |
Slickee Boys - Going All the Way |
Bob Marlow's Weekender Music - Ramona |
REM - Sitting Still |
The dB's - Big Brown Eyes |
The Velvet Underground - Over You |
Orange Juice - Intuition Told Me (Part 2) |
Aztec Camera - Just Like Gold |
Everything But the Girl - Another Bridge |
Guided by Voices - Sleepers |
Alter Legion - Imperfection |
Hüsker Dü - Eiffel Tower High |
Dot Dash - Live to Tell |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-28-12_Dot_Dash.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Andrea Collins and Mark Yoffe (editors, Rock and Nationalism: A Multinational Perspective) |

Leningrad - Hello Jimmy |
Pussy Riot - Raze the Pavement |
Pussy Riot - Kropotkin-Vodka |
Pussy Riot - Death to Prison, Freedom to Protest |
Pussy Riot - Putin Zassal |
Pussy Riot - Holy Shit |
Kino - Blood Type |
Ob'ekt Nasmeshet - The Epoch for Us |
Khvost and Auktsion - We Are Better Than Anybody Else |
Korabl - Wild Man |
Garik Sukachev - It Is the Month of May Behind the Window |
Zvuky Mu - Tourist |
Zvuky Mu - Lifejacket |
Zvuky Mu - Dinner for Every Day |
Zvuky Mu - Blues B |
Auktsion - Dwarf Nose |
Mongol Shuudan - Mother Anarchy |
Va-bank - Black Flag |
Civil Defense - Everything Is Fucked |
Civil Defense - Armageddon Pop |
Civil Defense - Horror and Moral Terror |
Leningrad - WWW |
Leningrad - Come on Everybody |
Leningrad - Without You |
Pussy Riot - Kill the Sexist |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-14-12_Free_Pussy_Riot.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm EST

Guest DJs: Andrew Beaujon (Teenbeat Records, Eggs, Scaley Andrew, Jungle George & the Plague, Talk It), John Rickman (Eggs, Soft Pleasing Light, EBSK, Talk It), Emily Rickman (Fern Knight, Talk It) |

Talk It - The Portal |
Unrest - Teenbeat Theme 1991 |
Stick Insect - Stick Insect Theme |
Eggs - Theme from Bob |
Unrest - Capitalist Joyride |
Flin Flon - Medicine Hat |
hollAnd - American Eyes |
Tuscadero - Angel in a Half-Shirt |
Talk It - Cluck Cluck |
Sexual Milkshake - California |
True Love Always - Let the Rain Blow In |
Bastro - Sketch for Sleepy |
Can - One More Night |
ESG - Talk It |
EBSK - Fingers |
Talk It - Metro Gnome |
Butch Willis - The 23rd Rocker |
Beaujon & Robinson - Teenbeat Theme 1985 |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-24-12_Talk_It.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

Punk Life Zine presents: Sam McPheeters / Born Against

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |
Interview: Sam McPheeters (Born Against, Men's Recovery Project, Wrangler Brutes, author, The Loom of Ruin)


Man Is the Bastard - Doll |
Crossed Out - Fraud |
Born Against - Movin' On Up |
Born Against - Janelle |
Bratmobile - The Real Janelle |
Men's Recovery Project - Men's Recovery Project |
Men's Recovery Project - Bleeding Gash |
Wrangler Brutes - Zulu |
The Monorchid - Distortion |
Skull Kontrol - Rock Critic |
Universal Order of Armageddon - Clear Set |
Hose Got Cable - Gumwrapper Roses |
Screeching Weasel - I Love to Hate |
Thrones - Oracle |
Windhand - Heap Wolves |
(Young) Pioneers - Seven Days in May |
(Young) Pioneers - Murder Has No Tongue |
Life's Blood - Never Make a Change |
Rorschach - In Ruins |
Merel - Rusty Fishdeadpipes |
Sleeping Body - Bleeding Heart Shit |
Hen of the Woods - Beer and Ammo |
Heavens to Betsy - Ain't Never Going Back |
Tattle Tale - Fly Away |
Slant 6 - Click-Click |
AutoDestruction - Pray for Indonesia |
Maximum Thrash - Grinder at Morning |
Busuk - Blow Your Mind (intro) |
The Sneakers - Runaway |
Magrudergrind - Conditioned Minds |
Death Grips - Takyon (Death Yon) |

Direct download: Sam_McPheeters_Born_Against_Presented_by_Punk_Life_Zine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:08am EST

Guest DJ: Jason Yawn (Turbine, Trial by Fire, Beasts of No Nation) |

Minor Threat - Betray |
Nerve Agents - Fall of the All American |
Obits - Put It in Writing |
Off! - Upside Down |
Frodus - Red Bull of Juarez |
Gang of Four - To Hell with Poverty |
Gorilla Biscuits - New Direction |
Hot Water Music - God Deciding |
Beasts of No Nation - Impunity |
LTW - Lake Drug / Joy of Lying and Cheating |
Medications - Twine Time |
MC5 - Call Me Animal |
Pegboy - Not What I Want |
The Replacements - We're Comin' Out |
Rocket from the Crypt - Light Me |
Screaming Females - Foul Mouth |
Shellac - My Black Ass |
Tragedy - Darker Days Ahead / The Feeding Hour |
Torche - Sandstorm |
Baroness - Jake Leg |
Kid Dynamite - Heart A Tact |
Bad Brains - Big Takeover |
Angelic Upstarts - Never Give Up |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-26-12_Beasts_of_No_Nation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

Guest DJ: Marc Masters (Plums, Pitchfork Media, author, No Wave) |

James Chance and the Contortions - I Can't Stand Myself |
Mars - Puerto Rican Ghost |
Teenage Jesus and the Jerks - My Eyes |
DNA - New Fast |
Red Transistor - Not Bite |
Ut - Sham Shack |
Ursula Bogner - Trabant |
Matrix Metals - Flamingo Breeze 1 |
Black Bananas - Do It |
Psychedelic Horseshit - Laced |
The Psychic Paramount - N5 |
Plums - Clamourous |
Sightings - A Rest |
Eat Skull - Heaven's Stranger |
Feedtime - Rock and Roll |
Fang Wizard - Shorts Illustrated |
B.A.L.L. - Bird |
Ducktails - Art Vandelay |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-12-12_No_Wave.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Punk Life Zine presents: A Tribute to Chuck Brown

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |

Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - We the People |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Ashley's Roachclip |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Bustin' Loose |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Blow Your Whistle |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Freak-a-Deek (live) |
Thievery Corp and Chuck Brown - The Numbers Game |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Wind Us Up Funk and Benny |
Marky - On'n'on |
Frank Nitti - DC Clap |
E.U. - E.U. Freeze |
Grandmaster Melle Mel - Grandmastera |
Kurtis Blow - Party Time |
2 Live Crew and Trouble Funk - The Bomb Has Dropped |
Coke Bust - Pain and Suffering |
Slat 6 - What Kind of Monster Are You? |
Death Grips - Lost Boys |
Teeth - U R 1 2 |
Beastie Boys - Bodhisattva Vow |
Tibetan Monks - Closing Prayers |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-22-12_Chuck_Brown_Tribute.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Amy Oden (From the Back of the Room, Hot Mess, Starve) |

Bikini Kill - White Boy |
Condenada - This Fight Is Ours |
Bruise Violet - Kateri |
Tribe 8 - Sunbears |
Le Tigre - Deceptacon |
Red Thread - Cops |
Bikini Kill - Outta Me |
The Gift - Corpse Reviver |
Bruise Violet - You Look Pretty |
Condenada - Amor Es Amor |
Le Tigre - Les and Ray |
Condenada - Puertas Falsas |
Le Tigre - Eu d'Bedroom Dancing |
Condenada - Not Your Victim |
Bruise Violet - Gender Fuckers |
Red Thread - Untitled |
Condenada - Despierto en el Sol |
Le Tigre - The Empty |
Red Thread - Double Speak |
Le Tigre - TKO |
Condenada - Raices Nuevas |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-8-12_Amy_Oden.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Guest DJ: Brian Agresta (In Vinyl We Trust) |

Faith No More - Midlife Crisis |
Fires & Floods - Dive |
Moss Icon - I'm Back Sleeping |
Burn Your Life Down - A Touch of Suffering |
Chavez - Unreal Is Here |
Capacities - I Am Better on Pills |
Deathbed - Open Arms |
Atlas Shrugged - Smile |
Discourse - Condemn |
Gorilla Biscuits - At the Manitee |
Into Another - Underlord |
Kiss It Goodbye - Afterschool Special |
Life of Agony - Through and Through |
Lit - My Own Worst Enemy |
Morning Again - Minus One |
Snapcase - Steps |
Suburban Scum - Count My Blessings |
Abandon - Evolve / Maintain |
Mazzy Star - Common Burn |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-24-12_In_Vinyl_We_Trust.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Geoff Turner (Gray Matter, 3, Senator Flux, Outsiders, Common Cause, Fungus of Terror, New Wet Kojak) |

The Cramps - Human Fly |
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Love in a Void |
Buzzcocks - Harmony in My Head |
999 - No Pity |
UK Subs - Party in Paris |
Outsiders - Teenage Burnout |
Black Market Baby - Youth Crimes |
Minor Threat - Screaming at a Wall |
Bad Brains - Don't Bother Me |
Untouchables - Nic Fit |
Government Issue - Rock 'n Roll Bullshit |
Black Flag - Nervous Breakdown |
The Damned - Fan Club |
Gang of Four - (Love Like) Anthrax |
Gray Matter - Walk the Line |
Gray Matter - 4 A.M. |
3 - Swann Street |
Senator Flux - Grey Eyed Athena |
Mission of Burma - That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate |
Lida Husik - Fly Stereophonic |
Hoover - Pretender |
Helium - Superball |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-10-12_Geoff_Turner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Jeff Barsky (Insect Factory, Plums, Authorization) |

The Clash - The Magnificent Seven |
The Pop Group - She's Beyond Good and Evil |
Peaking Lights - Hey Sparrow |
Chalk Circle - The Slap |
Dog Faced Hermans - Volkswagen |
Hugh Mundell - Let's All Unite |
The Bats - Free All the Monsters |
Insect Factory - Globes |
Insect Factory - Landing Back on the Shore |
Meltdown - El Gato Blanco |
Def Leppard - Switch 625 |
Peter Wright - Above Lewis Pass |
Evangelista - Truth Is Dark Like Outer Space |
Plums - Gumption |
Goblin Mix - Time Away |
The Ex - Keep on Hoppin' |
Delia Derbyshire - Nightwalker |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-27-12_Insect_Factory.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Guest DJ: Sohrab Habibion (Obits, Edsel, Kids for Cash) |

Can - Soul Desert |
Faces - Miss Judy's Farm |
Rolling Stones - Shake Your Hips |
Sly & the Family Stone - In Time |
Sweet - Fox on the Run |
Dr. Feelgood - Roxette |
Radio Birdman - I-94 |
Sex Pistols - Holidays in the Sun |
Buzzcocks - Autonomy |
Wire - Map Ref. 41 N 93 W |
Captain Beefheart - Hot Head |
Robyn Hitchcock - The Man Who Invented Himself |
Happy Go Licky - Suzuki |
Note: original recording now replaced with better audio version.

Direct download: Dissonance_3-14-12_Edsel_Sohrab.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Pat Walsh (Positive Force) |

Bells≥ - On the Arches |
LTW - Bought Flowers |
The Fordists - (Told Time) |
Scream - Jammin at 606 |
Police & Thieves - Exit Strategy |
The Evens - Timothy Wright |
More Humans - Dracula |
Tereu Tereu - The Body Unmade |
Medications - Rising to Sleep |
Imperial China - Limbs |
Heavy Breathing - Autobus |
Protect-U - Double Rainbow |
Outputmessage - Game Over |
Volta Bureau - Hope |
Bluebrain - Up & Down |
Rare Essence - Overnight Scenario |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-28-12_Pat_Walsh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Guest DJ: Jess Matthews (America Hearts, Edie Sedgwick) |

America Hearts - A Song About Love |
The Supremes - I Want a Guy |
Tommy James and the Shondells - Say I Am (What I Am) |
Harry Nilsson - Hey Little Girl |
Kevin Ayers - May I |
The Kinks - I Need You |
Magnetic Fields - Strange Powers |
Velvet Underground - Who Loves the Sun |
The Crystals - He Hit Me (It Felt Like a Kiss) |
Gram Parsons - That's All It Took |
The Kinks - This I Know |
Harry Nilsson - Nobody Cares About the Railroads Anymore |
America Hearts - Train Tracks |
America Hearts - White Socks |
Allo Darlin - Kiss Your Lips |
The Love Language - Heart to Tell |
Vetiver - Everyday |
The Modern Lovers - A Plea for Tenderness |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-14-12_America_Hearts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

1-24-12 Punk Life Zine presents: Radio Free Aceh

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |

Useless Citizens - It's Hard to Be a Punk in Aceh |
Superman Is Dead - Citra O.D. (Image O.D.) |
Antipop - Freedom |
Berandal Loka Jaya - Abnormal |
Satellite - Haruskah Kita (Should We) |
Murderat - Fight Back Capitalism |
Jugaa - Textbook Examples of Ignorance |
Berandal Loka Jaya - Jadilah Manusia (Be a Man) |
Burgerkill - Heel the Pain |
Dead Germs - Cruelty...US |
Bolshevic - Ganja |
Psychofun - Generasi Masa Kini (Today's Generation) |
Adjie Masdhita - Super Anthem |
Burgerkill - Through the Shine |
Coke Bust - Song #2, Another Fucking Problem |
Marjinal - Politik Kekuasaan (Political Power) |
Balige - Disaster Deadly |
Bombardir - Take Back Control of Your Life |
Rajasinga - Dilarang Berbisa (Venomous Prohibited) |
Domestik Doktrin - Lower Class Blues |
Gutted Morgan - The Black Coffee |
Hatestroke - Kill, Kill, Kill |
Turtles Jr. - Wartime |
Hellraiser - No Play Dog! |
Gags - Animal Liberation |
Busuk - Dance at the Freaky Circle |
Death Vomit - Summon Infernal Spirit |
Billfold - Destroyed Without Hesitation |
Betina Chaos - Maju Melangkah Bersama (Forward, Moving Together) |
Yunus Kicked Her Nose - Endless Generation |
Seringai - Menelan Mentah, Semua Ini Tak Aka (Swallowing Raw, It's Not All Aka) |
Pergamust - Mana Saya Pikirkan Itu (Where Do I Think Of That) |
Soul Are - Thousand Fists of Prayers |
Summerfreak - Emosi Jiwa (Emotions Soul) |
On Bodies - We Must |
Bestial Vomit - United Fruit Company |
The Fordists - Spirit of the Truth |
Alarms & Controls - Reanimus Cataract |
Wild Flag - Romance |
The Walkmen - Tenleytown |
Office of Future Plans - Your Several Selves |
Soccer Team - Platonic, Unrequited, Tragic |
Julia Perez - Belah Duren |
Dangdut Superstars - Black Love |
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - We the People |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-24-12_Radio_Free_Aceh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Brian Nelson (Whorl, Black Tambourine, Velocity Girl) and Kelly Young (Powderburns, Starry Eyes, Velocity Girl) |

Jonny - You Was Me |
The Aislers Set - Mission Bells |
Receptacles - Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked in Tonight |
Crystal Stilts - Shake the Shackles |
Orange Juice - Blue Boy |
The 'Mericans - When a Peaceful Bird Can't Hear Her Own Song |
The Fleshtones - Roman Gods |
The Birthday Party - Fear of Guns |
Crash - Superfly |
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions - Suzanne |
Primal Scream - Velocity Girl |
Small Factory - Sensible |
Linden - Brown Bird Singing |
The Verlaines - Joed Out |
The Primary 5 - Sunsets |
Leonard Conan - Frightened Of |
Mojave 3 - She Broke You So Softly |
The Clientele - The Six of Spades |
The Jazz Butcher - Drink |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-10-12_Velocity_Girl.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Alex Goldstein (Gallery owner, The Fridge DC) |

Cali Swag District - Teach Me How to Dougie |
Northeast Groovers - unknown live bootleg |
Public Enemy - You're Gonna Get Yours |
The Clash - Washington Bullets |
Freddie Scott - You Got What I Need |
Herbie Mann - unknown |
DJ Moose - unknown |
Otis Redding - Satisfaction / Security |
Rufus Thomas - Willy Nilly |
Mar-Keys - Bush Bash |
Abyssinians - Satta Massagana |
Bad Brains - Destroy Babylon |
Flaming Lips - The Great Gig in the Sky feat. Peaches & Henry Rollins |
Afrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock |
Money Mark - Hard Ass |
Toots & the Maytals - 54-46 Was My Number |
The Specials - Ghost Town |
Tim Love Lee - Crickets Sing at the Chateau de Lourps |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-27-11_Fridge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Guest DJ: Head Roc (Infinite Loop, 3LG, Godisheus) |

Playlist: All songs by Head Roc
Reparations |
Ivy City Blues |
Affordable Housing Is a Human Right |
Bad Abbot's Lament |
DC Doesn't Work without Child Care |
Keep DC Wal-Mart Free |
Giant Ain't the G It Used to Be |
UFCW 400 |
Christmas |
Garfield Terrace |
Education |
FM Hear Us |
DCPS Is Under Attack |
Gray's Theory |
The Super Bad III Solution |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-13-11_Head_Roc.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

11-22-11 Pat Graham - Instrument

Guest DJ: Pat Graham (patgraham dot org) |


Sea-Saw - Vanity Fair |
Fugazi -  Instrument  |
Wire - 12 X U  |
The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now |
The Specials - Ghost Town |
New Order - Blue Monday |
Modest Mouse - The Whale Song  |
The Shins -  New Slang |
Bon Iver -  Skinny Love
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations  |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs  - Zero |
Sonic Youth - Teenage Riot |
The Pixies – Gigantic |
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart |
The KLF - 3 AM Eternal |
Wale - Wale Bait |
Chuck Brown - Soul to the People |
Trouble Funk - Trouble Funk Express |
Beefeater - Insurrection Chant |
The Fordists – Monument |
Rorschach - My War |
Greyhouse - November 26 |
Cokebust – Degradation |
Cool Moms - Wake Up |

Beach Week - Beauty Queen |

Direct download: COMPLETE_INSTRUMENT.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

Guest DJs: Eric Tischler and Greg Bennett (The Jet Age, The Hurricane Lamps) |

Nazca - Double Negative |
Nazca - Negative |
Hellacopters - Long Gone Losers |
Motorpsycho - Trapdoor |
Street Chant - Scream Walk |
Street Chant - Less Chat, More Sewing |
Heretics - Brother Love |
Captain vs. Crew - NYC Is Trying to Kill Me |
Pentagram - Sign of the Wolf |
Archers of Loaf - Backwash |
The Jet Age - I Want You |
The Jet Age - I Can Still Make You Laugh |
The Wedding Present - Sticky |
Swervedriver - Flawed |
The Fake Accents - Grinnin' |
Silkworm - Bar Ice |
The Constantines - Arizona |
Fivehead - Big Mistake Factory |
Pete Townshend - April Fool |
The Verlaines - Phil Too? |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-8-11_The_Jet_Age.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

Guest DJs: Jim Adams (Queering Sound festival, STYLUS, BLK w/ Bear) and Doug Poplin (Bach Sinfonia, Sad Emoticon, BLK w/ Bear) |

BLK w/ Bear - Casey Jnr |

BLK w/ Bear - Brokerage |
BLK w/ Bear - Watch Me Pull a Rabbit Outta Your Mouth |
BLK w/ Bear - Music for People to Talk Over |
BLK w/ Bear - Raede Lactic |
Andy Nice - The 4th Man (Elite Barbarian mix) |
Low Bias - Ironbark |
BLK w/ Bear - Valve Languire (Yellow6 mix) |
Rothko + BLK w/ Bear - Like Nails in the Rain |
BLK w/ Bear - Burn the Thirteenth Fire (Mark Beazley mix) |
VLT_BLK - 8D38C9_000000_21_0377 |
BLK w/ Bear - I Feel Lost Without You |
BLK w/ Bear - LDWR Version 3 |
Rome Pays Off - Song Five |
STYLUS - combine.monogram |
BLK w/ Bear - Sumimasen |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-11-11_BLK_w_Bear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

Guest DJs: Pitt Stains (Petworth, xBuffalo Valvex, Oreo Poe, the Animatronics, Möbius Strip) and Mark Kennedy (bandtoband.com, xBuffalo Valvex, the Stalkers, Möbius Strip) |

Bitchin' - Utilizing |
Servotron - Christmas Day of the Robot |
Grabass Charlestons - Bossman |
Avail - Sanctuary 13 |
Ned's Atomic Dustbin - Grey Cell Green |
Vindictives - Left for Dead |
Brainwaves - Can't Take It |
Insurgence - High Noon |
Slant 6 - Poison Arrows Shot at Heroes |
Spermbirds - Get on the Stage |
Mass Movement of the Moth - The Trickery of Tom Sawyer |
öbius Strip - Sixty-Seven / Battery Cage |
Deathrats - Can't Relate / Give up / Crutch |
Crispus Attucks - Revolution Now! |
TNT - Guernica |
Weezer - My Name Is Jonas |
Adolescents - Amoeba |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-27-11_Mobius_Strip.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJs: Jason Hamacher (Frodus, Battery, Regents) and Dave NeSmith (Sleepytime Trio, Maximilian Colby, Bats & Mice, Rah Brahs, Regents) |

Regions - Fed to Lions |

Elizabeth Waldo - Song of the Casqui |

Black Breath - I Am Beyond |

Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss |

Entombed - Say It in Slugs |

Jemmy - Assyrian Chant |

Aleppo Sufi Choir - Sufi Chant |

Regents - Bowfingers |

Sizzla - Black Man in the White House |

Jawbox - Static |

Kingface - I Don't Want to Be Anything |

Holy Rollers - Opus |

A.R. Rahman - Radha Kaise Na Jale |

Tears for Fears - Head Over Heels |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-13-11_regents.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Jay Littleton, Ben Green, Ben Murphy (Fairweather) |

Lifetime - How We Are |
Hot Snakes - 10th Planet |
Superchunk - Detroit Has a Skyline |
Cursive - Sink to the Beat |
Jawbox - Savory |
The New Pornographers - The Laws Have Changed |
Portastatic - Oh Come Down |
Sparklehorse - Hundreds of Sparrows |
Jawbreaker - Million |
Engine Down - Songbird |
Death Cab for Cutie - We Laugh Indoors |
Ride - Vapour Trail |
Spoon - Everything Hits at Once |
Chamberlain - Magnetic 62nd |
Shellac - Prayer to God |
Recover - Push Push |
Christiansen - Kentucky Goddamn |
Seas - Valley of the Fevers |
Shudder to Think - X-French Tee Shirt |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-23-11_Fairweather.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm EST

Guest DJ: Sab Grey (Iron Cross) |

Discharge - State Violence, State Control |
Los Brewers - Borrachera y Descontrol |
Keyside Strike - Chavageddon |
Iggy Pop - I Got a Right |
MC5 - Kick Out the Jams |
Rezillos - Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight |
Killing Joke - Follow the Leaders |
Keny Arkana - La Rage |
The Equals - Black Skinned Blue Eyed Boys |
The Equals - Softly Softly |
The Jam - Time for Truth |
UK Subs - Tomorrow's Girls |
Small Faces - Afterglow of Your Love |
Baby Huey and the Babysitters - Listen to Me |
Sab Grey and the Royal Americans - Jonny Too Bad |

Direct download: dissonance_8-9-11_sab_grey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |

The Soul Searchers - Ashley's Roachclip - The Soul Searchers |
Tinariwen - Assouf |
Robert Plant and Justin Adams - Win My Train Fare Home |
Burning Spear - Throw Down Your Arms |
Funkadelic - Biological Speculation |
Dead Meadow - 'Til Kingdom Come |
Bo Diddley - Crackin' Up |
Jason Simon - A House Up on a Hill |
Jerusalem Jerusalem - Murderer |
Townes van Zandt - Snake Mountain Blues |
13th Floor Elevators - Street |
Clap - May |
Amanaz - Khala My Friend |
Gene Clark - I Knew I'd Want You |
Bo Hansson - Leaving Shire |
Cold Sun - South Texas |
Bob Dylan - I'm Not There |
Chalk Circle - Easy Escapes |
The Impossible Five - The Void 2 |
Air Museum - Breathe Easy on a Space Station |
Lalita - Track 6 |
Wugazi - Another Chessboxin' Argument |
XIB - Power |
Dusted Angel - Seeking the Dawn |
Trophy Wife - Cat and Dog |
Burgerkill - Age of Versus |
Punktat - Why Bitch |
HavinHell - Go Fighting |
Billfold - Destroyed Without Hesitation |
Domestik Doktrin - The Prank That Went Horribly Wrong |
Lozen - Heart of Filth |
Coke Bust - Degradation |
Brain Floss - Crazy Town |
Sacred Love - What's Left of This World? |
Mob Mentality - Cop Out |
Gather - Done and Done |
Weedeater - Mancoon |
Kylesa - Cheating Synergy |
Ali Farka Touré - Karaw |Check out the cool Special Edition Fanzine as well.

Direct download: Dead_Meadow_Guest_DJs_Dissonance_Radio_PunkLifeZine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30am EST

7-12-11 Punk Life Zine presents: Dengue Fever

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |

Sly Stone - Luv N' Haight |
Ros Sereysothea - Shave Your Beard |
Sinn Sisamouth - Sound Of The Drums |
Dengue Fever - Cement Slippers, Uku , I Feel Love |
The Meters - Ease Back |
De La Soul - Plug Tunin' (Are You Ready For This?) |
Ultramagnetic MC's - Ego Trippin' |
Ros Sereysothea - Chnam Oun Dawp Pram Mouy |
Jah Wobble -  lam tom way |
Hongthong Khanonglam - Yung Phen Soed |
Kwanjai Kalasin Yuk Patana - Ruk Pee Deh Bun Mai |
Djakarta Mengalami Perobahan |
Tielman Brothers - Marabunta |
Dara Puspita - Believe |
Dengue Fever - Durian Dowry |
Inul Daratista  - Kocok-Kocok |
Nervous Breakdown - Hardcore Suxxx! |
Superman Is Dead - Superman Is Dead |
Suicidal Sinatra  - Go Psycho |
Office of Future Plans - Myself Broke In Pieces |
Weird War – Burgers and Fries |
Casual Dots Momma's Gonna Make Us A Cake | 
Ty Segall  - You Make The Sun Fry |
Elevated Lines – Evil Eye |
DIVA - Hold Me Again  |
Mi Ami - Hard Up |
Hot Cold Sweat - Meet Me At The Go Go |
Arkade Funk - Search And Destroy, Tilt |
DJ Kool - Twenty Minute Workout |
Born Against - The Nail That Sticks Up Gets Hammered |
ZaSKaE -  Kiri  |
Antipop - Hijau  |
All Heroes Are Asshole  - Sport of War |
Worm Rot- Fucking Fierce | 
The Balige - Track 3 |
Satellite  - Tipu Daya Manusia |
Bolshevic - Globalisasi Jancok |
Anarchy Jerks - Oi! Lai Ba (Oi! Is Here!) |   
Bl’ast - The Slave! |
UOA - Flux |
OFF - Jeffrey Lee Pierce |
Shining Twins - I Hate You / This Is Dumb |
Untouchables - Nic Fit |
The Obsessed  - World Apart |
Tibetan Monks - Closing Prayers |

Direct download: dengue_fever.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41am EST

I will be in Ecuador for the months of June - July and will not be broadcasting again until August.  Until I return, longtime collaborator Don Irwin of Punk Life zine will be taking over the DISSONANCE podcast, and has some exciting episodes planned.  Stay tuned!


Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am EST

Guest DJs: Dave Mann (Mittenfields, Drawbridges, Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie) |

Pixies - Hey |
The Courtesy - Buddy Casey |
Ceremony - Not Tonight |
Baby Baby - Fire |
Pan Galactic Straw Boss - I Like Your Scent |
Flaming Lips - Thirty-Five Thousand Feet of Despair (Live in Austin) |
The Mean Season - Hearts |
Dead Leaf Echo - Half-Truth |
Screen Vinyl Image - Too Much Speed |
Modern Man - 1957 |
Last Remaining Pinnacle - Students of the V.U. |
The Revolving Birds - The People vs. William Jordan |
The Press - Jellyfish Wrangler |
Pond - My Dog Is an Astronaut, Though |
The Revolving Birds - Follow You Off |
Hum - I Hate It Too |
Superchunk - Martinis on the Roof |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-17-11_Sweet_Tea_Pumpkin_Pie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Interview: Mark Andersen (Positive Force, Dance of Days, All the Power) |

Nation of Ulysses - A Kid Who Tells on Another Kid Is a Dead Kid  |
Bad Brains - Right Brigade |
Government Issue - Hey Ronnie |
Minor Threat - In My Eyes |
Scream - Search for Employment |
Void - Who Are You? |
Faith - Say No More |
SOA - Gate Crashers |
Misfits - Hybrid Moments |
Soul Side - Name in Mind |
Ignition - Anger Means |
Fugazi - Suggestion |
Make-Up - Do You Like Gospel Music? |
Del Cielo - All Star |
Crispus Attucks - School of Assassins |
The Goons - Firefly in a Jar |
The Suspects - Pistol Whipped |
Los Crudos - Tierra de Libertad |
Striking Distance - Send in the Clones |
Q and not U - L.A.X. |
Strike Anywhere - Incendiary |
Birds & Wires - The Sun Also Rises |
Fugazi - Full Disclosure |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-3-11_Wilson_Center_30th.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

4-19-11 Punk Life Zine presents: Banging the Drum in Exile

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |

Scream - Banging the Drum |
John Henry West - Avoiding |
Hoover - Relectrolux / Elecrodub |
Regulator Watts - False Idols |
Oswego - Lemonade's Cheap at the Petting Zoo |
Dead Teenagers - Dead Teenagers |
Bluetip - Nickelback |
Lungfish - Terminal Crush |
Rain Like the Sound of Trains - Washington Bullets |
Saint Vitus - Thirsty and Miserable |
Goatsnake - Burial at Sea |
Wartime - Mindfield / Wartime |
Bad Brains - Big Takeover |
Iron Cross - Psycho Skin |
Shrinebuilder - The Architect |
Dead Meadow - Dusty Nothing |
Black Eyes - King's Dominion |
Mi Ami - Version |
Universal Order of Armageddon - Visible Distance |
Ape House - Porcelin Baby |
Slant 6 - Soda Pop-Rip Off |
Sleater-Kinney - Dance Song '97 |
Jen Wood - Pills |
Retsin - Mary B. |
Scream - Amerarockers |
E.U. - Da Butt |
DJ Flexx - DC Clap |
LL Cool J - Rock the Bells |
Trouble Funk - Good to Go |
Huck-a-Bucks - The Bud |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-19-11_Banging_the_Drum.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am EST

Guest DJs: Dan Scheuerman, Matt Dowling, Brian Hospital, Dominic Campanaro (Deleted Scenes) |

The Sad Cobras - Team Mother |
Hot Lava - Apple Option Fire |
Macaw - Five Minutes at the Rainforest Cafe |
Lifetones - Good Side |
Khun Paw Yann - Hopes and Goals |
Deleted Scenes - Bedbedbedbedbed |
Deleted Scenes - A Bunch of People Who Love You Like Crazy |
Eldridge Skell's the Rude Staircase - Houses Are Burning |
Danielson Famile - Good News for the Pus Pickers |
Wicked Witch - Erratic Behaviour |
Ahmad Zahir - Deledostan |
Fell Off the Face of the Earth - Time Song |
Beach House - House on the Hill |
Ivana XL - 2043 |
Johnny Greenwood - Trench |
St. Vincent - The Neighbors |
Meshuggah - Perpetual Black Second |
Burning Airlines - Scissoring |
Oswego - How Come You're Always Out of Veggie Patties |
Hammer No More the Fingers - Atlas of an Eye |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-5-11_Deleted_Scenes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Paul Bugala and Dave Diaz (Peanut Butter) |

Medications - Home Is Where You Are |
Imperial China - Mortal Wombat |
fIREHOSE - Soon |
Throwing Muses - Finished |
The Jam - A Solid Bond in Your Heart |
XTC - English Roundabout |
Peanut Butter - Hey Kids |
Peanut Butter - Hearts |
Chisel - River High |
God and Texas - 1066 |
Husker Du - 8 Miles High |
Genesis - The Magic of Time |
Clockhammer - Lament |
Jeff Buckley - Back in NYC |
Drive By Truckers - Graduation Day |
Loppy Bogymi - Debts and Grudges |
Van Halen - Light Up the Sky |
Loudon Wainwright - The Drinking Song |
Clockhammer - Drone |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-15-11_Peanut_Butter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Jason Lobe, George Weissberger, Lee Elmore (The Fordists) |

Hot Snakes - Paid in Cigarettes |
Birds and Wires - Construct |
STNNNG - George Washington |
Lack - When Even the Most Honest of Emotions Turns into a Commodity |
Lack - Behead |
The Make-Up - I Want Some |
Minutemen - Viet Nam |
The Fordists - Morgellans |
The Fordists - Monuments |
Liars - Grown Men Don't Fall in the River Just Like That |
Young Widows - Mr. No Harm |
761 - This Is Not a Question |
Harkonen - Standing on Holey Soles |
Navies - House Ties |
Cinemechanica - Rivals |
My Disco - You Came to Me Like a Cancer Lain Dormant until it Blossomed Like a Rose |
Pritzhorn Dance School - Realer, Pretender |
Obits - One Cross Apiece |
The Ex - Double Order |
The Jesus Lizard - Din |
Unwound - Murder Movies |
Angel Hair - Pre-Super Model |
Cloud Mouth - Hell Is Real |
Slices - Laughing While Eating |

Direct download: dissonance_3-1-11_fordists.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Shawna Kenney (Safari Club promoter; author, I Was a Teenage Dominatrix) |
Guests: Rich Dolinger, Dave Brown |

Soul Side - Problems Faced When Traveling |
Kingface - Lick the Moon |
Fugazi - Suggestion |
Nomy Lamm - Not a Girl |
Token Entry - The Edge |
Underdog - Over the Edge |
Verbal Assault - Heal |
Ramones - R.A.M.O.N.E.S. |
Avail - N30 |
Ill Repute - Did I Have Fun |
Walter Schreifels - Pushed Too Far / Friends Like You |
Descendents - Silly Girl |
Descendents - Pervert |
Descendents - I Like Food |
Bouncing Souls - Better Things |
Bouncing Souls - The Pizza Song |
Into Another - Running Into Walls |
Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl |
F Minus - Victim in Pain |
The Distillers - Dismantle Me |
Hole - Asking for It |
Nomy Lamm - Fat Bottom Girls |
Heavy Metal Girlfriend - Piece by Piece |
John Doe - Faraway (From the North Country) |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-15-11_Shawna_Kenney.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Brien Stewart (Key Figures, Lickity Split, L.D.K., Avail), Pat Goon (Key Figures, The Goons, The Reticents), Chris Best (Key Figures, The Cretins, The Club) |

The Boils - Iron Eagle and the Liberty Bell |
Sick of It All - Nobody Rules |
Nigel Pepper Cock - O.J.'s Wild Ride |
The Reticents - Zombies |
The Club - French Foreign Legion |
Van Halen - Somebody Get Me a Doctor |
Gorilla Biscuits - Competition |
Die Toten Hosen - Liebesspieler |
Dead End Boys - Dead End Boys |
Key Figures - Walk the Plank |
Street Dogs - 10 Wood Road |
The Flies - Civilization |
The Fuses - Sick City |
Supreme Commander - Spiraling Down |
Bottles & Skulls - Tennessee Red |
The Locust - Who Wants a Dose of the Clap? |
Token Entry - The Fire |
Walk the Plank - Control |
Key Figures - Frame of Mind |
Tenpole Tudor - Swords of a Thousand Men |
Pennywise - Peaceful Day |
Music Band - There Ain't No Drug War |
Pentagram - Wheel of Fortune |
Rancid - Last One to Die |
Swiz - Toon |
Zero Boys - Civilization's Dying |
Strike Anywhere - Postcards from Home |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-1-11_Key_Figures.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

Guest DJs: Dan Doggett, Brandon Korch, Anton Kropp, Gabe Marquez (Monument) |

Brian Eno - Needles in the Camel's Eye |
Band Name - Wonder Why |
Efterklang - The Soft Beating |
Thrush Hermit - Skip the Life |
Cee Lo Green - Fool for You (feat. Phillip Bailey) |
Dismemberment Plan - Tonight We Mean It |
Fugazi - Bed for the Scraping |
Superchunk - Silver Leaf and Snowy Tears |
Supersystem - Defcon |
Pinback - Manchuria |
Braid - Milwaukee Sky Rocket |
Malegoat - Expression |
No Knife - Secret Handshake |
Man or Astro-Man? - Test Driver |
Monument - This Is 113 |
Monument - Diamond Age |
Annabel - The Forgetting of Names and Faces |
Everyone Everywhere - Cool Pool Keg Toss Pete |
Torche - UFO |
Weakerthans - Tournament of Hearts |
Algernon Cadwallader - Some Kind of Cadwallader |
Fine Lines - Call the Governor |
Orchid - Whole Lotta Love |
Dillinger Four - A Pyre Laid for Image and Frame |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-21-10_monument.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Mary Djaboury and Jaron Malyon (Lucia, Lucia) |

Howlin' Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin' |
My Brightest Diamond - Manzanas |
Grinderman - The No Pussy Blues |
Mayer Hawthorne - I Wish It Would Rain |
Lucia, Lucia - Tango |
Lucia, Lucia - Junebug |
My Bloody Valentine - Sueisfine |
Billie Holiday - I Love You Porgy |
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on You |
Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers - I'm Straight |
John Vanderslice - White Plains |
Dismemberment Plan - What Do You Want Me to Say? |
des ark - Jesus Loves You (But You're Still Coming Home with Me Tonight) |
Lucia, Lucia - The Limit |
Polvo - Feather of Forgiveness |
Grinderman - When My Love Comes Down |
Mayer Hawthorne - Shiny & New |

Direct download: Dissonance_12-7-10_Lucia_Lucia.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Luiso, Buffo, Fernando, Jurek (Volver) |
Cameos: Carlos Izurieta (Police & Thieves), Gene Melkithesian (Lion of Judah), John Scharbach (Give) |

Volver [Guatemala] - Guatemala Esta Muerta |
Vieja Escuela [Argentina] - Sin Crueldad |
Tiempos Duros [Guatemala] - Tu Traicion |
Triangulo de Amor Bizarro [Spain] - El Fantasma de la Transicion |
Trinky [Guatemala] - After the Storm |
Bam Bam Estas Muerto [Argentina] - Tranquilo Mi Tonto Corazon |
Fobia [Mexico] - Dos Corazones |
Los Cuchillos [Costa Rica] - Malibu Beat |
Radio Off [Guatemala] - Bajo el Radar |
Los Crudos [US] - En Mi Opinion |
Life's Halt [US] - Get in the Pit |
Charles Bronson [US] - Let's Start Another War So I Can Sing About Stopping It |
Sin Orden [US] - La Mentira de los Cielos |
Municipal Waste [US] - Unleash the Bastards |
Llyclout [El Salvador] - Somniorum |
6 Voltios [Peru] - Nube Triste |
A Wilhelm Scream [US] - Brand New Me, Same Shitty You |
Title Fight [US] - Symmetry |
Residentes [Guatemala] - Ni Un Paso Atras |
Volver [Guatemala] - Yo Me Hundo |
Bit Shifter [US] - Activation Theme |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-30-10_Volver.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Guest DJs: Drew Bastard, Brian Hamilton, Davey Bones, Clay Holland (Stillborn) |

Stillborn - Dead by Dawn |
Stillborn - Walking Dead |
Clutch - A Shogun Named Marcus |
Cramps - Bikini Girls with Machine Guns |
Reverend Horton Heat - Galaxy 500 |
Anthrax - I am the Law |
Bad Chopper - Good Enough for Me |
Dwarves - Better Be Women |
Dead Boys - Ain't Nothing to Do |
Neurotic Outsiders - Jerk |
Supersuckers - Born with a Tail |
Stillborn - Dr. Phibes |
Stillborn - Next Victim |
Creepy Murdle - Dirty Old Motor |
Lagwagon - Wind in Your Sail |
Nirvana - Mr. Moustache |
Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone |
Black Flag - Don't Care |
Johnny Cash - Big River |
Motorhead - Shut You Down |
New York Dolls - Trash |
Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device |
The Clash - Janie Jones |
Midnight Evils - Twin City Lights |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-16-10_stillborn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Michael Saretsky |

The Odds - Saturday Night |
The Cigarettes - They're Back Again |
Slaughter & the Dogs - The Bitch |
The Ruts - In a Rut |
Angelic Upstarts - I'm an Upstart |
The Cortinas - Television Families |
The Knots - Heartbreaker |
Red Alert - In Britain |
The Saints - This Perfect Day |
Crushed Butler - It's My Life |
The Music Machine - Talk Talk |
Cock Sparrer - Runnin' Riot |
Menace - I'm Civilized |
Blitz - Fight to Live |
The Maytals - Don't Trouble Trouble |
The Kingstonians - Sufferer |
Derrick Morgan - Johnny Pram Pram |
The Dynamics - The Burner |
The Paragons - Quiet Place |
Dave Barker - I Feel Alone |
Price Buster - Whine and Grine |
The Pioneers - Reggae Beat |
The Shades - She's Gonna Marry Me |
Joe Gibbs - People Grudgeful |
Bleechers - Everything for Fun |
Karl Bryan - Red Ash |
Randy's All-Stars - War |
Rudy Mills - John Jones |
The Viceroys - Promises |
The Dramatics - Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-2-10_backstreet_kids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Guest DJ: Carol Bui |

Kate Bush - The Big Sky |
Najwa Karam - Aam Bimzah Maak |
Fugazi - Nightshop |
Can - Mushroom |
Shellac - Song of the Minerals |
Fairuz - Oudak Rannan |
M.I.A. - Hussel |
Hossan Ramzy - Amiret El Sahara |
No Age - Everybody's Down |
Carol Bui - Mira: You're Free with Me |
Cairo Orchestra - Sallam Alay |
Najwa Karam - Inta Al Shams |
The Ex - Karaoke Blackout |
Mi Ami - Native Americans (Born in the USA) |
Natasha Atlas - Hayati Inta |
Carol Bui - Geisha Means Open Minded |
Aynur - Ez Keç Im (Ben Kizim) |
Sonic Youth - Death Valley 69 |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-19-10_carol_bui.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

Guest DJs: Mike Stilts, Dave Worthless, Roger Sanchez, Kevin Pope (Snallygasters) |

Snallygasters - Black Aggie |
Snallygasters - Bells of Hell |
Spitfires United - Erring Ways |
Slade - We'll Bring the House Down |
Submachine - Too Mundane |
The Bad Genes - Indifference |
Aus Rotten - Apathetic |
Madball - Heavenhell |
Thin Lizzy - Emerald |
Social Distortion - King of Fools |
The Clash - Capitol Radio One |
Cock Sparrer - Take 'em All |
Corrosion of Conformity - Kiss of Death |
Fugazi - Bad Mouth |
Misfits - American Nightmare |
Sex Pistols - Pretty Vacant |
Sham 69 - Borstal Breakout |
Stillborn - FTW |
Dropkick Murphys - Career Opportunities (The Clash) |
The Who - Young Man Blues |
Y&T - Don't Stop Running |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-5-10_Snallygasters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Dissonance and Radio CPR mourn the death of a friend and fellow DJ, John Hansen, who took his own life last Friday at age 47.  John aka DJ One Lung was involved in our station from the start.  He held the Saturday 3:00 to 5:00 pm slot through 2008, and was our longtime tech guru.  He was generally known as an all around tech whiz within the DC punk scene, going back to his days as roadie for the Slickee Boys, later filling in on guitar after Kim Kane left the band.  I can't say I knew John very well, but I remember him as a helpful and witty person who saved many beginning DJs from on-air technical snafus, myself included.  He will be missed.

See the City Paper obituary

Memorial fund for John's daughters

Memorial service Oct. 17


Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

9-21-10 Punk Life Zine presents: American Steel

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |
Interview: Rory Henderson (American Steel) |

Johnny Cash with Joe Strummer - Redemption Song |
Hot Tub - 1-2-3 Go! |
ELO - Don't Bring Me Down |
Chrimpshine - Another Day |
Joe Strummer - Coma Girl (live) |
Don Gibson - Sea of Heartbreak |
The Walkmen - In the New Year |
American Steel - Every New Morning |
American Steel - Smile on Me |
American Steel - Meals and Entertainment |
Communique - Annabelle |
NoMeansNo - Rags and Bones |
Misfits - Where Eagles Dare |
Fischerspooner - The 15th (Gabriel and Dresden remix) |
New Order - Ceremony |
The Pogues - Sally MacLennane |
The Replacements - Unsatisfied |
Sebadoh - It's So Hard to Fall in Love |
Dag Nasty - All Ages Show |
Spoon - Sister Jack |
Squeeze - Another Nail in My Heart |
Sunny Day Real Estate - Seven |
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone |
Thin Lizzy - Wild One |
The Velvet Teen - Radiapathy |
The Zombies - Time of the Season |
The Four Tops - It's the Same Old Song |
Junkyard Band - Sardines |
Wale - Artistic Integrity |
Zach Hill - Memo to the Man |
Tsunami - Courage (Minutemen) |
The Corin Tucker Band - Doubt |
Antelope - Mirroring (Shock D remix) |
The Mass - Gas Pipe |
John Henry West - Holiday |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-21-10_Punk_Life_American_Steel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

Mixtape by Dave Nada (De Nada, Super Chinchilla Rescue Mission, Bison, Medic, Nadastrom) followed by commentary by Dave Nada and Nick English |
El Sonido Quilombo - Cumbia Rockers |
Major Lazer feat. Collie Buddz & Lindi Ortega - Good Enough |
Unknown - Cumbia Mayo |
DJ Panik - La Vez Buena |
El Hijo de la Cumbia - La Mara Formaza |
DJ Negro - Por K Te Vas |
DJ Negro - Lluvia |
Los Fabulosos Cadillacs - Matador |
Los Rakas - Abrazame (Uproot Andy mix) |
Major Lazer feat. M.I.A. & Busy Signal - Sound of Siren |
Raghav - Ferry Baton |
David Heartbreak - Ragga Muffin |
Vybz Kartel & Popcaan - Clarks (Kenny Meez Gregg Nyce Cosa Nostra mix) |
Cecile - Hot Like We |
Don Omar - Dale Don Dale |
Dobla-T y El Crok - Pepe |
Munchi - Pepe Volvio |
Sandro Silva - Told Ya (DJ Malo Moombahton edit) |
M.I.A. - Boyz (Cam Jus Che Flute Moomgahton remix) |
Dave Nada - Riverside Moombahton |
Rihanna - Rude Boy (DJ Excel Moombahton edit) |
Lady Gaga - Alejandro (Audio 1 Moombahton edit) |
Datsik - Firepower (Munchi Moombahcore remix) |
Rusko - Da Cali Anthem (Un Mono Azul Macumbia) |
Taio Cruz - Dynamite (Groovematic Moombahton edit) |
DJ Gregory, Gregor Salto, Solo - Con Alegria (DJ Apt One Moombahton edit) |
Sabo - Jesus Moombahton dub |
Sabo - Hey Hey Moombahton |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-7-10_Dave_Nada.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

Guest DJs: Serge Goon (The Goons, Nervous Impulse) and Dave Stone (Porch Mob, VPR, Nervous Impulse, Bar Code Prophets)

Corrosion of Conformity - Loss for Words |
Annihilation Time - Imaginary Mirror |
Government Warning - No Moderation |
The Mostly Dead - Culture Dog |
Murder City Devils - Boom Swagger Boom |
R.K.L. - Think Positive |
Nervous Impulse - Wasted Time |
Verbal Assault - Trial |
The Goons - Nation in Distress |
The Clash -  (White Man) in Hammersmith Palais |
Bob Marley - Punky Reggae Party |
Oi Polloi - Victims of a Gas Attack |
The Electricutions - Shout It Out |
The Fuses - Klorox Rub Away |
L.D.K. - Last One |
Walk the Plank - Machine |
Hellacopters - Truckloads of Nothin' |
Dead Kennedys - Government Flu |
Neon Hearts - Regulators |
AC/DC - Sin City |
The FU's - Young Fast Iranians |
Public Enemy - By the Time I Get to Arizona |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-17-10_Nervous_Impulse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Guest DJs: Zack Wuerthner and Zach Streetgang (Mob Mentality)

Altercation - America |
Youth of Today - Youth Crew |
Agnostic Front - Public Assistance (live) |
Agnostic Front - Last Warning |
Free Spirit - Be Yourself demo |
Antidote - Foreign Job Lot |
Beyond - Vitality |
Mindset - Hear Me Now |
Cro-Mags - Eyes of Tomorrow |
Wolfpack - Wolfpack |
DYS - More Than Fashion |
Give - Amphetamine Dream |
The Rival Mob - Mind Over Matter |
Gut Instinct - Disturbing the Peace |
The Icemen - Standing Strong |
Against the Wall - It's Time |
Judge - New York Crew |
Project X - Cross Me |
No Tolerance - Sentenced |
Killing Time - Telltale |
The Abused - Loud and Clear |
Embrace - Building |
Moondog - They Said We Were the Best |
Life of Agony - Through and Through |
Outburst - No Choice |
Obituary - Turned Inside Out |
Poison Idea - Just to Get Away |
Stick Together - X Treatment |
Disengage - Inside |
Rest in Pieces - My Rage |
YDI - Mad at the World |
SOD - Kill Yourself |
Side by Side - You're Only Young Once |
Warzone - Dance Hard or Die |
Iron Cross - Fight 'em All |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-3-10_Mob_Mentality.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

Guest DJs: Gary Langworthy and Shawn Peterson (Troops of Tomorrow)

Troops of Tomorrow - Frankenstein's Monster / Dear John |
Anti-Flag - Spaz's House Destruction Party |
A Global Threat - Until We Die |
Bone Thugs n Harmony - Thug Luv |
Career Soldiers - Never Believe |
The Ruffianz - Pissed and Proud |
Exploited - Alternative |
Three 6 Mafia - Hard Hittaz |
Dead End Boys - I Don't Like You |
86 Mentality - Called Out |
Set to Explode - Never Give In |
Timber - Appropriate Faith |
How Low? - How Low |
Rancid - Olympia WA |
The Unseen - Children of the Revolution |
Cocksparrer - Watch Your Back |
T.I. - Bankhead |
Defiance - No Future No Hope |
Lower Class Brats - Safety Pinned and Sick |
Lil Wyte - We Ain't Kool |
Alkaline Trio - Wash Away |
Filth - The List |
Casualties - Rejected and Unwanted |
Human Investment - A Life for a Meal |
Troops of Tomorrow - Borrow Time / The World Won't Listen |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-20-10_Troops_of_Tomorrow.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Guest DJs: Matt Parsons and Nicktape (Rations)


Rations - Bodies of Persuasion |
No Tolerance - Sentenced |
Step Forward - Can't Get Ahead |
Free Spirit - Be Yourself |
Waste Management - Too Much Unity |
The Rival Mob - Mob Rules All |
Bloodtype - Not Here to Make Friends |
Duress - Hate Fuck Hate |
Ecoli - The Gimp Box |
Migraine - Feast or Famine |
In Disgust - What Goes Around |
Face the Rail - Problems / Get Lost |
Coke Bust - Forced to Live |
Troops of Tomorrow - Boot Boys Are Back |
Mob Mentality - Mob Mentality |
No Minion - Alone and Forsaken |
Give - Heaven Is Waiting |
Rations - All Is Well |
Trapped Under Ice - Reality Unfolds |
Praise - Peace Is the Solution |
Mindset - Hear Me Now |
Vacant State - What Right |
Urban Blight - Leech |
Born Bad - Authority Bullshit |
Pistol Bitch - Big Picture |
Mad World - Persona |
Dry Spell - Dream Motherfucker |

Direct download: Dissonance_6-1-10_Rations.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Guest DJs: Porter Glock, Dan Johnson, Nick Thompson (Dynamite Fishermen) |


Dynamite Fishermen - Cocktail of Insanity |
The Thumbs - Fast Cars |
Dag Nasty - Never Go Back (live at basement show 1985) |
Bladecrasher - 700 Club |
Mutiny - Riot |
Longshot - False Ideals |
The Shirks - DC Is Doomed |
The Boils - DC Destroys |
The Goons - Time to Kill (live at Kaffa House 2000) |
Rations - First to Die |
Striking Distance - Knock Down, Drag Out (demo) |
Damnation A.D. - Hasn't Happened Yet |
The Mostly Dead - Stutter |
The Suspects - Smoke (live) |
Scream - Feel Like That (live at Van Hall) |
Ambulance Chasers - Warp Core |
Bail Out! - Dust Wind Dude |
Brace - Hallow |
Bail Out! - Commando (live at CBGB) |
FlickerFlame - Ballad of 619 / Fair Enough |
Rodent - Dark Helmet |
Dynamite Fishermen - Escape from Punxsutawney |
Bionic Man - Detonator |
Worn Thin - These Bitter Pills (demo) |
Tsunami - In a Name |
Lickity Split - See You There |
Van Damage - Neither the Time, Nor the Place (demo) |
De La Hoya - I Think I'm Going to Want to Need That |
The Spark - All I Wanted (demo) |
Heaven & Hell - Die Young (live) |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-10-10_Dynamite_Fishermen.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:29am EST

5-4-10 Punk Life Zine presents: Gamelan, Go-Go and Punk from Indonesia to DC

Guest Host: Don Irwin (Punk Life zine) |


Chuck Brown - Bustin' Loose |
Superman Is Dead - Kuta Rock City |
Lungfish - Samuel |
Big Tony - Southeast to South Africa |
Gong of Belaluan - Kebyar Ding I: Kebyar |
Benjamin Britten and Colin McPhee - Lagu Delem |
Gentra Pasundan - Umbrella Procession |
Stsi Surakarta - Bedaya Dances at Kraton Surakarta |
Sun City Girls - Delong Song |
Kurtis Blow - Party Time |
Trouble Funk - Pump Me Up |
Shaggy Dog - Honey |
Superman is Dead - Menuju Temaram |
Suicidal Sinatra - Kentang (Kena Tangguh) |
The Hydrant - Bali Bandidos |
Cab Bar Bike - Let's Rock n Roll |
The Brews - Radio Hero |
Psycho Fun - Shut the Radio Down |
Navicula - Everyone Goes to Heaven |
Nymphea - Change Your Mind |
Lolita Lies - There Will Be |
The Belige - Disaster Deadly / Revolusi...Sekarang? |
Democrazy - Positive Life |
Noise Projectile - Song #1 |
Burgerkill - My Self |
Rajasinga - Permandulisme |
Domestik Doktrin - Profound Effect |
Bulletproof - Americna Terror |
Pointless Peace - Lebanoise |
Antipop - Hijau |
Lost Sight - End the Hate |
Geekssmile - Revoltanthem |
Last Action Hero - Struggle Soul |
Lalita - Engine 108 |
108 - 18.61 |
Mi Ami - Secrets |
Dead Meadow - The Great Deceiver |
Black Eyes - A Pack of Wolves |
Minutes - Never National |
Fugazi - Back to Base |
Slant 6 - Nights X 9 |
Rollins Band - Do It |
Radio Java - Radio Yogyakarta |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-4-10_Punk_Life_guest_episode.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Guest DJ: Nick English (DJ Paleface) |


Billy Lee Riley and the Little Green Men - Red Hot |
Jerry Lee Lewis - High School Confidential |
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis |
New York Dolls - Trash |
Sex Pistols - Holidays in the Sun |
Sex Pistols - Bodies |
Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90 Go! |
Bow Wow Wow - Louis Quatorze |
Malcolm McLaren - Double Dutch |
Malcolm McLaren - Madam Butterfly |
World Famous Supreme Team - D'ya Like Scratchin' |
Malcolm McLaren - She's Looking Like a Hobo |
Malcolm McLaren - Shall We Dance |
Malcolm McLaren - Deep in Vogue |
World Famous Supreme Team - Operaa House |

World Famous Supreme Team - Coche de Agua Negra |
Malcolm McLaren - I Love You in Velvet |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-20-10_McLaren.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:19pm EST

Guest DJ: Jonathan Fischer (Arts editor, Washington City Paper) |


The Felt Letters - 600,000 Bands |
Childballads - Cheekbone Hollows |
Tuff Darts! - Who's Been Sleeping Here? |
Channels - Fear Is a Man's Best Friend |
Imperial China - Go Where Airplanes Go |
Units - High Pressure Days |
Midnight Kids - Night Walk |
True Womanhood - Rubber Buoys |
Poly Styrene - Day That Time Forgot |
The Caribbean - Do You Believe in Dinosaurs |
Medications - Country Air |
Young Marble Giants - Include Me Out |
TV Ghost - The Network |
Home Blitz - Two Steps |
Black Tambourine - Dream Baby Dream |
Robyn Hitchcock - The Bones in the Ground |
Elyse Weinberg - Houses |
Hume - Grip |
The War on Drugs - Taking the Farm |
The Dream Syndicate - The Days of Wine and Roses |

Direct download: Dissonance_4-7-10_Fischer.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

Guest DJs: John Scharbach, Ian Marshall, Gene Melkithesian (Give) |


Give - Aaron's Interlude / Amphetamine Dream / Godspeeding |
Mercyful Fate - A Corpse without a Soul |
Riverbottom Nightmare Band - Riverbottom Nightmare Band |
Link Wray and the Ray Men - Branded |
Superchunk - Seed Toss |
Experience Unlimited - Computer Funk |
Cormega feat. Ghostface Killah - Tony Montana |
Partyline - Stealing from Children |
Al Wilson - The Snake |
The Hangmen - The Girl Who Faded Away |
Give - Boots of Faith |
SOA - Public Defender |
New Order - Sooner Than You Think |
Give - Ben |
Aggression - Tag |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-30-10_Give.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

Guest DJ: Joseph Pattisall (Wraith Films) |


Worn Thin - Route 1 |
Misfits - Hatebreeders |
Suicidal Tendencies - Controlled by Hatred |
Nerve Agents - Dead Man Walking |
Count Me Out - Built Through Time |
Alphabet Bombers - Panic Attack |
Renee Heartfelt - The Melodramatic |
Darkest Hour - Demon(s) |
H2O - Friend (Marginal Man) |
Atmosphere - Woman with the Tattooed Arms |
Judge - New York Crew |
A Tribe Called Quest - We Can Get Down |
Shelter - Freewill |
Artifacts - Wrong Side of da Tracks |
D.R.I. - The Five Year Plan |
Battery - Young Till I Die (7 Seconds) |

Direct download: Dissonance_3-16-10_Joseph_Pattisall.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:11pm EST

Guest DJ: Alec MacKaye (The Untouchables, Faith, Ignition, the Warmers) |


Dead Moon - Spectacle |
Kyu Sakamoto - It's All Because of You |
Junkyard Band - Titty Balls |
Antelope - Game Over |
The Avengers - We Are the One |
Chuck Dukowski - What I See |
Eddy Current Suppression Ring - Which Way to Go |
Monorchid - Abyss |
The Pupils - All the People |
The Felt Letters - 600,000 Bands |
Minutemen - Anchor |
Third World War - Ascension Day |
Jeff Buckley - I Against I |
Bad Brains - Attitude |
Moby - Sailin' On |
Motorhead - R.A.M.O.N.E.S. |
Vic Chesnutt - You're Never Alone |

Direct download: Dissonance_2-2-10_Alec_MacKaye.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:21am EST

Guest DJ: Nick English (DJ Paleface) |


Stiff Little Fingers - Alternative Ulster (live) |
Poison Girls - Persons Unknown |
Sex Pistols - Submission |
Malcolm McLaren - Jive My Baby |
Malcolm McLaren - Buffalo Gals |
Malcolm McLaren - Madame Butterfly |
Bob Marley - Redder than Red (Dreader mix) |
Bim Sherman - My Sunshine |
Joy Division - Transmission |
Happy Mondays - 24 Hour Party People |
A Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Ray |
Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Farley & Heller mix) |
Armand Van Helden- Hybrids |
King Unique - Lighters |
Beth Orton - Anywhere |
Dub Pistols - Cyclone |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-19-10_UK_punk_dub_house.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:50am EST

Guest DJs: John Davis (Title Tracks, Georgie James, Q and not U) and Michael Cotterman (Title Tracks, Georgie James, The Loved Ones, Kid Dynamite) |


Nick Lowe - I Knew the Bride (live) |
Cuby and the Blizzards - Your Body, Not Your Soul |
The Rutles - Hold My Hand |
Cherry People - And Suddenly |
Title Tracks - No Girl |
Eddie and the Hot Rods - Do Anything You Want to Do |
20/20 - Remember the Lightning |
Title Tracks - Piles of Paper |
The Modern Lovers - Government Center |
The Wipers - Tragedy |
Mouse and the Traps - Lie Beg Borrow and Steal |
Arthur Alexander - Soldier of Love (Lay Down Your Arms) |
Adriano Celentano - Prisencolinensinainciusol |
Harry Nilsson - Me and My Arrow |
B. Bumble and the Stingers - Bumble Boogie |
Racey - Lay Your Love on Me |
The N'Betweens - Security |
The Mice - More Than I Can Talk About |
Lord Large feat. Dean Parrish - Left Right & Centre |
The Equals - Rub a Dub Dub |
Kitty Wells - As Long as I Live |
Elvis Costello - Human Touch |

Direct download: Dissonance_1-5-10_Title_Tracks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:24am EST

Panel of experts: Alex Zavaleta and Kris Range (Banned in DC), Aaron Barth (Striking Distance, Shitfit, Cloak/Dagger), Carlos Izurieta (Worn Thin, Police & Thieves), Tad Peyton (Worn Thin, Set to Explode), Jason Mazzola (Count Me Out, Cloak/Dagger), Brad Hyra (Worn Thin, Lion of Judah, Trapped Under Ice), Joseph Pattisall (Malfunction Records), Mindie Ballard, Sean Stilwell (Worn Thin, Goddamn Wolves) |


Rocket from the Crypt - Pressure's On (Red C) |
Bad Brains - Universal Peace |
Striking Distance - Send in the Clones |
No Justice - Political Scheme |
Worn Thin - These Bitter Pills |
Cloak/Dagger - Billions Millions |
Count Me Out - Disconnect |
Barfight - You Suck |
American Nightmare - There's a Black Hole in the Shadow of the Pru |
Government Warning - Fat Nation |
The Vicious - Walking Dead |
Gorilla Biscuits - New Direction (live at CBGB) |
Burn - Tales of Shatou |
4 Walls Falling - Values and Instabilities |
Shark Attack - Misery Loves Company |
Right Brigade - Plead Your Case |
The Marked Men - Fortune |
Trial by Fire - Threat to the Slave Trade |
Lion of Judah - Mousetrapped |
Jesuseater - Disappearing Turns |
Time to Escape - World of Shit |
Coke Bust - F.B.C. |
Hot Snakes - Time to Escape |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-15-09_Decade_in_Review.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

Interviews: Zhang Shou Wang (Carsick Cars), Yang Hai Song (P.K. 14), Matthew Niederhauser (Sound Kapital) |

Demerit - Beijing Is Not My Home |
Demerit - Bastards of the Nation |
Demerit - Fight Your Apathy |
Interview with Matthew Niederhauser |
Carsick Cars - Zhi Yuan De Ren |
Carsick Cars - Mo Gu |
Carsick Cars - Zhong Man Hai |
Carsick Cars - Guang Chang |
Carsick Cars - You Can Listen You Can Talk |
Interview with Shou Wang |
P.K. 14 - 28th Shadow |
P.K. 14 - They |
P.K. 14 - Speaking Wounds |
P.K. 14 - Hurry |
P.K. 14 - Sweet Raindrop |
Interview with Yang Hai Song |
Xiao He - MTV |

Direct download: Dissonance_11-17-09_Chinese_punk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:59pm EST

Guest DJ: Mark Jickling (Half Japanese) |


Half Japanese - Firecracker Firecracker |
Half Japanese - Double Trouble |
Boister - Demons Come |
Zomes - Immanent Songs |
Manu Chao - Crev' la Vie / Pinocchio |
Yo La Tengo - Nothing to Hide |
Yo La Tengo - Ashes on the Ground |
Modern Lovers - Ride Down the Highway |
Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Mekons - Big Zombie |
Michael Hurley - Hog of the Forsaken |
Liz Carroll - The Ugly Duckling |
Old Songs - Beautiful Ones (Sappho) / Kingfisher (Alcman) / Money's Like a Hedgehog (Archilochus) |
Howlin' Wolf - I Asked for Water |
Howlin' Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin' |
Elvis Presley - His Latest Flame |
The Cramps - It's Mighty Crazy |
Half Japanese - My Sordid Past |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-20-09_Half_Japanese.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Guest DJ: Alpha Betts (OmegaBand) |


Love - My Flash on You |
The Stooges - Not Right |
Ramones - Chain Saw |
Queen - Sheer Heart Attack |
Beastie Boys - Heart Attack Man |
OmegaBand - DC Shorts |
Ricanstruction - Dream in Porto Rico / No Money Down |
Revolts - Stop These Wars |
McRad - No Guns |
H.R. - We're Gonna Get You / Heaven Forbid |
Branch Manager - Irrationally Yours |
Iron Cross - Crucified for Your Sins |
The Clash - White Riot |
The Specials - Do the Dog |
The Mummies - Your Love |
The Preachers - Who Do You Love |
Me Monster - Fuck Love, Make War |
The BellRays - I Lost the Feeling |
April March w/ the Makers - Explosion |
The Drags - Explosions |
Thee Lexington Arrows - Get Lost |
SantoGold w/ Diplo - Right Brigade |
Bad Brains - I |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-6-09_Omega.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:15pm EST

Guest DJ: Cynthia Connolly (Banned in DC) |

Costa, Campbell, Lloyd & Cline - Times Is Getting Harder |
The Jugbusters - Fly Around |
Chain and the Gang - Reparations |
Billie Jo Spears - Mr. Walker, It's All Over |
Etta James - Anything to Say You're Mine |
Avengers - The American in Me |
Bad Brains - Sailin' On |
Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares - Todara's Dream |
Bjork - Aurora |
The Clean - Billy Two |
Low - Starfire |
Anna Connolly - untitled |
Elmapi - Ce N'est Pas Encore L'histoire |
Blonde Redhead - Hated Because of Great Qualities |
Shudder to Think - No Room 9, Kentucky |
Fugazi - Break |
Holy Rollers - Everlast |
Lightning Bolt - Forcefield |
The Cramps - Green Door |
Molly O'Day and the Cumberland Mountain Folks - Poor Ellen Smith |
Patsy Montana - I Wanna Be a Western Cowgirl |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-29-09_Cynthia_Connolly.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EST

Guest DJs: Laura Harris and Jason Hutto (The Aquarium) |

The Scientists - Set It on Fire
The Nazz - Forget All About It |
Quintron - Place Unkown |
The Seeds - Can't Seem to Make You Mine |
The Aquarium - Citizen Band |
The Clash - Up in Heaven (Not Only Here) |
Meat Puppets - Lake of Fire |
The Zombies - Hung Upon a Dream |
The Aquarium - Performer / Battle of the Bands |
Antelope - Wandering Ghost |
Cannonball Adderley - Why Am I Treated So Bad |
The Griefs - Whenever You're Around |
Catalyst - Little Miss Lady |
The Griefs - Why Do You Like Him |
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Arabian Nights |
Betty Harris - Show Me |
Kid Congo Powers - Bobo Boogie |
The Modern Lovers - She Cracked |
Adam Ant - Deutscher Girls |
Joe Jackson - Got the Time |
The Aquarium - Golden Pyramid |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-15-09_Aquarium.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:55am EST

Guest DJs: Kevin Hilliard and Ross Hurt (Caverns) |

Oxes - Boss Kitty
Frodus - Red Bull of Juarez |
Lungfish - Cleaner Than Your Surroundings |
City of Caterpillar - Maybe They'll Gnaw Right Through |
Autechre - 6ie.cr |
Tyondai Braxton - Stand There |
Converge - Concubine |
Mogwai - Killing All the Flies |
Ink & Dagger - Lolita |
Burning Airlines - Pacific 231 |
Tortoise - Glass Museum |
Botch - Japam |
Need New Body - Hot Shot |
Dillinger Escape Plan - Clip the Apex...Accept Instruction |
McLusky - KK Kitchens, What Were You Thinking? |
The Out_Circuit - Glasgow |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-1-09_Caverns.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:02pm EST

Guest DJ: Cullen Nawalkowsky (Taxlo, Red Emma's Bookstore) |

The Birthday Party
Bolt Thrower - Spearhead |
Entombed - Stranger Aeons |
Napalm Death - Mass Appeal Madness |
Discharge - You Take Part in Creating This System |
Deicide - Dead but Dreaming |
Venom - Blood Lust |
Death - Suicide Machine |
Pitch Shifter - Diable |
Impaled Nazarene - Gott ist Tot |
Buzzov en - Done |
Jesus Lizard - Boilermaker |
Angel Hair - Lazy Eye |
Absolution - Dead and Gone |
Judge - Like You |
Killing Joke - Requiem |
Crisis - PC 1984 |
Henry Rollins - Followed Around |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-18-09_Taxlo.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:06pm EST

Guest DJ: Mary Timony (Autoclave, Helium, Soft Power) |

Aquarium - Good People
Blood Feathers - Sweet Little Lullaby |
Ex Models - Girlfriend Is Worse |
Concentrick - Sacred Texts |
The Stranglers - No More Heroes |
Silver Apples - Seagreen Seranades |
Smog - Ex-Con |
Vel - I Just Got Dissed by Eminem |
Wire - Outdoor Miner |
Casual Dots - Clocks |
Family Fodder - Der Leiermann |
B.J. Snowden - In Canada |
Lilliput - unknown |
Oneida - Lavender |
Parts and Labor - Nowheres Nigh |
Soft Power - Isabella |
Autoclave - Dr. Seuss |
Helium - Superball |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-04-09_Mary_Timony.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:18am EST

Guest DJs: Brian Porter and Matt Johnson (Imperial China) |

Faraquet - Cut Self Not
Antlers - Dogwood |
Jesus Lizard - Mouth Breather |
Professor Murder - Champion |
Talking Heads - Cities |
Lightning Bolt - Assassins |
Atlas Sound - River Card |
Dismemberment Plan - Spider in the Snow |
Zach Hill - Dark Art |
Black Dice - Gore |
Cannot Be Stopped - Maximalism |
Add N to (X) - Fyuz |
The Books - An Animated Description of Mr. Maps |
Double Dagger - We Are the Ones |
Dog Faced Hermans - Punjabi Monster Beat / Fortune |
Need New Body - Show Me Your Heart |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-21-09_Imperial_China.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:16pm EST

Guest DJs: Hugh McElroy (Black Eyes, Horses, Sentai, Hand Fed Babies, Ruffian Records), Dan Caldas (Black Eyes, Horses, Authorization), Jeff Barsky (Insect Factory, Plums, Authorization)  |

Black Sabbath -
Supernaut |
Comet Gain - The Fists in the Pocket |
Hume - Oneirnaut / dub |
The Mice - Little Rage |
Dog Faced Hermans - Jan 9 |
The Ex - Dere Geliyor Dere |
Captain Beefheart - Low Yo Yo Stuff |
Goblin - Buio Omega (M25) |
Daft Punk - Veridis Quo |
Hirut Bèqèlè - Yèqondjowotch Mendèr |
Lee Perry and Junior Delgado - Dreader Locks |
Huggy Bear - My Best Kiss |
Authorization - Summer Song |
The Wipers - Doom Town |
Pink Floyd - Remember a Day |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-7-09_Black_Eyes.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:20am EST

Guest DJ: Kenny Inouye (Hate from Ignorance, Marginal Man, Thud, The City Bleeds) |

King Giant - Answers
Bad Brains - Pay to Cum |
Black Market Baby - Downward Christian Soldiers |
Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Void - Who Are You / Time to Die |
Dead Boys - Sonic Reducer |
Dead Kennedys - Insight |
The Damned - Love Song |
UK Subs - Party in Paris |
The Fight - Can't Be Bothered |
Roger Miret and the Disasters - New York Belongs to Me |
Cro-Mags - We Gotta Know |
Gray Matter - Caffeine Blues |
Circle Jerks - Don't Care / Live Fast Die Young |
Black Flag - Clocked In |
Marginal Man - Tell Me |
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes - I'll Be There / My Favorite Things |
Iggy and the Stooges - I Got a Right |
Buzzcocks - Harmony in My Head |
Thud - Score |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-30-09_Kenny_Inouye.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:12pm EST

Guest DJs: Johnny Ward (pg. 99, Malady, Pygmy Lush) and Mike Widman (Mannequin, Pygmy Lush)  |

The Breeders - Divine Hammer
The Residents - I'm Not Crazy |
Danny Gatton - Harlem Nocturne |
Born Against - Murder the Sons of Bitches |
Steve Earle - The Other Side of Town |
Yardwork - Ghost Moth |
Swans - Coward |
Smashing Pumpkins - Glynis |
The Jesus Lizard - Fly on the Wall |
Rollins Band - Disconnect |
Mannequin - Darwin Blacklist |
Screeching Weasel - Ain't Got No Sense |
Billie Holiday - What a Little Moonlight Can Do |
Rice - The Future |
Blatz - Learning How to Smile |
Afghan Whigs - Uptown Again |
The Band - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down |
Tom Waits - Town with No Cheer |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-16-09_Pygmy_Lush.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52am EST

Guest DJ: Sgt. Will S. (Sniper Scout Platoon, 1/6 Infantry Regiment, 1st Armor Division, Sadr City, Iraq) |

Gorgoroth - Wound Upon Wound
Murder City Devils - Make It on My Own |
The Starvations - An American Funeral |
The Wipers - This Time |
Union of Uranus - Face Value |
Blood for Blood - Bitch Called Hope |
My Lai - Ruthless |
Darkthrone - Skald Av Satans Sol |
Dog Faced Hermans - Love Split with Blood |
Volume Eleven - Abuse You and Me |
FM Bats - All You Do Is Jerk |
Gang Wizard - I've Got a Map |
Jacks - Carnation |
Magic Ship - On the Edge |
Dead Moon - 54/40 or Fight |
The Bloods - Button Up |
Aero Sound - Ready for Take Off |
Nick Cave - I Had a Dream, Joe |
Cock Sparrer - Riot Squad |
Entrance - Prayer of Death |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-5-09_Iraq.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:10pm EST

Guest DJs: Devin Ocampo (Medications, Faraquet, Smart Went Crazy), Chad Molter (Medications, Faraquet, Edie Sedgwick), Mark Cisneros (Medications, Low Ways Quintet)  |
Guest interviewer: Matt Camp |

Giles, Giles and Fripp - One in a Million
Women - Group Transport Hall |
Beach Boys - Busy Doin' Nothin' |
Centella - Amenaza |
Selma Oxor - Abrazame Demonio |
Sun City Girls - Vinegar Stroke |
Syd Barrett - Baby Lemonade |
Woods - Keep It On |
Field Music - Feeding the Birds |
Sic Alps - Love Is Strange |
Ian Dury - Clever Trevor |
The Sorts - On Paper |
Euphone - Little Warbles |
Meat Puppets - Buckethead |
Minutemen - Search |
X - Los Angeles |
Talking Heads - Psycho Killer |
King Crimson - Red |
His Name Is Alive - Dirt Eaters |
The Jaguars - Where Lovers Go |
Low Ways Quintet - A Short Wave Commune |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-21-09_Medications.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:34pm EST

Guest DJ: Brian Lombardozzi (1905, Birds and Wires, Amor y Lucha Records)  |

1905 - Lingua Franca |
Birds and Wires - Construct / The Sun Also Rises |
Universal Order of Armageddon - Switch Is Down |
Born Against - Half Mast |
Amebix - Chain Reaction |
Crass - White Punks on Hope |
Poison Girls - Price of Grain |
Au Pairs - Armagh |
Omega Tribe - Profiteer |
The Mob - Our Lives, Our World |
Firing Squad - Firing Squad |
The Wipers - Pushing the Extreme |
Fugazi - Merchandise |
Q and not U - Then Thousand Animal Calls |
Black Eyes - Some Boys |
Illuminati - Los Ultimos Dias de la Dulzura |
Big Boys - We're Not in It to Lose |
Mission of Burma - That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-07-09_Dozer.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:49pm EST

Guest DJs: Geo White and Danny Darko (The Points)  |

The Nerves - Walking Out on Love |
The Saints - Know Your Product |
The Mummies - Stronger Than Dirt |
Misfits - We Are 138 |
Nervous Eaters - Degenerate |
Hot Snakes - I Hate the Kids |
Rocket from the Crypt - Born in '69 |
King Khan - Animal Party |
Los Reactors - Pregnant Girls / Culture Shock |
Ike and Tina Turner - Tell the Truth |
Carbonas - Phone Booth / Journey to the End |
The Banshees - They Prefer Blondes |
The Real Kids - Rave On |
Don & the Goodtimes - High Heel Sneakers |
Buzzcocks - I Don't Mind |
The Nerves - Are You Famous |
Pagans - Not Now No Way |
Supercharger - Sooprize Package for Mr. Mineo |
The Sweet - Little Willy |
The Points - No Girl |
The Outsiders - Summertime Blues |
The Saints - I'm Stranded |
The Sweet - Funny Funny |
Spider Babies - I Don't Give a Fuck |
Ramones - Loudmouth |
Direct download: Dissonance_3-31-09_The_Points.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:10am EST

Guest DJs: Saadat Awan (Metropolitan, Travis Morrison Hellfighters, The Cassettes), Shelby Cinca (Frodus, Decahedron, Frantic Mantis, Man & Wasp, Triobelisk, The Cassettes), Nick Kraly  |


Triobelisk - Moon Has Me Fooled |
Celso Fonseca - Bon Sinal |
Mayra Andrade - Dimokransa |
Cesaria Evora - Tchintchirote |
Ruy Mingas - Makesu |
Jonathan Kreinik - Escape |
Alexandroid - Energy |
The Aquarium - Can't Afford to Live Here |
Division of Laura Lee - Wild and Crazy |
Aman Hayer - DC Salute |
The Cassettes - Countach (Bhangra remix) |
Noor Jehan - Sanoo Nehar Walia Pul |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-17-09_The_Cassettes.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Guest DJ: Justin Moyer (Edie Sedgwick, Antelope, El Guapo, Super/System, S-Process)  |


Patsy Cline - Walkin' after Midnight |
Paul Warmack and his Gully Jumpers - Tennessee Waltz |
Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes |
Hank Williams - Kaw-Liga |
Alan Lomax - Woe Buck (Mississippi State Penitentiary) |
Harp of a Thousand Strings - Wondrous Love |
Suicide - Rocket USA |
Super/System - Eagles Fleeing Eyries |
Slant 6 - Ladybug Superfly |
The Points - Feeling Sorry |
Showcase Showdown - 213 |
The Vertebrates - Asteroids |
Lungfish - Oppress Yourself |
Qux*o*tic - What's So Good About Goodbye |
Gucci Crew II - Sally (That Girl) |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-03-09_Edie_Sedgwick.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:48am EST

DISSONANCE and Radio CPR present insights into the post-inaugural agenda of the new Obama administration from DC's policy advocacy NGO community:

Foreign policy: Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies |
Labor policy: Karla Walter, Center for American Progress |
Immigration policy: Laura Vazquez, National Council of La Raza |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-20-09_Obama_inaugural_show.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:56pm EST

Guest DJs: Nerpal Potdar, Billy Doll, Wes Newton, and Joel Virothaisakun (Dark City Management, The Scare); Zak Jordan, Mikey (The Mostly Dead, Mighty Science Records); Steve Mercado (Shadowmonster Design); Joe Mitra (The Chase, FVK DC, Dead Vice Prez, Wired Wrists Studios) |


The Escape Artist - We Fight in the Name of the Disappeared |
The Scare - Dream Fatigue |
The Scare - The Innocence of Laughter |
Ante Up - For Lack of a Better Word |
An Aria - The End of the Sunshine Clan |
An Aria - Victory |
The Mostly Dead - Stutter |
The Mostly Dead - Nevernude |
Dillinger Escape Plan - We Are the Storm |
Dillinger Escape Plan - Fix Your Face |
Adonis Decay - Leviathan |
Solar Powered Sun Destroyer - Some Assembly Required |
Attain - Doves Will Die |
Brick - No Reprieve |
Timber - Youth Wasted on Young |
Backtrack - Standing on Two Feet |
Control - Understanding |
Lost/Again - People Like Me |
Bad Habit - Marginalized |
Trapped Under Ice - Gemini |
Coke Bust - Fuck Bar Culture |
Deleted Scenes - Mortal Sin |
The Fordists - Monuments |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-06-09_Dark_City.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:13pm EST

Guest DJs: Amanda Kleinman (The White, The Apes) and Erick Jackson (The Golden Touch, BST Payback, The Apes)  |


Vanilla Fudge - Need Love |
Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us |
Van Halen - Beautiful Girls |
The Birthday Party - Cry |
Funkadelic - Super Stupid |
Love - Stephanie Knows Who |
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Sinister Purpose |
Black Sabbath - A Hard Road |
Party of Helicopters - Never Ending Cycle |
The Gris Gris - Down with Jesus |
Mudhoney - Here Comes Sickness |
Modey Lemon - Enemy |
Soul Side - Bad Show |
The Congos - Solid Foundation |
MC5 - Tonight |
Boys Next Door - Brave Exhibitions |
Sly and the Family Stone - In Time |
Brian Eno - Sombre Reptiles |
Can - Spoon |
Metallica - Trapped Under Ice |
Liars - Every Day Is a Child With... |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-30-08_The_Apes.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:13pm EST

Guest DJ: Edd Jacobs |


Trouble Funk - Still Smokin' |
Faith - Say No More / Limitations |
Half Japanese - Dance When I Say Dance |
The Damned - Fish |
Iron Cross - Live for Now |
Red C - Pressure's On |
Marginal Man - Pandora's Box |
Beefeater - Better'n Me |
S.O.A. - Public Defender |
Madhouse - Repulsion |
Minor Threat - Screaming at a Wall |
Ignition - Previous |
9353 - Famous Last Words |
Holy Rollers - Perfect Sleeper |
The Cramps - Chicken |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-2-08_Edd_Jacobs.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

Guest DJ: Mark Jenkins (Washington Post, Dance of Days) |


The Nurses - Hearts |
The Shirkers - Drunk and Disorderly |
Razz - You Can Run (But You Can't Hide) |
Slickee Boys - Attitude |
Black Market Baby - America's Youth |
D. Ceats - Best Friend's Girlfriend |
Tru Fax & the Insaniacs - Mystery Date |
The Nurses - Bad Mood |
The Penetrators - Broken Promises |
The Chumps - 7-11 |
D. Ceats - Go Back (Michael Fennelly) |
Urban Verbs - Early Damage |
Tiny Desk Unit - Take Me to Paris |
Twisted Teenage Plot - Elephants Stomping on My Head |
Tommy Keene - Strange Alliance |
Insect Surfers - Ex Lion Tamer (Wire) |
Direct download: Dissonance_11-25-08_Mark_Jenkins.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:39pm EST

2008 Election roundtable discussion with Linda Feldman (Christian Science Monitor), Ken Silverstein (Harpers), Jim Newell (Wonkette), Sophia Qureshi (Al-Jazeera English)
Direct download: Dissonance_10-21-08_Election_2008_Meet_the_Press.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:44am EST

Guest DJ: Shawn Brown (Dag Nasty, Swiz, Fury, Sweetbelly Freakdown, Jesuseater) |
Guest interviewer: Carlos Izurieta (Worn Thin, Police & Thieves) |


The Make-Up - Here Comes the Judge |
Avail - Scuffletown |
Fun People - Si Pudiera (desde Ushuaia) |
Paint It Black - Election Day |
Phantom Surfers - Nantucket Sleigh Ride |
The Coral - In the Forest |
Betrayed - Understand |
Frank Black and the Catholics - Blast Off |
Slant 6 - What Kind of Monster Are You? |
Black Market Baby - Potential Suicide |
Death Cab for Cutie with Sean Nelson - Fortunate Son (CCR) |
Police & Thieves - 13th & Monroe |
Crispus Attucks - Revolution Now ! |
Groovie Ghoulies - Let's Go to the Moon |
The Dismemberment Plan - Ellen & Ben |
Soul Asylum - Sexual Healing (Marvin Gaye) |
Urge Overkill - Take a Walk |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Crimps & Ties |
Detroit Cobras - Hot Dog |
Point of No Return - Pedra |
Pretty Girls Make Graves - Speakers Push the Air |
Guru - Loungin' |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-07-08_Shawn_Brown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:25pm EST

Guest DJs: Dave Brown (Vicious Circle Records, Barfight; author, Adult Crash) and Dave Byrd (Striking Distance, Set to Explode) |


Dead Kennedys - Police Truck |
Minutemen - Paranoid Time |
Direct Control - War All the Time |
WarKrime - Give War a Chance |
Cro-Mags - World Peace |
Agnostic Front - Final War |
Kill Your Idols - X Claim (SSD) |
Down to Nothing - Unbreakable |
Cloak/Dagger - Kamikaze |
Slumlords - Hardcore Eviction Crew |
Cockney Rejects - Police Car |
Black Flag - Police Story |
SSD - Police Beat |
SOA - Public Defender |
Madball - Smell the Bacon |
Mensen - Cherry Bomb (The Runaways) |
Government Warning - Deny Everything (Circle Jerks) |
F Minus - Real Deal (Antidote) |
Sahara Hotnights - Teenage Kicks (The Undertones) |
The Ladies - I'm the Worst |
The Briefs - Sylvia |
The Suspects - One Man Riot |
The Bronx - Los Angeles (X) |
Hard Skin - Let's 'Ave It |
Black Anvil - L.T.H.L.T.K. |
Nausea - Battened |
Parasytic - Who's to Blame |
Double Negative - Ah-Diction |
Wasted Time - Hostage |
Kamikatze - Chrille P |
Fy Fan - Tjit Da |
Token Entry - Jaybird |
Suicidal Tendencies - Possessed to Skate |
Gang Green - Stake to Hell |
The Faction - Skate & Destroy |
Avail - Southbound 95 |
Four Walls Falling - Price of Silence |
Count Me Out - Stakes Is High |
White Cross - MTV |
45 Grave - Party Time |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-30-08_Adult_Crash.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Guest DJ: Nick English (DJ Paleface; Bad Brains' original manager) |


The Clash - London's Burning |
Sex Pistols - Submission |
Leyton Buzzards - 19 and Mad |
The Outcasts - Just Another Rebel Girl |
Wire - I Am the Fly |
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Tongue Tied |
Rezillos - Good Sculptures |
X-Ray Spex - Identity |
The Vice Creams - 01-01-212 |
Prince Far I - Under Heavy Manners + version |
Pere Ubu - Non-Alignment Pact (Live) |
Penetration - Don't Dictate |
The Only Ones - Another Girl, Another Planet |
The Lurkers - I'm on Heat |
The Clash - (White Man) in Hammersmith Palais |
Johnny Clark - Joshua's Tree |
Section 25 - Girls Don't Count |
A Certain Ratio - Shack Up |
Wreckless Eric - Reconnez Cherie |
Comsat Angels - Total War / Independence Day |
The Tights - China's Eternal |
Sham 69 - Borstal Breakout |
4 Be 2s - All of the Lads |
Wreckless Eric - Be Stiff |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-16-08_London_Birth_of_Punk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

Guest DJs: Daniel Fleming, Derrick Kozerka, Joel Hansen (Age of Ruin) |


Age of Ruin - So Sends the Rat |
They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul |
Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come |
Spitfire - The 248 Lie |
Boris - Pink |
Mae - We're So Far Away |
Sum of All Fears - Before I'm Through |
Animal Magazine - Rustyard |
The Move - Message from the Country |
Acedia - St. Narcissus of the Flies |
Days Lost - Tenfold Vengeance |
Jonas - Feedback Factor |
Damnation A.D. - Climbing and Climbing |
A Girl Called Eddy - The Long Goodbye |
Age of Ruin - Face the Loss |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-02-08_Age_of_Ruin.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:03pm EST

Guest DJ: Amanda MacKaye (Sammich Records, Desiderata, Jury Rig, the Routineers, Fort Reno Park) |

Four Roses Society - Introduction with Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling |
Loretta Lynn - Open Season on You |
The Huck-A-Bucks - It's Time (64X's) |
Blood, Sweat and Tears - Spinning the Wheel |
The Dickies - You Drive Me Ape (You Big Gorilla) |
The Vile Cherubs - Broke My Heart in Three |
Bent Fabric - Catsanova Walk |
Ice Cube - Bird in Hand |
The Tall Boys - Give It Here |
The Beatles - Revolution |
The Pupils - It's Good to Have Met You |
The Cramps - Green Door |
Lunch Meat - Lookin' Around / No Need |
X-Ray Spex - Let's Submerge |
Ignition - Standstill |
Scream - The Sing It Up Kidz |
Three Dog Night - Black and White |
The Germs - We Must Bleed |
Circus Lupus - Unrequited |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-5-08_Amanda_MacKaye.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:38am EST

Guest DJs: Al Budd (the Problematics, the Shirks) and Ned Neurotik (the Neurotiks, the Goons, the Shirks) |

The Isley Brothers - Everybody's Gonna Rock and Roll |
The Shirks - Dangerous |
The Knickerbockers - Just One Girl |
The Beatles - Some Other Guy |
The Vikings - Surrender (Cheap Trick) |
Sid King and the Five Strings - Good Rockin' Baby |
Sonic's Rendezvous Band - You're So Great |
The Real Kids - Out of Time (Rolling Stones) |
Asteroid B6 12 - You Always Got Something to Lose |
Zero Boys - Tryin' Harder |
E-in Bryno - Indianapolis |
Sir Winston and the Commons - We Are Gonna Love |
The Gizmos - Progressive Rock |
The Shirks - Young and Filthy |
Otis Rush - Violent Love |
The Raydios - Compassionate Adult |
Jack Lee - Stand Back and Take a Good Look |
Downliners Sect - Hurt by Love |
The Contaminators - No Friends |
Bob Wills and the Texas Playbos - Brain Cloudy Blues |
The Supercools - Something Tomorrow |
The Devil Dogs - Sixth Avenue Local |
Thunder Rocks - Rampage |
The Dream Dates - Moans on the Phone |
Radio Birdman - Snake |
The Shirks - Get Out |
The Victims - Substitute |
The Problematics - Bad Habit |
The Neurotiks - Destroy |
Kid Thomas - Rockin' This Joint Tonight |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-29-08_The_Shirks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:01am EST

Guest DJ: Dave Smalley (DYS, Dag Nasty, All, Down by Law, the Sharpshooters) |

Hank Williams III - You're the Reason |
Iron Maiden - Die with Your Boots On |
Motorhead - (We Are) the Road Crew |
The Fags - Tonite |
Supergrass - Pumping on Your Stereo |
Adam and the Ants - Dog Eat Dog |
Dag Nasty - Values Here |
Dag Nasty - Twisted Again |
The Clash - The Magnificent Seven |
The Flaming Sideburns - Lose My Soul |
Gang of Four - Natural's Not in It |
Undertones - Jump Boys |
Down by Law - Nothing Good on the Radio |
Down by Law - Gruesome Gary |
XTC - Mayor of Simpleton |
The Who - Love, Reign o'er Me |
The Clash - Safe European Home |
Dale Watson - Good Luck n' Good Truckin' Tonight |
Blitz - Someone's Gonna Die |
Sham 69 - If the Kids Are United |
The Jam - Going Underground |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-15-08_Dave_Smalley.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:54am EST

Guest DJ: Matt Painter (Chalkline) |


Assfactor 4 - I Reckon |
Antiseen - Trapped in Dixie |
In/Humanity - We are the Kids / 3 Flags Over the Capitol |
Insult to Injury - F word |
Disease - All Dressed Up for the Exhumation |
Marion - I Got Your Shame |
Scout - Tomato |
Calabi Yau - High in the Saddle |
des_ark - Send Jolley to Raleigh |
Hal al Shedad - Yesterday's Bullets |
Car vs. Driver - Summer Pick-Up |
Fastplant - unknown |
Action Patrol - EQ45 |
Bedlam Hour - Grey Sweater |
Jay Reatard - My Family |
Minus One - Promises |
Ground - Blind |
Superchunk - What I Do |
Cloak/Dagger - Walk the Block |
Guyana Punch Line - Better Off Dead |
Prevail - 9 |
Inkwell - Savior |
Virginia Black Lung - Architects of Terror |
Reversal of Man - unknown |
Stretch Arm Strong - Keep Hope Alive |
Chalkline - Permission |
Archers of Loaf - Hate Paste |
Dark Meat - One More Trip |
Big Boys - Which Way to Go |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-17-08_Southern_Hardcore.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:28pm EST

6-6-08 Bad Brains Guest DJs: Darryl Jenifer & Sid McCray (Bad Brains) |
Guest interviewer: Ian MacKaye |
Also featuring: Nick English (DJ Paleface) |

Flora Purim - Open Our Eyes |
Brand X - unknown |
Lenny White - unknown |
Minnie Riperton - Perfect Angel |
Gino Vannelli - unknown |
Lonnie Liston Smith - unknown |
The Dells - I Can Sing a Rainbow |
Celtic Frost - Circle of the Tyrants |
Black Ivory - Spinning Around |
Bad Brains - dub interlude |
The Mad - I Hate Music |
Germs - What We Do Is Secret |
Sex Pistols - No Feelings (demo) |
Minor Threat - Screaming at a Wall |
The Damned - Neat Neat Neat |
Bad Brains - How Low Can a Punk Get? |
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Love in a Void |
Generation X - Ready Steady Go |
Discharge - State Violence / State Control |
Plasmatics - Fast Food Service |
Gaylads - Hard to Confess |
Gladiators - Guts |
GZA - Liquid Swords |
Boogie Down Productions - T'Cha |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-06-08_Bad_Brains.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Guest DJ: John Stabb (Government Issue, The Factory Incident) |
Guest interviewer: Steve McPherson (Brace, DJ Stereo Faith) |

The Taildraggers - What a Girl Can't Do (The Hangmen) |
Beatnik Flies - Books (Echo & the Bunnymen) |
Mary Lou Lord - Thirteen (Big Star) |
Loretta Lynn - Portland, Oregon |
Johnny Cash - Hurt (Nine Inch Nails) |
Technostress - Electrocution |
Paul Westerberg - World Class Fad |
Channels - Fear Is a Man's Best Friend (John Cale) |
The Sharpshooters - I'm the Face (The High Numbers) |
Librarians - Right On |
Kustomized - Stranded (The Saints) |
Ron Grainer Orchestra - Theme from "The Prisoner" |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-03-08_John_Stabb.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

Guest DJ: Don Zientara (Inner Ear Studio) |


Hank Williams - Ramblin' Man |
The Byrds - Here without You |
Leonard Bernstein - Scherzo: Vivace Leggiero |
The Dillards - She Sang Hymns Out of Tune |
Jefferson Airplane - Coming Back to Me |
Elliot Smith - Independence Day |
Cream - Badge |
Sparklehorse - Cruel Sun |
The Zombies - Care of Cell 44 |
Squeeze - Annie Get Your Gun |
Rolling Stones - Street Fighting Man |
Little Feat - Easy to Slip |
Tom Russell with Andy - Sonny's Diner |
Townes Van Zandt - Pancho & Lefty |
Squeeze - Tempted |
Johnny Cash - One |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-20-08_Don_Zientara.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19pm EST

Guest DJ: Chris Condayan (The Suspects, Lickity Split, Spitfires United, V.P.R., Capitol Radio) |


Devo - Beautiful World |
U.K. Subs - Emotional Blackmail |
Mission Impossible - I Can Only Try |
T.S.O.L. - Code Blue |
Skinnerbox - Open Season |
Killing Joke - Requiem |
Turbonegro - Suffragette City (D. Bowie) |
The Suspects - Catfish |
Prince Buster - Ten Commandments from Woman to Man |
Smiley Culture - Police Officer |
Ras Michael & the Sons of Negus - Mr. Brown |
Mutabaruka - Blacks in America |
VPR - Our Day in the Sun |
Public Enemy - She Watch Channel Zero |
Beastie Boys - Nervous Assistant |
Descendents - I'm Not a Loser |
Ramones - Rock & Roll High School |
The Low Budgets - Wipe My Ass with the World |
Jonathon Richmond - Dodge Veg-o-matic |
Rites of Spring - Drink Deep |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-06-08_Chris_Suspect.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:14pm EST

Guest DJ: Alec Bourgeois (Dischord Records, Superbad Records, Severin, Capitol City Dusters) |


Toots & the Maytals - Monkey Man |
Nueva Volcano - La Venda Negra |
Sonic Youth - (I Got a) Catholic Block |
Soft Boys - The Pigworker |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Bang |
The Who - Armenia City in the Sky |
Goodmorningboy - Cobwebs in the Air |
Minutemen - Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing |
Fugazi - In Defense of Humans (live first show) |
Slant 6 - Double Edged Knife |
Ramones - I Wanna Be Well |
999 - Emergency |
Generation X - Your Generation |
Rain - Rivers |
Wire - Ex Lion Tamer |
The Evens - Pushed Against the Wall |
Young Marble Giants - Music for Evenings |
Capitol City Dusters - Build Me Up |
Suicide - Goin' to Las Vegas |
Devo - Freedom of Choice |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-29-08_Alec_Bourgeois.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

Guest DJs: Brien Stewart (Lickity Split, L.D.K., Avail) and Chuck Roberts (Lickity Split, the Pietasters) |


Inquisition - Warning |
Common Rider - Time Wont Take Away |
Mötley Crüe - Knock 'em Dead Kid |
7 Seconds - Satyagraha |
L.D.K. - Always Got Something to Say |
Bad Brains - Banned in DC |
Cro-Mags - We Gotta Know |
Sick of It All - Step Down |
Lickity Split - Pure |
Adolescents - Lockdown America |
R.K.L. - Break the Camel's Back |
Dr. Know - Burn |
T.S.O.L. -  Serious |
Rancid - Killing Zone |
AC/DC - Kicked in the Teeth |
Avail - Self Inflicted |
Verbal Assault - Heal |
Lickity Split - Answers |
Pietasters - Night Before |
Pietasters - Dream of You |
Shout Bus - Minimum Wage |
Set to Explode - Feel the Rage |
Circle Jerks - Deny Everything |
Corrosion of Conformity - Hungry Child |
Strike Anywhere - Sunset on 32nd |
Operation Ivy - Freeze Up |
Germs - What We Do Is Secret |
Lungfish - Nothing Is Easy |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-15-08_Lickity_Split.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EST

Guest DJ: Jason Halal (86 Mentality) |


BGK - Rules |
Articles of Faith - What We Want Is Free |
Radio Birdman - Non-Stop Girls |
Totalitär - Multinationella Mördare |
Big Boys - Frat Cars |
Chapterhouse - Breather |
Cardiac Arrest - Hype Machine |
Crow - Anarchy Chaos Destruction II |
The Freeze - Voices in My Window |
Dark Angel - The Burning of Sodom |
Adverts - No Time to Be 21 |
The Lewd - Climate of Fear |
Chaos UK - No Security |
Carbonas - Frothing at the Mouth |
House of Love - Shine On |
Final Solutions - Electrofied |
Necros - Bad Dream |
H-100s - Picked On |
Hubble Bubble - Come with Us |
Skitkids - Lycklig Idiot |
Dead Stop - All I Can Take |
Dogs - Slash Your Face |
Death Side - Mirror |
Shattered Faith - Another Day Passes |
Teen Idles - No Fun |
Reatards - Eat Your Heart Out |
The Worst - Time Zone |
Soul Craft - Get Up My Soul |
G.G. & the Jabbers - Don't Talk to Me |
The Stupids - I Don't Like Nobody |
The Kinks - Brainwashed |
The Saints - No Time |
D.I. - Imminent War |
The Buzzcocks - Love Battery |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-01-08_Jason_Halal.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:05pm EST

Guest DJs: David Combs, Ben Epstein, Nick Popovici (The Max Levine Ensemble) |


Everclear - So Much for the Afterglow |
Fatboy Slim - Brimful of Asha (Cornershop) |
Monorchid - A Was for Anarchy |
Len - Steal My Sunshine |
Dillinger Four - Fuck You, Ms. Rochelle |
Crucial Unit - Living Room Moshpit |
Limp Wrist - OD'd on Pop |
The Max Levine Ensemble - Firetower |
Hickey - Believe |
The Ergs - Saturday Night Crap-O-Rama |
Delay - Everything You Hate |
Nirvana - Tourettes |
World/Inferno Friendship Society - Ich Erinnere Mich an die Weimarer Republik |
The Max Levine Ensemble - Aren't All Songs Political? |
The Silencers - Policeman |
Bomb the Music Industry - 439 Ruth |
The Selecter - Three Minute Hero |
Good Luck - Pajammin' |
The Max Levine Ensemble - Jazzonia / Back to Point |
Descendents - I'm the One |
The Bananas - A Slippery Subject |
Turboslut - Running in the Family |
Murder City Devils - Dance Hall Music |
Two Funerals - Don't Patronize Me |
Zegota - Anarchist Cheerleader Song |
The Max Levine Ensemble - You're Bitter |
Direct download: Dissonance_3-04-08_The_Max_Levine_Ensemble.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:38pm EST

Guest DJ: Basla Andolsun (The Andalusians, Beauty Pill, Del Cielo) |


Void - Who Are You? |
The Casual Dots - E.S.P. for Now |
Empire - Hot Seat |
The Evens - Around the Corner |
Lisa Germano - Reptile |
Antelope - Hollow You |
Lungfish - Love Is Love |
Stevie Wonder - Have a Talk with God |
Modern Lovers - I'm Straight |
Black Flag - I've Had It |
Yellowman & Fathead - I Can't Stand It |
des_ark - Lord of the Rings and His Fascist Time Keepers |
Al Green - Eli's Game |
The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make? |
Battles - Race: In |
The Beatles - A Day in the Life |
The Fall - Totally Wired |
Del Cielo - All Star |
Bad Brains - Banned in DC |
Fugazi - I'm So Tired |
The Andalusians - Eponym Anthem |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-19-08_Basla_Andolsun.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:55pm EST

Guest DJs: Kim Kane and Marshall Keith (The Slickee Boys) |


Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues |
The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night |
The Sonics - Louie Louie |
The Troggs - From Home |
Slickee Boys - Psycho Daisies |
The Seeds - No Escape |
Neal Ford & the Fanatics - Shame on You |
Slickee Boys - I'd Rather Be Out with the Boys |
Roky Erickson - Two Headed Dog |
Crime - Hot Wire My Heart |
Bad Brains - Pay to Cum |
Slickee Boys - Here to Stay |
Slickee Boys - Pictures of Matchstick Men |
Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo |
Marshall Keith - Bigfoot's Barbecue |
Grimm Fairies - Shadow's Revenge |
The Korps - I Want to Burn Out |
Ottley - I Wanna Be You |
The Cramps - Human Fly (City Gardens Trenton 1981) |
The Shirkers - Suicide |
The Damned - Help / New Rose |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-05-08_The_Slickee_Boys.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:46pm EST

Guest DJs: China Martens (author, The Future Generation) and Lydia Prentiss |


The Mothers - We Love Kids |
Gallina Negra - El Buey |
Motherlode Trio - Bad Mutha Blues |
Placenta - Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown |
Trolley Dodgers - Short and Sweet |
Trolley Dodgers - It Ain't Right |
Black Flamingo - Addicted to Sleaze |
Housewives on Prozac - Harper Valley PTA |
Dem Brooklyn Bums - Luigi's Famous Pun-Tango |
Candy Band - Playdough |
Molotonic - For Phoolan Devi (feat. Jessica Mills) |
Ms. Trix - Folding |
ABC No Rio puppet show - Pirate Song |
Omar Lopez - Grab It |
Shanghai Triad - The Pretender |
Polka Madre - Vida Propia |
Anacrusax - Muñeca Esquiva |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-29-08_Punk_Parenting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:53pm EST

Guest DJs: Dave Brown (Barfight, Vicious Circle Records) and Alex DiMattesa (Government Warning, Crispus Attucks, Worn Thin, Gamewinner, Grave Mistake Records) |


Minor Threat - Minor Threat (demo) |
Socialcide - Socialcide |
Nightstick Justice - Sick and Tired |
Cold World - Can It Be So Simple |
Battalion of Saints - Second Coming |
F-Minus - Victim in Pain (Agnostic Front) |
Barfight - Barfight |
Discharge - Dooms' Day |
Gut Instinct - Vicious Circle |
Deep Sleep - I'm on Top |
Mega City Four - Android Dreams |
Government Warning - Arrested |
The Beat - Rock n Roll Girl |
Violent Minds - Eyes of Death |
Double Negative - Retro Abortion |
Citizens Arrest - Touch n Go |
Vile - 5 to 10 |
Blitz - 45 Revolution |
McRad - Prevent This Tragedy |
Screaming Lord Salba - Wheels of Fire |
Trapped Under Ice - Soul Vice |
The Ergs - Sneak Attack |
The Ergs - Society Hill |
Wasted Time - Leech / No Shore |
All - She's My Ex |
Mensen - Kicked Out / Kicked In (Dead Moon) |
Hellacopters - Bullet (Misfits) |
Lemmy w/ Rollins Band - Thirsty & Miserable (Black Flag) |
Damnation A.D. - Fed Up (Judge) |
Descendents - I'm the One (demo w/ Chad Price) |
Webster - 1000 Letters |
Three - Swann Street |
Law and Order - Punks Like Us Get Nothing |
The Thumbs - Bruno Batta |
The Confusers - Knock Knock |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-15-08_Dave_Brown_Alex_DiMattesa.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:48pm EST

10-31-07 Dwid's Halloween Special
Guest Host: Dwid Hellion (Integrity, Psywarfare, Sledgehammer, Roses Never Fade) |

Dwid reads "The Raven" by Guido Gezelle |
Dwid reads "Hellhounds" |
interview with artist Stephen Kasner (Works: 1993 - 2006) |
Stephen Kasner feat. James Plotkin - Blood Fountain |
interview with Craig Mack (Living Hell) |
Living Hell - Malleus Dei |
Pulling Teeth - Dead Is Dead |
Vegas - Cure My Heart from Beating |
Vegas - Rhythm of Decline |
Shoot to Kill - North |
Ringworm - Hangman |
Pale Creation - Kaliira |
Roses Never Fade - Rosa Italia |
Roses Never Fade - The Man They Want to Hang |
interview with filmmaker Larry Wessel (Iconoclast) |
Dwid Hellion and Boyd Rice - Total War |
Boyd Rice & Friends - Disneyland Can Wait |
Scorpion Wind - Never Forget |
Boyd Rice & Friends - I'd Rather Be Your Enemy |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-31-07_Dwids_Halloween_Special.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

Guest DJs: Katy Otto (Problems, Del Cielo, Bald Rapunzel, Exotic Fever Records) and Todd McDonald (Problems, Routineers, Jury Rig, Say No More) |


Mission of Burma - Peking Spring |
Big Business - Just as the Day Was Dawning |
The Drags - No Matter What Shape Your Head Is In |
Pete the Pirate Squid - Drinking Song |
The Saints - Know Your Product |
Avec - Deceptive Cadence |
The Wipers - Telepathic Love |
Meneguar - Hands Off |
Hot Snakes - Automatic Midnight |
Your Majesty - The Swinger |
Scream - Came Without Warning |
Akarso - Leave Quietly |
Come - William |
Pash - The Best Gun |
Meters - Punjee |
Discount - Broken to Blue |
Pixies - Gouge Away |
Forget Cassettes - Like Tiny Swords |
Lost Sounds - I Get Nervous |
Free Verse - No Crime No Gain |
Monorchid - Southern Fried Wonton |
Brakes - Hi, How Are You? |
Big Boys - No Love |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-09-07_Problems.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:03am EST

Guest DJs: Rusty Sticha (The Twats, Suns of Guns) and Max Weinstein-Bacal (Booboisie, The Twats, Friendly Fire) |


The Twats - T.W.A.T |
Descendents - Van |
Motorhead - (We Are) the Road Crew |
The Overprivileged - New School |
Die Cheerleader Die - I Wanna Be a Slut Tonight |
Booboisie - Fuck the Mail |
The Twats - Psycho Twinkie |
I Object! - My Kid Has a Kid |
Common Enemy - Late Night Skate |
The AKs - Divorce Court |
Daycare Swindlers - All American |
The Max Levine Ensemble - At the Zoo |
Two Man Advantage - Had a Dream |
The Twats - Dance Party USA |
The Twats - A Song for Laredo |
The Beertards - Drink Schmidtz Not Schlitz (The Overprivileged) |
Zeke - Shout It Out (Kiss) |
Bad Brains with Henry Rollins - Kick Out the Jams (MC5) |
The Ergs - Hey Jealousy (Gin Blossoms) |
The Honeymoon Killers - Rooms of Doom |
The Twats - Piggy |
Hüsker Dü - From the Gut |
Dead Kennedys - Police Truck |
World/Inferno Friendship Society - Zen and the Art of Breaking Everything in This Room |
Lemuria - Clean |
Iggy & the Stooges - Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell |
The Twats - We Peed in Your Wheaties |
The Twats - Death of Cuteness |
Flipper - Sacrifice |
Butthole Surfers - Moving to Florida |
The Cramps - Garbageman |
The Twats - Quitter |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-02-07_The_Twats.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

Guest DJs: Ken Olden (Worlds Collide, Battery, Better Than a Thousand, When Tigers Fight, Damnation A.D., Fort Knox), Mike McTernan (When Tigers Fight, Damnation A.D.), Smitty (Damnation A.D.), Emillie Reade and Lloyd Denovan (Ultimatum, Meatlocker) |


Damnation A.D. - Jigsaw Reprise / In This Life or the Next |
When Tigers Fight - After All This Time |
Give Up the Ghost - We Killed It |
Every Time I Die - Romeo A-Go-Go |
Refused - Hook, Line and Sinker |
Worlds Collide - Effect of the Age |
Battery - These Are the Days |
Dead Kennedys - Winnebago Warrior |
Sage Francis - Hell of a Year |
Fort Knox - Friends Don't Let Friends Fuck with Fort Knox / I Keep My Friends Close (But My Enemies Closer) |
Alkaline Trio - Jaked on Green Beers |
Joshua English - Art Trouble |
Meatlocker - Down T'Nowt |
Mindsnare - Bulldozed |
Damnation A.D. - The Hanged Man / If You Could Remember |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-18-07_Damnation_AD.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

Guest DJ: Chris Richards (Q and Not U, Ris Paul Ric) |


C.C.B. - Classy |
Panax - The Garden |
Tabi Bonney - The Pocket |
Fury - Resurrection |
Fury - The Psycho |
Wale - untitled remix |
Wale - Nobody |
Chuck Brown - Funky Getdown |
Nick Catchdubs - Pump Shawty remix |
Escort - Bright New Life |
Dave Nada - Phat Bottom Girls |
Dave Nada - Kick Out the Jams |
Dave Nada - Crank Dat remix |
M.I.A. - Boyz |
Tim Hecker - I Am Transmitting Tonight |
Caetano Veloso - Terra |
Colleen - Everybody Alive Wants Answers |
Ris Paul Ric - Purple Blaze |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-11-07_Chris_Richards.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:25am EST

Guest DJs: Pat Vogel (Sick Fix, Tradition Dies Here, Crispus Attucks), Brian Redbeard (Sick Fix, Tradition Dies Here, Time of the Wolf), Chris (Sick Fix, Magrudergrind, Coke Bust) |


Buzzcocks - Boredom |
Crippled Youth - Can't You See |
Infest - Mankind / Terminal Nation |
Short Hate Temper - G.S. Mosh Core Anthem |
Dystopia - Backstabber |
The Ergs - Most Violent Rap Group / Pray for Rain |
Avail - Satiate |
Bikini Kill - Suck My Left One / Rebel Girl |
Diallo - The Prodigal Son |
Infest - Sicko |
Sick Fix - Bring Your Own Revolution / One Third |
Coke Bust - Because of the Label / Beyond a Reasonable Doubt |
Magrudergrind - Layer of Waste / Zero Substance |
Lack of Interest - What's Wrong |
Black SS - Bonehead / I Want Out |
C.R. - Mallet / Stubborn / C.R. |
The Exploder - The Decision |
Blank Stare - White Hell / Fuck Drugs Fuck You |
Carcass - Buried Dreams |
Positive Reinforcement - All Brawn, No Brain |
Disrupt - A Life's a Life |
Limp Wrist - This Ain't No Cross on My Hand |
Tradition Dies Here - Hate the Police |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-04-07_Sick_Fix.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am EST

8-21-07 DISSONANCE presenta: Sudamerica Hardcore Guest DJ: Joao da Silva (Redención 9-11) |
Interview: Jerónimo Ruiz (Entrefuego, En Nuestras Venas) |

Makiza [Chile] - En Paro |
Los Saicos [Peru] - Demolición |
Los Blops [Chile] - Locomotora |
Vinchucas [Chile] - Dejen Respirar |
Ratos de Porão [Brazil] - Crucificados Pelo Sistema |
Los Violadores [Argentina] - Represión |
Pentagram [Chile] - Demoniac Possession |
Disturbio Menor [Chile] - Nos Está Quedando Chica Sudamérica |
Enfermos Terminales [Chile] - Frío Hormigón |
Silencio Absoluto [Chile] - Algo que Probar |
Redención 9-11 [Chile] - El Árbol y la Serpiente |
Fiskales Ad-hok [Chile] - Río Abajo |
Supersordo [Chile] - Mi Padre |
Fun People [Argentina] - Ánimo / Estoy a tu Lado |
No Demuestra Interés [Argentina] - Por Debajo de tus Influencias |
xAutocontrolx [Argentina] - Memoria |
Los Jonathan [Chile] - unknown |
Point of No Return [Brazil] - Cerca |
B.U.S.H. [Brazil] - O Mesmo |
Interview with Jerónimo Ruiz |
En Nuestras Venas [Argentina/Chile] - Evasión
Nueva Etica [Argentina] - Declaración de Guerra |
Reconcile [Argentina] - Heart and Trust |
Aura [Chile] - No Hay Culpables, Sólo Victimas |
Remains to Be Seen [Chile] - Vision |
Trust [Argentina] - Egoismo |
Constrito [Brazil] - Umundii |
Colligere [Brazil] - O Poder do Pensamento Negativo |
Sudarshana [Argentina] - Nadie Nos Vencerá |
Vieja Escuela [Argentina] - Respetar |
Minoría Activa [Argentina] - Sk8 (100% Diversión) |
Otra Salida [Argentina] - Tiempo de Continuar |
Entrefuego [Chile] - Banderas |
Nouvelle Gaia [Chile] - Pacto de Sangre |
El Eterno Enemigo [Argentina] - Frente a Tus Ojos |
Alhambre [Peru] - Hasta El Final |
Cuenta Conmigo [Argentina] - La Mentira |
Makiza [Chile] - La Vida es Como un Sueño |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-21-07_Sudamerica_Hardcore.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Guest DJ: Mark Andersen (Positive Force, We Are Family; author, Dance of Days: Two Decades of Punk in the Nation's Capital and All the Power: Revolution without Illusion) |

Vic Godard & the Subway Sect - Nobody's Scared |
Red Noise - Revolt into Style |
Penetration - Silent Community / Don't Dictate |
Madhouse - Respect |
Wayne County & the Electric Chairs - Are You Man Enough to Be a Woman |
Woody Guthrie - Jesus Christ |
Robert Johnson - Hellhound on My Trail |
Beefeater - Live the Life |
The Clash - Sex Mad Roar |
Patty Griffin - Top of the World |
Robin Lane & the Chartbusters - Imitation Life |
Redskins - Lean on Me |
Gil Scott-Heron - Washington D.C. |
Burma Jam - Still Standing |
Scream - Walkin' by Myself |
Urban Verbs - The Angry Young Men |
Women of Destruction - P.V.I. Is a Lie |
The Avengers - I Believe in Me |
Johnny Cash - These Hands |
New Model Army - Fireworks Night |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-12-07_Mark_Andersen.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:05am EST

Guest DJs: Boo (Supreme Commander, Wake Up Cold), Reiter (Supreme Commander, Daycare Swindlers), Dan Cohen and Todd Boccabello (Supreme Commander, Latchkey) |

The AKs - Punished |
Dean Lee and the Trashtown Menace - Faith in the Year of Our Curse |
Rocket City Riot - Down with Her |
Hudson Falcons - Working Class War |
GC5 - Sheep in Wolf's Clothing |
Daycare Swindlers - Some Die Young |
New Bomb Turks - Summer Romance |
Government Issue - Caring Line |
Minutemen - History Lesson, Pt. 2 |
Metallica - Breadfan |
Supreme Commander - If You Love Me (Let Me Rock) |
Supreme Commander - $1.87 |
Supreme Commander - The Damage Done |
Dead Stop - Kiss My Ass |
Paint It Black - Insider |
The Hate Crimes - Keep Your Promises to Yourself |
Verbal Assault - Trial |
Hüsker Dü- Don't Want to Know if You Are Lonely |
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap |
Bad Brains - Riot Squad |
Comeback Kid - Wake the Dead |
Fugazi - Public Witness Program |
Damnation A.D. - No Way Out |
Jesus Eater - All for Show |
The Sword - Freya |
Joey Scarbury - Theme from "The Greatest American Hero" (Believe It or Not) |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-05-07_Supreme_Commander.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:54am EST

Guest DJs: Mike Riley (Pulling Teeth, Paper Dragons, The Spark), Dom Romeo (Pulling Teeth, Slumlords), Chris Kuhn (Pulling Teeth, Downside Risk) |

Spinal Tap - Stonehenge |
Jawbreaker - Chemistry |
Fucked Up - David Comes to Life |
The Darvocets - Radiation Masturbation |
Embrace - Said Gun |
Frightener - Depression |
Lion of Judah - Universal Peace |
Dead Mechanical - Information In |
Ruiner - The Lives We Fear |
Surroundings - Lions |
Coke Bust - Source of Misery |
Deep Sleep - Alone with You |
Sick Fix - Intro + Junkie Fever |
Pulling Teeth - Sick and Tired |
Pulling Teeth - Ashes and Dust |
Freddy Krueger & the Elm Street Group - Dance Or Else |
The Fat Boys - Are You Ready for Freddy |
The Spark - Fireflower |
Never Enough - Husks |
Slumlords - City That Bleeds |
Downside Risk - A Realistic Portrayal of Society |
Desperate Measures - Never Enough Time |
Paper Dragons - Annihilate the Need |
Coalition Against Shane - Using Dwarf Just Rising CD to Cut Off Shane's Balls feat. Chris Dodge (Spazz) |
Ice-T - Drama |
The Steinways - Ice-T |
Off with Their Heads - Jackie Lee |
Guilt Lust - The Devil's in the Details |
Criminal Damage - Anasthesia |
Integrity - Orbital Teleplastic Emanation |
Don Ho - Sweet Someone |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-29-07_Pulling_Teeth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:43am EST

Guest DJ / performer: Erik Gamlem (The April Decca) |

Unrest - Make Out Club |
Team Dresch - Fagetarian and Dyke |
Lifetime - Knives, Bats, New Tats |
Tiger Lou - Not True Devil Girl |
The April Decca live acoustic set - The Last Night of the Constellation / The Tree Through the Olive Branch / The Golden Pussy of our Most Beloved Angel |
Beauty Pill - The Mule on the Plane |
Dead Teenagers - I Don't Need No New Friends |
Soccer Team - Here's Why Dancers Smoke |
Most Secret Method - Bronze |
Aesop Rock - 11:35 feat. Mr. Lif |
Mr. Lif - Post Mortem feat. El-P |
El-P - Run the Numbers feat. Aesop Rock |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Crimps in Ties |
Eulcid - (I Heard It) on the Radio |
Hope & Anchor - Ending of November |
The April Decca - Mouth of the Wolf |
The April Decca - Pine Wood Water |
The April Decca - The R Is for Rebel |
Sean McArdle - Workin' |
Elliott Smith - Abused |
John Frusciante - Of Before |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-22-07_The_April_Decca.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06pm EST

5-15-07 BORF! Guest DJs: John Tsombikos, Chuck Burgundy, Frank Knickerbocker, That Girl (The Borf Brigade) |

Bad Brains - Banned in DC |
Propagandhi - Resisting Tyrannical Government |
Defiance, Ohio - Response to Griot |
Tem Eyos Ki - Blind Guardian |
Shyheim - Furious Anger feat. Big L |
Notorious B.I.G. - Mo' Money Mo' Problems |
Bad Brains - Pay to Cum |
Embrace - Give Me Back |
Jawbreaker - Shield Your Eyes |
Morning Glory - Gang Control |
Morning Glory - Divide By |
Killarmy - Feel It |
Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Crass - Do They Owe Us a Living? |
Propagandhi - Refusing to Be a Man |
Chuck Brown - Woody Woodpecker |
Tiny Hawks - The Things That You Belong To and Those That Belong to You |
2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up |
Operation Ivy - Knowledge |
Abe Froman - Dear Mr. Elliot |
Haymarket - My Little Fish |
The Clash - I Fought the Law |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-15-07_Borf.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:07am EST

Guest DJs: T.J. Mahoney, Jim Vengeance, Dan Brick, Kent Stax (Alleged Bricks) |

The Suspects - Riot |
Sheer Terror - Here to Stay |
Anti-Heroes - Jerry Was a Piece of Shit |
Teen Idles - Deadhead |
Oxblood - Traitor |
Ramones - Commando |
Blood for Blood - Soulless |
4-Skins - Sorry |
The Neurotiks - Destroy |
The Partisans - 17 Years of Hell |
Motorhead - Motorhead |
Slapshot - Back on the Map |
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain |
Alleged Bricks - Disgrace |
Cro-Mags - Show You No Mercy |
Blitz - Time Bomb |
Pist - Never Question |
Scream - This Side Up |
The Beatles - Leave My Kitten Alone |
The Boils - Crock of Shit |
Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppie |
The Aftermath - Life of My Own |
Dropkick Murphys - Pipebomb on Lansdowne |
Eater - Space Dreaming |
Bad Brains - Don't Bother Me |
Gut Instinct - Rat Bastard |
Spitfires United - Regrets |
Rodent - Thursday Night |
Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues |
The Staggers - Stand Up |
Immoral Discipline - Your Life Is a Lie |
Minor Threat - Look Back and Laugh |
The Krays - Civilized (Menace) |
The Bruisers - Intimidation |
The Ventures - Spudnik |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-8-07_Alleged_Bricks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Guest DJs: Ann with a Plann, Ryan Only, and Wade (The Brian MacKenzie Infoshop) |

Requiem - Storm Heaven |
Broadcast Live - Underground |
Operation: Cliff Clavin - Another Nothing |
J Church - Overconfident |
Abi Yoyos - Black and Yellow |
Ballast - Louder than Words |
David Dondero - Motion Picture Song |
Discount - Waiting for the Great Leap Forward (Billy Bragg) |
Rude Mechanical Orchestra - Bella Ciao |
Submission Hold - The Day the Police Stole the Bushes from Grandview Park |
Manic Street Preachers - If White America Told the Truth for One Day Its World Would Fall Apart |
The Max Levine Ensemble - Nihilism |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Idle Minds Speak in Binary |
Rachel Jacobs - Bone Collectors Convention |
How We Tie Knots - Concrete |
Head-Roc - Chris Columbus |
Los Gatos Negros - Canadian Ending |
Nellie McKay - The Big One |
Fifteen - Petroleum Distillation |
Manner Farm - Red Clown |
Casey Neill - Memory Against Forgetting |
Chumbawamba - Give the Anarchist a Cigarette |
Limp Wrist - Just Like You |
Zegota - Bend and Brace for the Unexpected |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-1-07_DC_Infoshop.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:14am EST

Guest DJ: Travis Morrison (The Dismemberment Plan, Travis Morrison Hellfighters) |

Amadou & Mariam - La Réalité |
Prince - Cindy C. |
Arctic Monkeys - Dancing Shoes |
Morphine - Super Sex |
Jamie Lidell - When I Come Back Around |
Smart Went Crazy - Con Art |
Ska Cubano - Soy Campesino |
Clara Ward - I Got Shoes |
Camp Lo - Swing |
Marvin Gaye - His Eye Is on the Sparrow |
Ghostface Killah - Kilo |
Michael White - The Land of Spirit and Light (Part 2) |
Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come |
Poison Clan - Jeri Curl |
Amerie - One Thing |
Etta James - Fool That I Am |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-24-07_Travis_Morrison.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:50am EST

Guest DJs: Michael Kentoff (The Caribbean, Townies) and Dave Jones (The Caribbean, Foreign Press) |

McLusky - To Hell with Good Intentions |
Björk - Isobel |
Sparklehorse - Shade and Honey |
Four Tet - She Moves She |
The Beau Brummels - Gentle Wandering Ways |
The Good, the Bad and the Queen - The Bunting Song |
Julian Cope - The Greatness and Perfection of Love |
The Field - Over the Ice |
Waylon Jennings - Memories of You and I |
Delroy Wilson - This Life Makes Me Wonder |
Lee Hazlewood - Cold Hard Times |
Sam Cooke - Lost and Lookin' |
Daniel Johnston - It's Over |
The Beatles - The Fool on the Hill |
Soccer Team - Traffic Patterns |
The Caribbean - The Go from Tactical |
Pat Reader - Cha Cha on the Moon |
Bill Ding - Apologize |
Popol Vuh - Du Sohn Davids II |
The Caribbean - Interfaith Roommates |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-17-07_The_Caribbean.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:13am EST

Guest DJs: Jason Mazzola (Cloak/Dagger, Count Me Out) and Aaron Barth (Cloak/Dagger, Striking Distance, Renee Heartfelt) |

Hot Snakes - U.S. Mint |
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything |
Lion of Judah - Mousetrapped |
Carry On - The View |
D.I. - Richard Hung Himself |
Circle Jerks - Wild in the Streets |
Cloak/Dagger - Last Call |
Fucked Up - Generation |
Dead Birds - unknown demo tracks |
The Marked Men - Right Here with You |
Dan Sartain - Drama Queens |
Cloak/Dagger - New Years Resolution |
LL Cool J - Jack the Ripper |
The Marked Men - Still Waiting |
McRad - McShred |
Avail - Scuffletown |
Cro-Mags - Show You No Mercy |
Black Flag - My War |
Madball - Hardcore Still Lives! |
Converge - Plagues |
Career Suicide - Play the Part |
Cloak/Dagger - White Fence |
Cloak/Dagger - Daggers Daggers |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-10-07_Cloak_Dagger.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:04am EST

Guest DJs: Matt Michel (Haram, Majority Rule, pg.99), Andy Gale (Haram, Shoutbus, Corn on Macabre, Out_Circuit), Ben Tankersley (Haram, Shoutbus) |

The Wipers - Mystery |
Born Against - Janelle |
Dead Boys - Ain't It Fun |
Archers of Loaf - Scenic Pastures |
John Cale - Ship of Fools |
Deep Wound - Video Prick |
Swans - Big Strong Boss |
Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia |
Discarga - Não Force a Barra |
Drive Like Jehu - Super Unison |
My Bloody Valentine - Lose My Breath |
The Go-Nuts - The Fabulous Go-Nuts Theme! |
The Flamin' Groovies - Have You Seen My Baby? |
Hasil Adkins - No More Hot Dogs |
Butthole Surfers - Negro Observer |
The Penetrators - I Like Brooklyn |
The Nervous Eaters - You Smell Like Fish |
Modest Mouse - Trailer Trash |
Nazareth - Whatever You Want Babe |
His Hero Is Gone - Chain of Command |
Come - Recidivist |
Haram - Scar Chest |
Haram - Plastic Hearts |
Direct download: Dissonance_4-03-07_Haram.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:06am EST

Guest DJ: Boyd Farrell (Black Market Baby, Rustbuckit) |
Guest interviewers: Tad Peyton (Set to Explode, Worn Thin) and Tunde Farrell |

The Penetrators - The Break |
White Boy - I Hate |
The Stooges - I Got a Right |
The Damned - Born to Kill |
Rustbuckit - Burning Fast |
Steve Earle - Here I Am |
Bare Jr. - You Blew Me Off |
Supersuckers - Rock Your Ass |
Neurotic Outsiders - Nasty Ho |
Big Bad Bollocks - Drinkup Yabastards |
Jakkpot - Safety Blades and Razor Pins |
Rubber City Rebels - I Don't Wanna Be a Punk No More |
Adam West - God's Gift to Women |
Strung Out - Betrayal |
Black Market Baby - World at War |
Agent Orange - Everything Turns Grey |
Naz Nomad & the Nightmares - She Lied |
999 - Fun Thing |
The Ruts - You're Just A... |
Eater - Waiting for the Man |
Johnny Thunders - One Track Mind |
R 50 - Bad Girl |
The Dictators - Faster and Louder |
Ramones - I Don't Want to Grow Up |
Black Market Baby - Drunk and Disorderly |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-27-07_Black_Market_Baby.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:26am EST

Guest DJs: Peter (The Scare, Affront), Nerpal (The Scare, At Best), and Billy (The Scare) |

The Scare - Black Mass |
Goddamn Wolves - S.O.B. |
The Blackout Pact - We Drink So You Don't Have To |
The Lucky Stiffs - Anza 9 |
Corrupted Youth - This One's for You |
Devotion to Trust - The Stampede |
David Bowie - Life on Mars |
Queen - Death on Two Legs |
T.S.O.L. - The Triangle |
Motorhead - I Am the Sword |
Naked Aggression - Right Now |
Evergreen Terrace - Zero (Smashing Pumpkins) |
Nerve Agents - Suffragette City (David Bowie) |
AFI - Values Here (Dag Nasty) |
Inquisition - Greta Brinkman vs. The City |
Standfast - It Still Beats |
The Dedication - Thanks for Last Night |
Civil Disobedience - Manufactured Citizens |
Planes Mistaken for Stars - Copper and Stars |
Affront - The Darkest Lesson |
At Best - Crumble for Me |
At the Drive-In - Chanbara |
Murder City Devils - In This Town |
Floorpunch - Let It Ride |
Ruiner - Paint Peals |
Ruiner - Out Go the Candles |
The Scare - There's No More Room |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-20-07_The_Scare.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:55am EST

Guest DJ: Ted Henson (Street Sense newspaper) |

Sunspring - Incite |
Sunspring - Desert Song |
Sunspring - Implode |
Metroschifter - Overlap |
Metroschifter - Drive |
Hedge - Same Blood |
Crain - The Waste Kings |
Hedge - Shackles on My Feet |
Guilt - Omega |
Crain - Ten Miles of Fiction |
Rodan - Tooth Fairy Retribution Manifesto |
June of 44 - The Dexterity of Luck |
Elliot - The Watermark High |
Elliot - Halfway Pretty acoustic |
Endpoint - Survival Song |
Falling Forward - Sire |
Endpoint - Caste |
Endpoint - Thought You Were |
Endpoint - Guilty by Association |
Coliseum - Children of Our Own Creation |
Coliseum - Hostage of Privilege |
Breather Resist - Just Do It |
By the Grace of God - Boy and the River |
By the Grace of God - Little Idea |
The Shipping News - The March Song |
Direct download: Dissonance_Louisville_showcase.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

Guest DJs: Matt Moffatt and Hilary Taylor (Crispus Attucks) |

Sex Pistols - Black Arabs Disco Medley |
The Clash - We Are the Clash |
Black Flag - Let Your Fingers Do the Walking |
Marginal Man - What Did She Say |
D.Y.S. - Late Night |
S.S.D. - The Choice |
Angry Samoans - Laughing at Me |
Youth Brigade - Jump Back |
Doggy Style - Doggy Rock |
Dag Nasty - Under Your Influence (Field Day vers.) |
Discharge - Dry Your Tears / Arm Your Fears |
Void - The Difference |
Embrace - End of a Year |
Suicidal Tendencies - Send Me Your Money |
Token Entry - Weight of the World |
Wartime - The Whole Truth |
T.S.O.L. - Sixteen |
Steve Caballero - You Will Go |
Corrosion of Conformity - Vote with a Bullet |
Cro-Mags - See the Signs |
Murphy's Law - Big Spliff |
Warzone - Wound Up |
Mike Judge & Old Smoke - Little One |
Ray & Porcell - Fame |
Underdog - No Matter What |
Avail - Hope |
Lifetime - Souvenir |
Lickity Split - Of a Kind |
All - A Muse |
Circle Jerks - Fable |
Hüsker Dü - The Baby Song |
Adolescents - Alone Against the World |
7 Seconds - Satyagraha |
Bad Religion - It's Only Over When... |
Justice League - A Part of the Fall |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-06-07_Punk_Gone_Bad.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:42pm EST

Guest DJ: Mike Schleibaum (Darkest Hour) |

Darkest Hour - With a Thousand Word to Say but One |
Clutch - The Incomparable Mr. Flannery |
The Crown - Death Explosion |
Damnation A.D. - Addiction |
Living Colour - Which Way to America? |
Minor Threat - Out of Step |
Entombed - About to Die |
Black Flag - Rise Above |
Cursed - Reparations |
MC5 - American Ruse |
Battery - Never Forget |
Megadeth - Set the World Afire |
Midnight Oil - Forgotten Years |
Pantera - Strength Beyond Strength |
The Clash - Police on My Back |
Minor Threat - Minor Threat |
Nirvana - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter |
Slayer - Christ Illusion |
The Situation - It Always Rains |
AC/DC - Down Payment Blues |
Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh |
Nitro Tokyo - Whiskey Swimmin' |
Van Halen - The Full Bug |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-30-07_Darkest_Hour.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:03am EST

Guest DJ / performer: Sean McArdle (The Cost, End of the World) |

Winfred E. Eye - Up Ahead |
World Standard - Loving Spoonful |
The Music Tapes - Song for Soon to Be Sailor |
Sean McArdle live acoustic set - The Blood Tree / 56th Street / Joy / Workin' / When Brothers Fight |
The Fugs - Nothing |
A Hawk and a Hacksaw - In the River |
Holly Golightly & Don Melchior - I'll Follow Her |
Fancie - Hurricane |
Hannah & Mariah Dancing - Night Flower |
Sean McArdle live acoustic set - Lady / It's Not Me / Last Words / I Am Fine |
The Lounge Lizards - It Could Have Been Very, Very Beautiful |
Martin Denny - When First I Love |
People's Bizarre - Joy Fu Fritters |
Heart of Snow - Red |
Red Light Sting - Abortions for All |
Dog Faced Hermans - From the Top of the Mountain |
The Cost - Hated Man |
X Plastaz - Kutesa Kwa Zamu |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-23-07_Sean_McArdle.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

1-16-07 Dwid / Integrity Guest DJ: Dwid Hellion (Integrity, Psywarfare, Sledgehammer, Roses Never Fade) |


Integrity - Abraxas Annihilation |
Samhain - Initium |
Samhain - The Birthing |
Samhain - Black Dream |
Mighty Sphincter - When the Clocks Have Run Down |
Mighty Sphincter - Hollywood Goes to Hell |
Mighty Sphincter - In the Kingdom of Heaven |
Pulling Teeth - Never Wrong |
Pale Creation - Manifest in Me |
Living Hell - Parable of a Madman |
Vegas - Pleasures Received in Pain |
Vegas - Final Incision |
Leonard Cohen - Suzanne |
Telly Savalas - If |
Lee Hazlewood - I'm Glad I Never |
Lee Hazlewood - If It's Monday Morning |
Tom Waits - Whistling Past the Graveyard (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) |
Sledgehammer - London's Burning |
Sledgehammer - I Am Watching You |
Sledgehammer - So Very Friendly |
Sledgehammer - Let Me Entertain You |
Roses Never Fade - Fourth Horseman |
Roses Never Fade - Fruition Revisisted |
Roses Never Fade - Hotel Tomb |
Roses Never Fade - Cellar Door |
Roses Never Fade - Fade to Black |
Picaninny Jug Band - You Gotta Have That Thing |
Picaninny Jug Band - Tappin' That Thing |
Picaninny Jug Band - Bottle It Up and Go |
Picaninny Jug Band - I Got Good Taters |
Picaninny Jug Band - Come Along Little Children |
Chet Baker - Almost Blue |
Integrity - Systems Overload |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-16-07_Dwid.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJs: Dave Byrd (Set to Explode, Striking Distance) and Steve McPherson (Brace, DJ Stereo Faith) |

86 Mentality - On the Loose |
Government Warning - No Moderation |
Coke Bust - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt |
Marginal Man - Missing Rungs |
Artificial Peace - Against the Grain |
Brace - No Future? |
The Abused - No End in Sight |
Straight Ahead - Not Afraid |
Antidote - Real Deal |
Jerry's Kids - I Don't Belong Here |
Corrosion of Conformity - Nothing's Gonna Change |
Youth Brigade - Violence |
The Vandals - The Legend of Pat Brown |
Code of Honor - Fight or Die |
Zero Boys - New Generation |
The Faction - Skate & Destroy |
The Dicks - Fake Bands |
Assault & Battery - Evidence |
JFA - Bouncer |
Battalion of Saints - Modern Day Heroes |
Set to Explode - Set to Explode |
Absolution - Dead and Gone |
Cro-Mags - Signs of the Times |
Krakdown - Trust |
Bad Brains - F.V.K. |
S.O.A. - Riot |
Beastie Boys - Riot Fight |
Circle Jerks - Deny Everything |
Fear - Let's Have a War |
Striking Distance - Send in the Clones |
Void - Self Defense |
Big Boys - No Love |
The F.U.s - What You Pay For |
Koro - Dear Sirs |
Decry - Falling |
Zero Boys - Vicious Circle |
SSD - The Kids Will Have Their Say |
G.B.H. - Sick Boy |
Token Entry - Antidote |
Breakdown - Vengeance |
Minor Threat - Stand Up |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-09-07_Dave_Byrd_Stereo_Faith.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:06am EST

Guest DJ: Michael Saretsky (Police & Thieves, Chief Ike's Soul Club 51) |

Dissonance - Last Generation |
Black SS - Quick Fix |
The F.U.s - Daisy Chain |
The Mad - I Hate Music |
Naked Raygun - Home of the Brave |
The Effigies - Body Bag |
Gray Matter - 4 A.M. |
Eater - Room for One |
Satan's Rats - You Make Me Sick |
The Avengers - Car Crash |
Endpoint - Endpoint |
Swiz - Godspeed |
Regulations - Fashion Girl |
Rupie Edwards - Promoters Grouse |
Joe Gibbs - People Grudgeful |
The Caribbeans - Let Me Walk By |
Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel |
Moondog Lawton - Dollars and Cents |
The Younghearts - A Little Togetherness |
Martha Reeves & the Vandellas - Show Me the Way |
Junior Walker - Hip City |
The Boys - No Money |
The Undertones - You've Got My Number |
Blitz - Razors in the Night |
Sham 69 - Cockney Kids Are Innocent |
Red Alert - City Invasion |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-02-07_Mikhail_Z.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Guest DJs: Alex and Chris (BannedInDC.com); Aaron Barth (Striking Distance, Cloak/Dagger, Renee Heartfelt); James Shmox (Moment of Youth); Ben White |

James Brown - Hot Pants |
Bad Brains - Banned in DC |
Cloak/Dagger - Daggers Daggers |
Cold World - Gods and Earths |
Mind Eraser - Schizophrenic |
Government Warning - No Moderation |
Set to Explode - Walking Dead |
Coke Bust - Source of Misery |
Forced Forward - Dead Blood |
Guilt Lust - Awake |
Dry Rot - Human Trophy / Overlord / Killed by the Government |
Lion of Judah - Preemptive Fear |
When Tigers Fight - Harmony Cafe |
Fucked Up - David Comes to Life |
Step Forward - Uncle Goblin |
Vicious - It's All a Lie |
Rocket from the Crypt - Pressure's On (Red C) |
Hot Snakes - Time to Escape (G.I.) |
Rain - Snakeout |
Striking Distance - Tear It Down |
Moment of Youth - Facade |
Shitfit - Fuck This |
Fugazi - Merchandise |
United Mutation - DC Screws the World |
Brace - Plain to See (G.I.) |
Battery - Only the Diehard Remain |
Shitfit - Join the New Rock Revolution |
Trial by Fire - To Whom It May Redeem |
Bad Brains - Big Takeover |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-26-06_Banned_in_DC.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:07pm EST

Guest DJ: Dante Ferrando (Iron Cross, Gray Matter, Ignition, The Black Cat nightclub) |

Love - 7 and 7 Is |
MC5 - American Ruse |
The Soft Boys - I Wanna Destroy You |
Generation X - Your Generation |
Pere Ubu - Final Solution |
Hüsker Dü - Makes No Sense at All |
The Weirdos - Helium Bar |
Iron Cross - Crucified for Your Sins |
The Effigies - Body Bag |
The Damned - Ballroom Blitz |
Black Market Baby - World at War |
The Dils - Class War |
The Mob - Witch Hunt |
Gray Matter - Retrospect |
Gray Matter - Shiver Boy |
Sister Double Happiness - Don't Worry |
Ignition - Throttle |
Ignition - Bought and Sold |
The Temptations - Ball of Confusion |
Stiff Little Fingers - Tin Soldiers |
Ten Years After - I'd Love to Change the World |
Peggy Lee - Is That All There Is? |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-19-06_Dante_Ferrando.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Guest DJ: Kent Stax (Scream, Black Market Baby, The Suspects, United 121, Spitfires United, Alleged Bricks) |

The Dictators - Who Will Save Rock and Roll? |
The Business - Spanish Jails |
Sham 69 - Tell Us the Truth |
The Screws - New Jersey |
Wire - Ex Lion Tamer |
Chaos UK - Fuck the Neighbors |
The Damned - Lookin' for Action |
Scream - Came without Warning |
AC/DC - Hold Me Back |
Angelic Upstarts - Jimmy |
The Partisans - I Never Needed You |
Discharge - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing |
The Suspects - Swords of the Fallen |
The Business - Harry May |
Fear - Foreign Policy |
Rudimentary Peni - Psycho Squat |
Spitfires United - Regrets |
The Last Resort - Working Class Kids |
The Monkees - Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow) |
Robin Trower - Jack and Jill |
Vince Guaraldi Trio - Linus and Lucy |
Venom - Don't Burn the Witch |
Ink Spots - Puttin' and Takin' |
Stiff Little Fingers - State of Emergency |
The Ventures - Journey to the Stars |
Alleged Bricks - Blank Stares |
NovaZanz - Sambalero |
The Clash - Deny |
Daryl Davis - Boogie Man |
Cock Sparrer - Running Riot |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-12-06_Kent_Stax.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:29am EST

Guest DJs: Chad Clark (Beauty Pill, Smart Went Crazy) and Basla Andolsun (Beauty Pill, Del Cielo) |

Stevie Wonder - We Can Work It Out |
PJ Harvey - You Said Something |
The Monks - Complication |
A Tribe Called Quest - Love |
Talking Heads - Air |
Fugazi - Latin Roots |
Cymande - Zion I |
Fugazi - Place Position |
Buzzcocks - Get on Our Own |
Morrissey - Sing Your Life |
Mary Timony - Blood Tree |
Lynn Collins - Think (About It) |
Beauty Pill - Rideshare |
Chuck Berry - Maybellene |
Beastie Boys - Sabotage |
Rufus Wainwright - The Art Teacher |
Tricky - Black Steel |
The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Dies |
The Branford Marsalis Quartet - Doctone |
Jeff Buckley - Nusrat, He's My Elvis / Yeh Jo Halka Halka Saroor Hai |
Direct download: Dissonance_12-05-06_Beauty_Pill.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48am EST

Guest DJs: Gene Melkisethian (Lion of Judah, Desperate Measures, No Justice), Ahron Reinhard (Lion of Judah), and Matt Hoodrack (War Hungry) |

Beyond - Ancient Head |
Scream - Iron Curtain |
Dove - Wrecking Ball |
4 Walls Falling - Search |
Kiss - Shock Me |
Sexual Harassment - I Need a Freak |
Justice - Push It to the Edge |
War Hungry - Labors of Hercules |
Statue - What Goes Wrong |
Ray and Porcell - Broken Glass |
Lion of Judah - Trapped |
Lion of Judah - Lost in Smoke |
Mercyful Fate - A Corpse Without a Soul |
Faith - Untitled |
Manifesto - Long Time |
Pentagram - When the Screams Come |
Chain of Strength - The Space Between |
Ruido Anti-Sistema - Destruir para Construir |
MDC - Dead Cops / America's So Straight |
Fidelity Jones - Venus on Lovely |
Lights Out - Consequence |
Integrity - Systems Overload |
Direct download: Dissonance_11-28-06_Lion_of_Judah.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:45am EST

Guest DJs: Matt Parsons (Time to Escape, Coke Bust) and Justin Malone (Time to Escape, Forced Forward) |

Skewbald - Sorry |
SSD - Boiling Point |
Striking Distance - Tear It Down |
The Prowl - Tear Me Down |
The Faction - Let's Go Get Cokes |
Government Issue - Familiar
Government Issue - Time to Escape |
DYS - Wolf Pack |
Body Count - Cop Killer |
Sick of It All - Pushed Too Far |
Justice - Up and Down |
Against the Wall - Identify Me |
Blood for Blood - Love Song |
Dead Kennedys - Government Flu |
Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppy |
Lion of Judah - Ruined |
Lion of Judah - Sirhan's Secret |
Forced Forward - Dead Blood |
Forced Forward - Are You Listening |
Restless Youth - Thieves |
Restless Youth - Beyond Solitude |
Career Suicide - Attempted Suicide |
Loud & Clear - You're to Blame |
United Mutation - Lice, Fleas and Vermin |
86 Mentality - Blood Red Violence |
Token Entry - Antidote |
Minor Threat - Screaming at a Wall |
The Aftermath - Falling Down |
Red C - Jimi 45 / Pressure's On / 6 O'Clock News / Assassin |
Cock Sparrer - Watch Your Back |
Time to Escape - Wasted Time |
Time to Escape - Blood's Not Thick Enough |
Direct download: Dissonance_11-07-06_Time_to_Escape.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:28pm EST

Guest DJ: Bill MacKenzie (The Guy Who Smashed the Pumpkin on Saturday Night Live with Fear in 1981)

Manitoba's Wild Kingdom - The Party Starts Now |
The Only Ones - Another Girl, Another Planet |
Tuff Darts - All for the Love of Rock n' Roll |
Lord Tracy - Out with the Boys |
The Meatmen - Razamanaz |
The Dictators - The Minnesota Strip |
The Wildhearts - Looking for the One |
999 - Homicide |
David Johansen - Bohemian Love Pad |
The Birthday Party - Zoo Music Girl |
Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction - Backseat Education |
The Clash - Train in Vain |
The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated |
The Dead Boys - Ain't It Fun |
Wayne County and the Electric Chairs - Fuck Off |
The Rezillos - Do the Mutilation |
Johnny Thunders - You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory |
Hawaii Mud Bombers - Billy the White Shark |
Demolition 23 - Hammersmith Palais |
Junkyard - Blooze |
The Factory - Ecstasy |
Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes - I Don't Want to Go Home |

Direct download: Dissonance_10-24-06_Bill_MacKenzie.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:35pm EST

Guest DJ: Tad Peyton (Set to Explode, Worn Thin, Slumlords, Neurotiks) |


Set to Explode - Feel the Rage |
86 Mentality - Life Trap |
Void - My Rules |
Artificial Peace - Against the Grain |
Marginal Man - Missing Rungs |
Black Market Baby - Killing Time |
Monster Squad - No Destiny |
Dead Stop - Kiss My Ass |
Shark Attack - CCP |
The Trouble - We Are the Blood |
Pressure Point - Get Out |
Whiskey Rebels - The World Is Yours |
4 Skins - A.C.A.B. |
Anti-Heroes - I'm True |
Angelic Upstarts - I'm an Upstart |
Cock Sparrer - Riot Squad |
Worn Thin - Till the Bitter End |
Set to Explode - Set to Explode |
Antidote - Real Deal |
Last Rights - Chunks |
Negative Approach - Ready to Fight |
The Dicks - Lifetime Problems |
Turning Point - To Lose |
Warzone - It's Your Choice |
D.O.A. with Jello Biafra - That's Progress |
Tragedy - Not Fucking Fodder |
T.S.O.L. - Superficial Love |
Slumlords - Drunk at the Youth of Today Reunion |
Sheer Terror - Here to Stay |
Government Issue - Plain to See |
Iron Cross - You're a Rebel |
Youth Brigade - It's About Time That We Had a Change |
Teen Idles - Sneakers |
Embrace - Can't Forgive |
Striking Distance - Fail Me |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-17-06_Tad.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28pm EST

Guest DJ: Allison Wolfe (Bratmobile, Cold Cold Hearts, Deep Lust, Partyline, Ladyfest) |


Partyline - Party-n-Animal |
The Slits - Slits Tradition |
Spider and the Webs - Save Me (Roky Erickson) |
Spider and the Webs - Mister Hypnotist |
Partyline - Casual Encounters |
Partyline - Trophy Wifey |
Erase Errata - Cruising |
Mika Miko - Chron Liar |
Gravy Train - Hella Nervous |
The Gossip - Fire Sign |
Margaret Cho - Moran |
Cold Cold Hearts - (You're So Sweet) Baby Donut |
The Capricorns - The New Sound |
Liliput - In a Mess |
Cold Cold Hearts - VxRx |
The Tennessee Twin - Broken Bottles |
The Frumpies - Be Good |
Holly Golightly - No Big Thing |
Kiosk - Burning Bridge |
Deep Lust - Changeling |
Deep Lust - Mass Teens on the Runs |
Bratmobile - I'm in the Band |
Bratmobile - Shop for America |
Bratmobile - Eating Toothpaste |
Partyline - No Romantic |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-10-06_Allison_Wolfe.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:29am EST

Guest DJ: Ian Svenonius (Nation of Ulysses, The Make-Up, Weird War; author, The Psychic Soviet) |
Guest interviewer: Jesse Rockoff (DJ Mark Foley) |

Brigitte Fontaine - Eternelle |
The Honeymoon Killers - Wait and See |
Lesley Gore - No Matter What You Do |
St. John Green - Canyon Woman |
Alex Chilton - Like Flies on Sherbet |
The Beach Boys - Do You Remember? |
Sammy Davis Jr. - Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead |
Roscoe - Teenage Fair |
The Whims - Truckin' |
Rod McKuen - About Me |
Black Fighting Men in Vietnam - Guess Who's Coming Home |
The Arrows - Cycle-Delic |
Nation of Ulysses - NOU Future Vision Hypothesis |
Nation of Ulysses - Look Out! Soul Is Back |
Nation of Ulysses - Atom Bomb |
Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets |
Calvin Johnson - Rabbit Blood |
In Deep - The Record Keeps Spinning |
Man Parrish feat. Freeze Force - Boogie Down Bronx |
Bumblebee Unlimited - Ladybug |
The Chromatics - Healer |
Glass Candy - Johnny Are You Queer? |
The Make-Up - They Live By Night (live) |
The Make-Up - Untouchable Sounds |
The Make-Up - When Love Calls Your Name |
The Congos - Open Up the Gate |
Big Youth - Dancing Mood |
Johnny Lover & the Tower Chanters - Who You Gonna Run To |
Weird War - Word on the Street |
Weird War - I'll Never Forget What's His Name |
Weird War - AK-47 |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-03-06_Ian_Svenonius.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:15am EST

Guest DJs: Carlos X. Izurieta and Jeff Webster (Police & Thieves, Worn Thin) |

Police & Thieves - Harbors |
Unbroken - D4 |
The Replacements - We're Comin' Out |
Avail - F.C.A. |
Cloak/Dagger - Sewing Circles |
The Jam - In the City |
My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow |
The First Step - Peace |
Rain on the Parade - Drop My Name |
Ryan Adams - This Is It |
Turbonegro - Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed |
Jawbreaker - Fireman |
Bob Dylan - I Want You |
Turning Point - Broken |
Reconcile - This Time |
Aura - Viviendo en el Eje |
Nueva Etica - El Oponente |
Entrefuego - Sembrar |
Colligere - Coração Gelado, Corpo Aquecido |
Slumlords - Coffee & Cigarettes |
Police & Thieves - Transparent Smiles |
Police & Thieves - For Ideals |
Modern Life Is War - Momentum |
Good Riddance - Up and Away |
The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Graves |
Negative Approach - Lead Song |
Echo & the Bunnymen - A Promise |
Police & Thieves - Strangers in the Same Town |
Ryan Adams - Anybody Wanna Take Me Home |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-26-06_Police_and_Thieves.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:58am EST

Guest DJs: Serge, Tom, PJ (The Goons) |

Lickity Split - Not on Your Life |
The Goons - Catholic Boy (Dead Boys) |
The Goons - Cause Affected
The Goons - So Restless |
The Goons - Lay Down and Die |
The Goons - I Want It All |
The Goons - Destination Unknown |
The Goons - Nation in Distress |
The Goons - Storm Troopers of Good Faith |
The Goons - Toy Soldiers |
The Varukers - How Do You Sleep |
The Suspects - Land of the Fallen |
Jarhead - Redneck |
Battalion of Saints - Cops Are Out |
The Boils - Symbol over Substance |
Thee Headcoats - Girl of Matches |
Hose.Got.Cable - Fill-Up
Gone Dogs - Road Hard and Put Up Wet |
The Humpers - Murder City Revolution |
The Dwarves - Anybody Out There |
Def Leppard - High n' Dry |
Jerry's Kids - Is This My World? |
The Krays - Civilized |
The Goons - Chemical Dependency |
The Goons - Erection (Turbonegro) |
The Goons - Bad Excuse |
The Goons - Breakdown |
The Goons - Life Sux |
The Goons - What You Wanted |
The Goons - Closing Time in America |
The Goons - I'm Alright |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-19-06_The_Goons.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:37am EST

Guest DJs: Ashley Arnwine and Adam Lake (Mass Movement of the Moth) |

Mass Movement of the Moth - Hotel Fever |
Jucifer - Amplifier |
Jerome's Dream - This Is for Baby Fat |
Bear and the Butterfly - Realize, Life Relies on White Lies |
Bear and the Butterfly - Fingernails Are Human Scales |
The Max Levine Ensemble - Nihilism |
Presidents of the United States of America - Body |
The Redheads - Bombay Sapphire |
Eat Forever - unknown demo track |
Danke - Mother |
Dance Danse El Capitan - The Apothecary Is to Blame |
Orion Is Dead - Churrobusco |
The Vendetta - Political |
Mass Movement of the Moth - 1 |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Riddle Me 666 |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Crime |
Tiny Hawks - Whenzy |
VCR - Die Zone |
Order of the Dying Orchid - unknown |
Nirvana - On a Plain |
The Good Good - Silhouette |
Direct download: Dissonance_9-12-06_Mass_Movement_of_the_Moth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:13am EST

Guest DJs: Brian Agresta and Laurie Pollak |

Earth Crisis - Firestorm |
1.6 Band - Trying (Dag Nasty) |
Amber Inn - Leave with Dignity |
Boys Life - Tucked In |
Christie Front Drive - 4010 |
Circle Storm - Throughout a Lifetime |
Copper - Tuesday's Child |
Current - Continued Rantings |
Deadguy - Apparatus |
Falling Forward - The Great Union Divide |
Gameface - Song |
Grade - To Illustrate and Design Parameters |
Hammerbox - Promise to Never |
Hose.Got.Cable - Fuck |
Ink & Dagger - Shadowtalker |
Kerosene 454 - Greener |
Mean Season - Pilgrim |
Paw - Couldn't Know |
Threadbare - Error |
You and I - Tell Me About Your Childhood |

Direct download: Dissonance_9-05-06_I_Love_the_90s_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:22pm EST

Guest DJ: John Stabb (Government Issue, The Factory Incident) |
Guest interviewer: Steve McPherson (Brace, DJ Stereo Faith) |

Faith - It's Time |
Faith - Subject to Change |
Black Market Baby - Potential Suicide |
Beastie Boys - Screaming at a Wall (Minor Threat) |
Lillian Furneaux - American Society (Eddie & the Subtitles) |
Porch Mob - At the Movies (Bad Brains) |
Government Issue - Don't Bother Me (Bad Brains) |
Naked Raygun - Born to Lose (Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers) |
Betty Blue - Treason (Naked Raygun) |
Shiver - Rat Patrol (Naked Raygun) |
The Gerunds - Vanity Fare (G.I.) |
Dag Nasty - Isolation (Joy Division) |
Report Suspicious Activity - Revenge |
Down by Law - London (The Smiths) |
The Factory Incident - Said and Won |
The Sound - Missiles |
Stellastarr* - Pulp Song |
Government Issue - Dead Dog |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-29-06_John_Stabb.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:22am EST

Guest DJ: Matt Moffatt (Crispus Attucks, 86 Mentality, SMASH!) |

Sex Pistols - Schools Are Prisons |
Dead Milkmen - Tiny Town |
Camper Van Beethoven - Where the Hell is Bill? |
Dag Nasty - Matt |
Los Pukes - One Two Three Four |
Black Flag - Yes, I Know |
Fear - Fuck Christmas (clean vers.) |
Big Boys - Shut Up |
The Suspects - My Lie |
Shoutbus - Longevity |
The Goons - White Tide |
Crispus Attucks - Live Your Own Life |
Crispus Attucks - Thrashin' |
Crispus Attucks - One Two Three Die |
Crispus Attucks - Revolution Now! |
The Fuses - Sick City |
Panthro UK United 13 - Fuck L.A. |
The Degenerates - The Wolf |
The Avengers - Teenage Rebel |
The Frantix - My Dad's a Fuckin' Alcoholic |
The Left - Youngster on the Force |
Doggy Style - Rookie Cop |
The Spermaids - Get on the Stage |
The Stupids - Layback Session |
N.O.T.A. - Taking Away Your Rights |
Subvert - Psychopath |
Life Sentence - Punks for Profit |
Ripcord - The Passerby |
Septic Death - Glue / Out of Step |
86 Mentality - On the Loose |
86 Mentality - Oppression |
Terminal State - I'm Terminal |
Fucked Up - Police |
Dead Stop - All I Can Take |
De Nada - Cock |
Direct Control - Direct Control |
76% Uncertain - I Hate the Radio |
In/Humanity - Victim in Pain |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-22-06_Matt_Moffatt.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:57am EST

Guest DJ: Kathy Cashel (Cry Baby Cry, Norman Mayer Group, solo artist) |

Kathy Cashel - Antibiotics |
X-Ray Spex - I Live Off You |
Frodus - Rocketry Is My Plan |
The Weird Lovemaker - Unpopular Lover |
The Avengers - Car Crash |
Chrome - TV as Eyes |
Cry Baby Cry - A Sad Song of Needless Complication |
Cry Baby Cry - Monkey's Darling |
Naked Raygun - I Don't Know |
Mighty Caesars - You Make Me Die |
Minutemen - Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing |
Patsies - Go Away |
Big Boys - Fun Fun Fun |
Slits - Ping Pong Affair |
Bad Brains - Banned in DC |
Norman Mayer Group - Moody |
Norman Mayer Grou- Descending |
Stinking Lizaveta - LBJ |
Melvins - Easy as It Was |
Mass Movement of the Moth - Ours We Are |
Cry Baby Cry - Will It Rain? |
Kathy Cashel - The Question Is Yes |
Kathy Cashel - Reptilian |
Kathy Cashel - Suburbs' End |
Ralph Vaughan Williams - The Lark Ascending |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-15-06_Kathy_Cashel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:42am EST

8-8-06 Ian MacKaye Guest DJ: Ian MacKaye (The Evens, Fugazi, Embrace, Skewbald, Egg Hunt, Minor Threat, Teen Idles, Dischord Records) |

The Evens - Mt. Pleasant Isn't |
The Skunks - Good from the Bad |
Alternative TV - Action Time Vision |
The Evens - Around the Corner |
The Pagans - Dead End America |
Black Flag - I've Had It |
Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl |
Arthur Lee - The Everlasting First |
The Adverts - I Will Walk You Home |
Fugazi - In Defense of Humans |
Embrace - Said Gun |
Rites of Spring - Drink Deep |
Lungfish - Friend to Friend in Endtime |
Q and not U - Wonderful People |
Bad Brains - I |
Teen Idles - No Fun |
Teen Idles - Deadhead |
State of Alert - I Hate the Kids |
Minor Threat - Filler |
Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It |
Egg Hunt - We All Fall Down |
Skewbald - Sorry/Change for the Same |
Fugazi - Give Me the Cure |
Faith - Another Victim |
Faith - What's Wrong with Me? |
Minor Threat - Salad Days |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-08-06_Ian_MacKaye.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:09am EST

Guest DJ: Ahron Reinhard (Lion of Judah) |

Void - Who Are You? |
Wrangler Brutes - Unmentionables |
Dinosaur Jr. - Freak Scene |
Worlds Collide - Absolute |
Lion of Judah - Trapped |
Pixies - Dead |
Swiz - Ghosts |
Space Horse - Double Zero |
Conviction - Despair |
Annihilation Time - Imaginary Mirror |
Born Against - Mary and Child |
108 - No One No More |
Soul Side - Bass |
No Escape - Framework |
Scream - Take It from the Top |
Lion of Judah - Lost in Smoke |
Party Line - Unsafe at Any Speed |
Quicksand - Lie and Wait |
Bad Brains - Soul Craft |
Bastard - Never Change |
Drive Like Jehu - Golden Brown |
Lion of Judah - War of Souls |
Fugazi - Suggestion |

Direct download: Dissonance_8-1-06_LOJ_Ahron.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:24pm EST

Guest DJs: Brian Lowit and Nate Tsoi (Lovitt Records)

Sleepytime Trio - Jesus Extract |
Maximilian Colby - Last Name |
Pissed Jeans - I'm Sick |
Jihad - War Machine |
Monorchid - Southern Fried Wonton |
Monorchid - S.S. Hopeless |
Frodus - There Will Be No More Scum |
Gefilte Fish - Beowulf Rides the Mayfly |
Rah Bras - Monde Sewer Cholera Net |
Radio Pyongyang - Motherland Megamix |
Born Against - Nine Years Later |
The Nation of Ulysses - You're My Miss Washington, DC |
The Catholic Church - The Sad Magician Parts 1 & 2 |
Milemarker - Sex Jam Two: Insect Incest |
Engine Down - Colorado |
Decahedron - Burning Lights |
Del Cielo - Joe Goth |
des_ark - Jesus Loves You (But You're Still Coming Home with Me Tonight) |
Four Hundred Years - Hoodwinked |
Bats & Mice - Worst Comes to Worst |

Direct download: Dissonance_7-25-06_Lovitt_Records.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:16am EST

Guest DJ: Kevin Lamiell (Majority Rule, Trial by Fire) |

Five State Drive - DQ |
The Wipers - Is This Real? |
Haram - Mountain of Youth |
Malady - Yeah |
Bad Religion - News from the Front |
Born Against - Janelle |
Zero Boys - Amphetamine Addiction |
Zero Boys - New Generation |
Trial by Fire - Steps of St. John |
Damnation A.D. - The Mortal |
Majority Rule - A Prescription |
Majority Rule - Kill the Cheat |
Majority Rule - Not in Our Name (alt. vers.) |
Majority Rule - Jaundiced |
Jarhead - Lazy America |
The Sultans - It Means Nothing |
Mastadon - Crusher Destroyer |
The Situation - untitled track 2 (unreleased) |
Tom Waits - Big in Japan |
Darkest Hour - Pay Phones and Pills |
Rocket from the Crypt - I'm Not Invisible |
Dillinger Four - The Father, the Son and the Homosexual |
Botch - Framce |
Entombed - Say It in Slugs |
Lard - Forkboy |
The Four Tops - Bernadette |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-11-06_Majority_Rule.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Guest performer: slam poet Sahar Sattarzadeh |

Immortal Technique - You Never Know |
Jello Biafra - Gotta Be Ready |
Sahar Sattarzadeh - Persian Eyes |
Margaret Cho - Phone Messages from Mom |
Margaret Cho - Ass Master |
Saul Williams - Penny for a Thought |
Saul Williams - Sha Clack-Clack |
Sahar Sattarzadeh - Mike Check (Suheir Hammad) |
Noam Chomsky - Oklahoma City and Anti-Politics |
Noam Chomsky - Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind |
Sage Francis - Mullet |
Ra Scion - Dichotomy |
Michael Gira - My Birth (excerpt) |
Sahar Sattarzadeh - Trial for Humanity |
Henry Rollins - Riding the Bus |
Henry Rollins - Airplanes |
Taalam Acey - Charisma feat. The Prototype |
David Cross - 9/12 |
Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised |
Direct download: Dissonance_7-04-06_Spoken_Word.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:05am EST

Guest DJ: Jason Hamacher (Frodus, Battery, Decahedron, Combatwoundedveteran, Mancake) |

Judge - No Apologies |
Converge - Concubine |
Converge - Fault and Fracture |
DYS - Circle Storm |
Floor - Scimitar |
Frodus - Feelgood Song of the Year |
Frodus - Computers (Love) |
Frodus - Lights on for Safety |
Frodus - Invisible Time Lines |
Atomic Fireball - Swingset |
Frodus - 6-99 |
Refused - Rather be Dead |
Refused - Coup d'Etat |
Combatwoundedveteran - Activate the Corpses |
Mancake - Louisiana Purchase |
Tipsy - Mr. Excitement |
Marty Robbins - They're Hanging Me Tonight |
Battery - What I'd Give |
Entrefuego - En Contra de las Cenizas |
Operation Ivy - Healthy Body, Sick Mind |
Life's Blood - Youth Enrage |
The Misfits - Earth A.D. |
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on Me |
Entombed - Chief Rebel Angel |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-20-06_Jason_Hamacher.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:59am EST

Guest DJs: Rich Miles (Forced Forward) and Matt Parsons (Time to Escape) |

Absolution - Dead and Gone |
4 Walls Falling - Happy Face |
Heresy - Flowers in Concrete |
Government Warning - Government Warning |
Verbal Assault - Scared |
The Aftermath - Rotten to the Core |
Naked Raygun - Vanilla Blue |
Madball - Our Family |
Bail Out! - Dark Alley |
End of the Year - Girls |
86 Mentality - Life Trap |
Ruiner - Adhering to Superstition |
Cloak/Dagger - Sewing Circles |
Lion of Judah - War of Souls |
Forced Forward - Are You Listening |
Forced Forward - Taken |
Regulations - Police Sirens |
Neanderthal - Fighting Music / Fluids |
Canon - Declaration |
Dead Stop - Kiss My Ass |
Time to Escape - Party Time |
Soul Swallower - Accept |
Moss Icon - Guatemala |
Wasted Time - Shameless |
Expired Youth - Win or Lose |
Iron Boots - Easy Green |
Nick Fury - Against the Ropes |
Ignition - Anxiety Asking |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-13-06_Rich_Miles.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Guest DJ: Jason Yahn (Trial by Fire, Turbine) |


Paint It Black - Ghosts |
Strike Anywhere - Sunset on 32nd |
Jello Biafra & the Melvins - Plethysmograph |
The Evens - Sara Lee |
Public Enemy - Burn Hollywood Burn |
Tubine - Rise Up, Wise Up |
Turbine - I Don't Need a Soapbox |
The Clash - Safe European Home |
Propagandhi - Apparently I'm a P.C. Fascist |
Fugazi - Facet Squared |
Trial by Fire - Vengeance |
Trial by Fire - Point an Inward Finger |
City of Caterpillar - A Heart Filled Reaction to Dissatisfaction |
Rocket from the Crypt - Born in '69 |
Hot Water Music - Drunken Third |
Yaphet Kotto - First Meetings Agreement |
Swiz - Black |
Lungfish - Friend to Friend in Endtime |
American Steel - Every New Morning |
Panthro UK United 13 - Fuck L.A. |
Panthro UK United 13 - Spartacus |
Sleepytime Trio - Jesus Extract |
Sleepytime Trio - Rock Candy |
Kathy Cashel - Suburbs' End |
Sleater-Kinney - Wilderness |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-06-06_Jason_Yahn.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:20pm EST

Guest DJ: Eric Mann (Higher Conscience Records) |


Police & Thieves - Caught in Time |

Four Hundred Years - Level Playing Field |
Cloak/Dagger - Sewing Circles |
Dead End Boys - Wannabe |
Count Me Out - What We Built |
Cast Aside - Set in Stone |
Down to Nothing - Home Sweet Home |
Internal Affairs - Come Get It |
Cold World - Refuse to Lose |
Blacklisted - Wolves at My Door |
86 Mentality - Life Trap |
Damnation A.D. - The Hanged Man |
Renee Heartfelt - The Melodramatic |
Frodus - The Misaligned Men of Flomaton |
Striking Distance - Hated |
Sheer Terror - Here to Stay |
Underdog - Back to Back |
Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza - Homicidal |
Cro Mags - We Gotta Know |
Leeway - Rise and Fall |
Gut Instinct - Gut Instinct |
Worn Thin - Here's the Door |
4 Walls Falling - Back on Top |
Worlds Collide - Effects of the Age |
American Nightmare - Farewell |
Wheelbite - track 1 |
Turning Point - Behind This Wall |
Lion of Judah - Trapped |
Life's Blood - Reckoning Force |
Supertouch - Searchin' for the Light |
Warzone - Don't Forget the Struggle, Don't Forget the Streets |
Kill Your Idols - Can't Take It Away |
Floorpunch - Gonna Get Yours |
Gorilla Biscuits - New Direction |
Direct download: Dissonance_5-16-06_Eric_Mann.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:09am EST

Guest DJ: Issa Diao (Good Clean Fun)  |

Good Clean Fun - Who Shares Wins |
Refused - Rather Be Dead |
7 Seconds - Here's Your Warning |
7 Seconds - Definite Choice |
7 Seconds - Not Just Boys' Fun |
Kid Dynamite - Bookworm |
Up Front - Thank You |
Majority Rule - A Prescription |
Good Clean Fun - A Little Bit Emo, a Little Bit Hardcore |
Good Clean Fun - The Myspace Song |
Good Clean Fun - Next Year in Jerusalem |
Good Clean Fun - The Vegan Revolution Draft Dodger Anthem |
Lifetime - Ostrichsized |
Bad Brains - Attitude |
Bad Brains - Pay to Cum |
Bad Brains - Right Brigade |
Mike Park - Blue Marble |
Anti-Flag - This Is The End (for You My Friend) |
Fort Knox - Friends Don't Let Friends Fuck with Fort Knox / I Keep My Friends Close (But My Enemies Closer) |
Fugazi - Repeater |
Better Than a Thousand - Live Today |
Better Than a Thousand - Just One |
Josh Joplin - To All My Friends |
Snapcase - Drain Me |
Snapcase - Filter |
Dag Nasty - Values Here |
Gorilla Biscuits - Competition |
Judge - Warriors |
Good Clean Fun - Ex-straightedge Ex |

Direct download: Dissonance_5-9-06_Issa.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:17pm EST