Fri, 30 October 2015
Presented by the Minister of Information of Punk the National Mall and Punk Life Zine. The Eddiegate Basement Tapes from the Ronald Reagan International Trade Building with Freedom of Information Act recordings from the National Park Service and Trust For the National Mall related to the unethical and deceitful actions perpetrated on the American People by the so called "guardians" of the National Mall. Also featuring emails from Caroline Cunningham, now former President of the Trust for the National Mall, where she lets the world know what she thinks of the National Park Foundation and Seth Hurwitz of IMP and the 930 Club. Not to be left out is King Weasel, Bob Vogel, now Director of the National Capital Region of the National Park Service too. We also have real life interviews with Freshman Rep. Mark DeSaulinier (D. 11th District, CA) and as close to live interview as possible with 13 term Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D. DC). Not cool Ms. Norton. Finally step back into history and listen to the 1984 Supreme Court Oral Arguments of the Clark v. Creative Community of Non-Violence and the repeated transgressions of the National Park Service against the American People in the name of stewardship of our National Parks. (Please remember CCNV this holiday season) Thanks to Kim Stryker, Save the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Positive Force DC, Jim DeRogatis, Scott Higham, and Steve Kiviat for their help and encouragement.
Direct download: Dirty20Secrets20of20the20Landmark20Music20Festival2C20DC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST |