Wed, 31 October 2007
Guest Host: Dwid Hellion (Integrity, Psywarfare, Sledgehammer, Roses Never Fade) | Playlist: ... Dwid reads "The Raven" by Guido Gezelle | Dwid reads "Hellhounds" | interview with artist Stephen Kasner (Works: 1993 - 2006) | Stephen Kasner feat. James Plotkin - Blood Fountain | interview with Craig Mack (Living Hell) | Living Hell - Malleus Dei | Pulling Teeth - Dead Is Dead | Vegas - Cure My Heart from Beating | Vegas - Rhythm of Decline | Shoot to Kill - North | Ringworm - Hangman | Pale Creation - Kaliira | Roses Never Fade - Rosa Italia | Roses Never Fade - The Man They Want to Hang | interview with filmmaker Larry Wessel (Iconoclast) | Dwid Hellion and Boyd Rice - Total War | Boyd Rice & Friends - Disneyland Can Wait | Scorpion Wind - Never Forget | Boyd Rice & Friends - I'd Rather Be Your Enemy |
Direct download: Dissonance_10-31-07_Dwids_Halloween_Special.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:05pm EST |
Thu, 11 October 2007
Guest DJs:
Katy Otto (Problems, Del Cielo, Bald Rapunzel, Exotic Fever Records)
and Todd McDonald (Problems, Routineers, Jury Rig, Say No More) |
Playlist: ... Mission of Burma - Peking Spring | Big Business - Just as the Day Was Dawning | The Drags - No Matter What Shape Your Head Is In | Pete the Pirate Squid - Drinking Song | The Saints - Know Your Product | Avec - Deceptive Cadence | The Wipers - Telepathic Love | Meneguar - Hands Off | Hot Snakes - Automatic Midnight | Your Majesty - The Swinger | Scream - Came Without Warning | Akarso - Leave Quietly | Come - William | Pash - The Best Gun | Meters - Punjee | Discount - Broken to Blue | Pixies - Gouge Away | Forget Cassettes - Like Tiny Swords | Lost Sounds - I Get Nervous | Free Verse - No Crime No Gain | Monorchid - Southern Fried Wonton | Brakes - Hi, How Are You? | Big Boys - No Love | |
Wed, 3 October 2007
Guest DJs: Rusty Sticha (The Twats,
Suns of Guns) and Max Weinstein-Bacal (Booboisie, The Twats, Friendly Fire) |
Playlist: ... The Twats - T.W.A.T | Descendents - Van | Motorhead - (We Are) the Road Crew | The Overprivileged - New School | Die Cheerleader Die - I Wanna Be a Slut Tonight | Booboisie - Fuck the Mail | The Twats - Psycho Twinkie | I Object! - My Kid Has a Kid | Common Enemy - Late Night Skate | The AKs - Divorce Court | Daycare Swindlers - All American | The Max Levine Ensemble - At the Zoo | Two Man Advantage - Had a Dream | The Twats - Dance Party USA | The Twats - A Song for Laredo | The Beertards - Drink Schmidtz Not Schlitz (The Overprivileged) | Zeke - Shout It Out (Kiss) | Bad Brains with Henry Rollins - Kick Out the Jams (MC5) | The Ergs - Hey Jealousy (Gin Blossoms) | The Honeymoon Killers - Rooms of Doom | The Twats - Piggy | Hüsker Dü - From the Gut | Dead Kennedys - Police Truck | World/Inferno Friendship Society - Zen and the Art of Breaking Everything in This Room | Lemuria - Clean | Iggy & the Stooges - Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell | The Twats - We Peed in Your Wheaties | The Twats - Death of Cuteness | Flipper - Sacrifice | Butthole Surfers - Moving to Florida | The Cramps - Garbageman | The Twats - Quitter | |
Wed, 19 September 2007
Guest DJs: Ken Olden (Worlds Collide,
Battery, Better Than a Thousand, When Tigers Fight, Damnation A.D., Fort Knox),
Mike McTernan (When Tigers Fight, Damnation A.D.), Smitty (Damnation
A.D.), Emillie Reade and Lloyd Denovan (Ultimatum, Meatlocker) |
Playlist: ... Damnation A.D. - Jigsaw Reprise / In This Life or the Next | When Tigers Fight - After All This Time | Give Up the Ghost - We Killed It | Every Time I Die - Romeo A-Go-Go | Refused - Hook, Line and Sinker | Worlds Collide - Effect of the Age | Battery - These Are the Days | Dead Kennedys - Winnebago Warrior | Sage Francis - Hell of a Year | Fort Knox - Friends Don't Let Friends Fuck with Fort Knox / I Keep My Friends Close (But My Enemies Closer) | Alkaline Trio - Jaked on Green Beers | Joshua English - Art Trouble | Meatlocker - Down T'Nowt | Mindsnare - Bulldozed | Damnation A.D. - The Hanged Man / If You Could Remember | |
Wed, 12 September 2007
Guest DJ: Chris Richards (Q and Not U, Ris Paul Ric) |
Playlist: ... C.C.B. - Classy | Panax - The Garden | Tabi Bonney - The Pocket | Fury - Resurrection | Fury - The Psycho | Wale - untitled remix | Wale - Nobody | Chuck Brown - Funky Getdown | Nick Catchdubs - Pump Shawty remix | Escort - Bright New Life | Dave Nada - Phat Bottom Girls | Dave Nada - Kick Out the Jams | Dave Nada - Crank Dat remix | M.I.A. - Boyz | Tim Hecker - I Am Transmitting Tonight | Caetano Veloso - Terra | Colleen - Everybody Alive Wants Answers | Ris Paul Ric - Purple Blaze | |
Wed, 5 September 2007
Guest DJs: Pat Vogel (Sick Fix, Tradition
Dies Here, Crispus Attucks), Brian Redbeard (Sick Fix, Tradition Dies
Here, Time of the Wolf), Chris (Sick Fix, Magrudergrind, Coke Bust) |
Playlist: ... Buzzcocks - Boredom | Crippled Youth - Can't You See | Infest - Mankind / Terminal Nation | Short Hate Temper - G.S. Mosh Core Anthem | Dystopia - Backstabber | The Ergs - Most Violent Rap Group / Pray for Rain | Avail - Satiate | Bikini Kill - Suck My Left One / Rebel Girl | Diallo - The Prodigal Son | Infest - Sicko | Sick Fix - Bring Your Own Revolution / One Third | Coke Bust - Because of the Label / Beyond a Reasonable Doubt | Magrudergrind - Layer of Waste / Zero Substance | Lack of Interest - What's Wrong | Black SS - Bonehead / I Want Out | C.R. - Mallet / Stubborn / C.R. | The Exploder - The Decision | Blank Stare - White Hell / Fuck Drugs Fuck You | Carcass - Buried Dreams | Positive Reinforcement - All Brawn, No Brain | Disrupt - A Life's a Life | Limp Wrist - This Ain't No Cross on My Hand | Tradition Dies Here - Hate the Police | |
Wed, 22 August 2007
Interview: Jerónimo Ruiz (Entrefuego, En Nuestras Venas) | Playlist: ... Makiza [Chile] - En Paro | Los Saicos [Peru] - Demolición | Los Blops [Chile] - Locomotora | Vinchucas [Chile] - Dejen Respirar | Ratos de Porão [Brazil] - Crucificados Pelo Sistema | Los Violadores [Argentina] - Represión | Pentagram [Chile] - Demoniac Possession | Disturbio Menor [Chile] - Nos Está Quedando Chica Sudamérica | Enfermos Terminales [Chile] - Frío Hormigón | Silencio Absoluto [Chile] - Algo que Probar | Redención 9-11 [Chile] - El Árbol y la Serpiente | Fiskales Ad-hok [Chile] - Río Abajo | Supersordo [Chile] - Mi Padre | Fun People [Argentina] - Ánimo / Estoy a tu Lado | No Demuestra Interés [Argentina] - Por Debajo de tus Influencias | xAutocontrolx [Argentina] - Memoria | Los Jonathan [Chile] - unknown | Point of No Return [Brazil] - Cerca | B.U.S.H. [Brazil] - O Mesmo | Interview with Jerónimo Ruiz | En Nuestras Venas [Argentina/Chile] - Evasión Nueva Etica [Argentina] - Declaración de Guerra | Reconcile [Argentina] - Heart and Trust | Aura [Chile] - No Hay Culpables, Sólo Victimas | Remains to Be Seen [Chile] - Vision | Trust [Argentina] - Egoismo | Constrito [Brazil] - Umundii | Colligere [Brazil] - O Poder do Pensamento Negativo | Sudarshana [Argentina] - Nadie Nos Vencerá | Vieja Escuela [Argentina] - Respetar | Minoría Activa [Argentina] - Sk8 (100% Diversión) | Otra Salida [Argentina] - Tiempo de Continuar | Entrefuego [Chile] - Banderas | Nouvelle Gaia [Chile] - Pacto de Sangre | El Eterno Enemigo [Argentina] - Frente a Tus Ojos | Alhambre [Peru] - Hasta El Final | Cuenta Conmigo [Argentina] - La Mentira | Makiza [Chile] - La Vida es Como un Sueño |
Direct download: Dissonance_8-21-07_Sudamerica_Hardcore.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:06pm EST |
Wed, 13 June 2007
Guest DJ: Mark Andersen (Positive Force, We Are Family; author, Dance of Days: Two Decades of Punk in the Nation's Capital and All the Power: Revolution without Illusion) |
Playlist: ... Vic Godard & the Subway Sect - Nobody's Scared | Red Noise - Revolt into Style | Penetration - Silent Community / Don't Dictate | Madhouse - Respect | Wayne County & the Electric Chairs - Are You Man Enough to Be a Woman | Woody Guthrie - Jesus Christ | Robert Johnson - Hellhound on My Trail | Beefeater - Live the Life | The Clash - Sex Mad Roar | Patty Griffin - Top of the World | Robin Lane & the Chartbusters - Imitation Life | Redskins - Lean on Me | Gil Scott-Heron - Washington D.C. | Burma Jam - Still Standing | Scream - Walkin' by Myself | Urban Verbs - The Angry Young Men | Women of Destruction - P.V.I. Is a Lie | The Avengers - I Believe in Me | Johnny Cash - These Hands | New Model Army - Fireworks Night | |
Wed, 6 June 2007
Guest DJs: Boo (Supreme Commander, Wake Up Cold), Reiter (Supreme Commander, Daycare Swindlers), Dan Cohen and Todd Boccabello (Supreme Commander, Latchkey) |
Playlist: ... The AKs - Punished | Dean Lee and the Trashtown Menace - Faith in the Year of Our Curse | Rocket City Riot - Down with Her | Hudson Falcons - Working Class War | GC5 - Sheep in Wolf's Clothing | Daycare Swindlers - Some Die Young | New Bomb Turks - Summer Romance | Government Issue - Caring Line | Minutemen - History Lesson, Pt. 2 | Metallica - Breadfan | Supreme Commander - If You Love Me (Let Me Rock) | Supreme Commander - $1.87 | Supreme Commander - The Damage Done | Dead Stop - Kiss My Ass | Paint It Black - Insider | The Hate Crimes - Keep Your Promises to Yourself | Verbal Assault - Trial | Hüsker Dü- Don't Want to Know if You Are Lonely | AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | Bad Brains - Riot Squad | Comeback Kid - Wake the Dead | Fugazi - Public Witness Program | Damnation A.D. - No Way Out | Jesus Eater - All for Show | The Sword - Freya | Joey Scarbury - Theme from "The Greatest American Hero" (Believe It or Not) |
Direct download: Dissonance_6-05-07_Supreme_Commander.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:54am EST |
Wed, 30 May 2007
Guest DJs: Mike Riley (Pulling Teeth, Paper Dragons, The Spark), Dom Romeo (Pulling Teeth, Slumlords), Chris Kuhn (Pulling Teeth, Downside Risk) |
Playlist: ... Spinal Tap - Stonehenge | Jawbreaker - Chemistry | Fucked Up - David Comes to Life | The Darvocets - Radiation Masturbation | Embrace - Said Gun | Frightener - Depression | Lion of Judah - Universal Peace | Dead Mechanical - Information In | Ruiner - The Lives We Fear | Surroundings - Lions | Coke Bust - Source of Misery | Deep Sleep - Alone with You | Sick Fix - Intro + Junkie Fever | Pulling Teeth - Sick and Tired | Pulling Teeth - Ashes and Dust | Freddy Krueger & the Elm Street Group - Dance Or Else | The Fat Boys - Are You Ready for Freddy | The Spark - Fireflower | Never Enough - Husks | Slumlords - City That Bleeds | Downside Risk - A Realistic Portrayal of Society | Desperate Measures - Never Enough Time | Paper Dragons - Annihilate the Need | Coalition Against Shane - Using Dwarf Just Rising CD to Cut Off Shane's Balls feat. Chris Dodge (Spazz) | Ice-T - Drama | The Steinways - Ice-T | Off with Their Heads - Jackie Lee | Guilt Lust - The Devil's in the Details | Criminal Damage - Anasthesia | Integrity - Orbital Teleplastic Emanation | Don Ho - Sweet Someone | |
Wed, 23 May 2007
Guest DJ / performer: Erik Gamlem (The April Decca) |
Playlist: ... Unrest - Make Out Club | Team Dresch - Fagetarian and Dyke | Lifetime - Knives, Bats, New Tats | Tiger Lou - Not True Devil Girl | The April Decca live acoustic set - The Last Night of the Constellation / The Tree Through the Olive Branch / The Golden Pussy of our Most Beloved Angel | Beauty Pill - The Mule on the Plane | Dead Teenagers - I Don't Need No New Friends | Soccer Team - Here's Why Dancers Smoke | Most Secret Method - Bronze | Aesop Rock - 11:35 feat. Mr. Lif | Mr. Lif - Post Mortem feat. El-P | El-P - Run the Numbers feat. Aesop Rock | Mass Movement of the Moth - Crimps in Ties | Eulcid - (I Heard It) on the Radio | Hope & Anchor - Ending of November | The April Decca - Mouth of the Wolf | The April Decca - Pine Wood Water | The April Decca - The R Is for Rebel | Sean McArdle - Workin' | Elliott Smith - Abused | John Frusciante - Of Before | |
Wed, 16 May 2007
Playlist: ... Bad Brains - Banned in DC | Propagandhi - Resisting Tyrannical Government | Defiance, Ohio - Response to Griot | Tem Eyos Ki - Blind Guardian | Shyheim - Furious Anger feat. Big L | Notorious B.I.G. - Mo' Money Mo' Problems | Bad Brains - Pay to Cum | Embrace - Give Me Back | Jawbreaker - Shield Your Eyes | Morning Glory - Gang Control | Morning Glory - Divide By | Killarmy - Feel It | Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It | Crass - Do They Owe Us a Living? | Propagandhi - Refusing to Be a Man | Chuck Brown - Woody Woodpecker | Tiny Hawks - The Things That You Belong To and Those That Belong to You | 2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up | Operation Ivy - Knowledge | Abe Froman - Dear Mr. Elliot | Haymarket - My Little Fish | The Clash - I Fought the Law | |
Thu, 10 May 2007
Guest DJs: T.J. Mahoney, Jim Vengeance, Dan Brick, Kent Stax (Alleged Bricks) |
Playlist: ... The Suspects - Riot | Sheer Terror - Here to Stay | Anti-Heroes - Jerry Was a Piece of Shit | Teen Idles - Deadhead | Oxblood - Traitor | Ramones - Commando | Blood for Blood - Soulless | 4-Skins - Sorry | The Neurotiks - Destroy | The Partisans - 17 Years of Hell | Motorhead - Motorhead | Slapshot - Back on the Map | Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain | Alleged Bricks - Disgrace | Cro-Mags - Show You No Mercy | Blitz - Time Bomb | Pist - Never Question | Scream - This Side Up | The Beatles - Leave My Kitten Alone | The Boils - Crock of Shit | Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppie | The Aftermath - Life of My Own | Dropkick Murphys - Pipebomb on Lansdowne | Eater - Space Dreaming | Bad Brains - Don't Bother Me | Gut Instinct - Rat Bastard | Spitfires United - Regrets | Rodent - Thursday Night | Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues | The Staggers - Stand Up | Immoral Discipline - Your Life Is a Lie | Minor Threat - Look Back and Laugh | The Krays - Civilized (Menace) | The Bruisers - Intimidation | The Ventures - Spudnik | |
Wed, 2 May 2007
Guest DJs: Ann with a Plann, Ryan Only, and Wade (The Brian MacKenzie Infoshop) |
Playlist: ... Requiem - Storm Heaven | Broadcast Live - Underground | Operation: Cliff Clavin - Another Nothing | J Church - Overconfident | Abi Yoyos - Black and Yellow | Ballast - Louder than Words | David Dondero - Motion Picture Song | Discount - Waiting for the Great Leap Forward (Billy Bragg) | Rude Mechanical Orchestra - Bella Ciao | Submission Hold - The Day the Police Stole the Bushes from Grandview Park | Manic Street Preachers - If White America Told the Truth for One Day Its World Would Fall Apart | The Max Levine Ensemble - Nihilism | Mass Movement of the Moth - Idle Minds Speak in Binary | Rachel Jacobs - Bone Collectors Convention | How We Tie Knots - Concrete | Head-Roc - Chris Columbus | Los Gatos Negros - Canadian Ending | Nellie McKay - The Big One | Fifteen - Petroleum Distillation | Manner Farm - Red Clown | Casey Neill - Memory Against Forgetting | Chumbawamba - Give the Anarchist a Cigarette | Limp Wrist - Just Like You | Zegota - Bend and Brace for the Unexpected | |
Wed, 25 April 2007
Guest DJ: Travis Morrison (The Dismemberment Plan, Travis Morrison Hellfighters) |
Playlist: ... Amadou & Mariam - La Réalité | Prince - Cindy C. | Arctic Monkeys - Dancing Shoes | Morphine - Super Sex | Jamie Lidell - When I Come Back Around | Smart Went Crazy - Con Art | Ska Cubano - Soy Campesino | Clara Ward - I Got Shoes | Camp Lo - Swing | Marvin Gaye - His Eye Is on the Sparrow | Ghostface Killah - Kilo | Michael White - The Land of Spirit and Light (Part 2) | Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come | Poison Clan - Jeri Curl | Amerie - One Thing | Etta James - Fool That I Am | |
Wed, 18 April 2007
Guest DJs: Michael Kentoff (The Caribbean, Townies) and Dave Jones (The Caribbean, Foreign Press) |
Playlist: ... McLusky - To Hell with Good Intentions | Björk - Isobel | Sparklehorse - Shade and Honey | Four Tet - She Moves She | The Beau Brummels - Gentle Wandering Ways | The Good, the Bad and the Queen - The Bunting Song | Julian Cope - The Greatness and Perfection of Love | The Field - Over the Ice | Waylon Jennings - Memories of You and I | Delroy Wilson - This Life Makes Me Wonder | Lee Hazlewood - Cold Hard Times | Sam Cooke - Lost and Lookin' | Daniel Johnston - It's Over | The Beatles - The Fool on the Hill | Soccer Team - Traffic Patterns | The Caribbean - The Go from Tactical | Pat Reader - Cha Cha on the Moon | Bill Ding - Apologize | Popol Vuh - Du Sohn Davids II | The Caribbean - Interfaith Roommates | |
Wed, 11 April 2007
Guest DJs: Jason Mazzola (Cloak/Dagger, Count Me Out) and Aaron Barth (Cloak/Dagger, Striking Distance, Renee Heartfelt) |
Playlist: ... Hot Snakes - U.S. Mint | Hatebreed - Destroy Everything | Lion of Judah - Mousetrapped | Carry On - The View | D.I. - Richard Hung Himself | Circle Jerks - Wild in the Streets | Cloak/Dagger - Last Call | Fucked Up - Generation | Dead Birds - unknown demo tracks | The Marked Men - Right Here with You | Dan Sartain - Drama Queens | Cloak/Dagger - New Years Resolution | LL Cool J - Jack the Ripper | The Marked Men - Still Waiting | McRad - McShred | Avail - Scuffletown | Cro-Mags - Show You No Mercy | Black Flag - My War | Madball - Hardcore Still Lives! | Converge - Plagues | Career Suicide - Play the Part | Cloak/Dagger - White Fence | Cloak/Dagger - Daggers Daggers | |
Wed, 4 April 2007
Guest DJs: Matt Michel (Haram, Majority Rule, pg.99), Andy Gale (Haram, Shoutbus, Corn on Macabre, Out_Circuit), Ben Tankersley (Haram, Shoutbus) |
Playlist: ... The Wipers - Mystery | Born Against - Janelle | Dead Boys - Ain't It Fun | Archers of Loaf - Scenic Pastures | John Cale - Ship of Fools | Deep Wound - Video Prick | Swans - Big Strong Boss | Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia | Discarga - Não Force a Barra | Drive Like Jehu - Super Unison | My Bloody Valentine - Lose My Breath | The Go-Nuts - The Fabulous Go-Nuts Theme! | The Flamin' Groovies - Have You Seen My Baby? | Hasil Adkins - No More Hot Dogs | Butthole Surfers - Negro Observer | The Penetrators - I Like Brooklyn | The Nervous Eaters - You Smell Like Fish | Modest Mouse - Trailer Trash | Nazareth - Whatever You Want Babe | His Hero Is Gone - Chain of Command | Come - Recidivist | Haram - Scar Chest | Haram - Plastic Hearts | |
Wed, 28 February 2007
Guest DJ: Boyd Farrell (Black Market Baby, Rustbuckit) |
Guest interviewers: Tad Peyton (Set to Explode, Worn Thin) and Tunde Farrell | Playlist: ... The Penetrators - The Break | White Boy - I Hate | The Stooges - I Got a Right | The Damned - Born to Kill | Rustbuckit - Burning Fast | Steve Earle - Here I Am | Bare Jr. - You Blew Me Off | Supersuckers - Rock Your Ass | Neurotic Outsiders - Nasty Ho | Big Bad Bollocks - Drinkup Yabastards | Jakkpot - Safety Blades and Razor Pins | Rubber City Rebels - I Don't Wanna Be a Punk No More | Adam West - God's Gift to Women | Strung Out - Betrayal | Black Market Baby - World at War | Agent Orange - Everything Turns Grey | Naz Nomad & the Nightmares - She Lied | 999 - Fun Thing | The Ruts - You're Just A... | Eater - Waiting for the Man | Johnny Thunders - One Track Mind | R 50 - Bad Girl | The Dictators - Faster and Louder | Ramones - I Don't Want to Grow Up | Black Market Baby - Drunk and Disorderly |
Direct download: Dissonance_2-27-07_Black_Market_Baby.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:26am EST |
Wed, 21 February 2007
Guest DJs: Peter (The Scare, Affront), Nerpal (The Scare, At Best), and Billy (The Scare) |
Playlist: ... The Scare - Black Mass | Goddamn Wolves - S.O.B. | The Blackout Pact - We Drink So You Don't Have To | The Lucky Stiffs - Anza 9 | Corrupted Youth - This One's for You | Devotion to Trust - The Stampede | David Bowie - Life on Mars | Queen - Death on Two Legs | T.S.O.L. - The Triangle | Motorhead - I Am the Sword | Naked Aggression - Right Now | Evergreen Terrace - Zero (Smashing Pumpkins) | Nerve Agents - Suffragette City (David Bowie) | AFI - Values Here (Dag Nasty) | Inquisition - Greta Brinkman vs. The City | Standfast - It Still Beats | The Dedication - Thanks for Last Night | Civil Disobedience - Manufactured Citizens | Planes Mistaken for Stars - Copper and Stars | Affront - The Darkest Lesson | At Best - Crumble for Me | At the Drive-In - Chanbara | Murder City Devils - In This Town | Floorpunch - Let It Ride | Ruiner - Paint Peals | Ruiner - Out Go the Candles | The Scare - There's No More Room | |
Wed, 14 February 2007
Guest DJ: Ted Henson (Street Sense newspaper) |
Playlist: ... Sunspring - Incite | Sunspring - Desert Song | Sunspring - Implode | Metroschifter - Overlap | Metroschifter - Drive | Hedge - Same Blood | Crain - The Waste Kings | Hedge - Shackles on My Feet | Guilt - Omega | Crain - Ten Miles of Fiction | Rodan - Tooth Fairy Retribution Manifesto | June of 44 - The Dexterity of Luck | Elliot - The Watermark High | Elliot - Halfway Pretty acoustic | Endpoint - Survival Song | Falling Forward - Sire | Endpoint - Caste | Endpoint - Thought You Were | Endpoint - Guilty by Association | Coliseum - Children of Our Own Creation | Coliseum - Hostage of Privilege | Breather Resist - Just Do It | By the Grace of God - Boy and the River | By the Grace of God - Little Idea | The Shipping News - The March Song | |
Wed, 7 February 2007
Guest DJs: Matt Moffatt and Hilary Taylor (Crispus Attucks) |
Playlist: ... Sex Pistols - Black Arabs Disco Medley | The Clash - We Are the Clash | Black Flag - Let Your Fingers Do the Walking | Marginal Man - What Did She Say | D.Y.S. - Late Night | S.S.D. - The Choice | Angry Samoans - Laughing at Me | Youth Brigade - Jump Back | Doggy Style - Doggy Rock | Dag Nasty - Under Your Influence (Field Day vers.) | Discharge - Dry Your Tears / Arm Your Fears | Void - The Difference | Embrace - End of a Year | Suicidal Tendencies - Send Me Your Money | Token Entry - Weight of the World | Wartime - The Whole Truth | T.S.O.L. - Sixteen | Steve Caballero - You Will Go | Corrosion of Conformity - Vote with a Bullet | Cro-Mags - See the Signs | Murphy's Law - Big Spliff | Warzone - Wound Up | Mike Judge & Old Smoke - Little One | Ray & Porcell - Fame | Underdog - No Matter What | Avail - Hope | Lifetime - Souvenir | Lickity Split - Of a Kind | All - A Muse | Circle Jerks - Fable | Hüsker Dü - The Baby Song | Adolescents - Alone Against the World | 7 Seconds - Satyagraha | Bad Religion - It's Only Over When... | Justice League - A Part of the Fall | |
Wed, 31 January 2007
Guest DJ: Mike Schleibaum (Darkest Hour) |
Playlist: ... Darkest Hour - With a Thousand Word to Say but One | Clutch - The Incomparable Mr. Flannery | The Crown - Death Explosion | Damnation A.D. - Addiction | Living Colour - Which Way to America? | Minor Threat - Out of Step | Entombed - About to Die | Black Flag - Rise Above | Cursed - Reparations | MC5 - American Ruse | Battery - Never Forget | Megadeth - Set the World Afire | Midnight Oil - Forgotten Years | Pantera - Strength Beyond Strength | The Clash - Police on My Back | Minor Threat - Minor Threat | Nirvana - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter | Slayer - Christ Illusion | The Situation - It Always Rains | AC/DC - Down Payment Blues | Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh | Nitro Tokyo - Whiskey Swimmin' | Van Halen - The Full Bug | |
Wed, 24 January 2007
Guest DJ / performer: Sean McArdle (The Cost, End of the World) |
Playlist: ... Winfred E. Eye - Up Ahead | World Standard - Loving Spoonful | The Music Tapes - Song for Soon to Be Sailor | Sean McArdle live acoustic set - The Blood Tree / 56th Street / Joy / Workin' / When Brothers Fight | The Fugs - Nothing | A Hawk and a Hacksaw - In the River | Holly Golightly & Don Melchior - I'll Follow Her | Fancie - Hurricane | Hannah & Mariah Dancing - Night Flower | Sean McArdle live acoustic set - Lady / It's Not Me / Last Words / I Am Fine | The Lounge Lizards - It Could Have Been Very, Very Beautiful | Martin Denny - When First I Love | People's Bizarre - Joy Fu Fritters | Heart of Snow - Red | Red Light Sting - Abortions for All | Dog Faced Hermans - From the Top of the Mountain | The Cost - Hated Man | X Plastaz - Kutesa Kwa Zamu | |
Wed, 17 January 2007
Playlist: Integrity - Abraxas Annihilation | Samhain - Initium | Samhain - The Birthing | Samhain - Black Dream | Mighty Sphincter - When the Clocks Have Run Down | Mighty Sphincter - Hollywood Goes to Hell | Mighty Sphincter - In the Kingdom of Heaven | Pulling Teeth - Never Wrong | Pale Creation - Manifest in Me | Living Hell - Parable of a Madman | Vegas - Pleasures Received in Pain | Vegas - Final Incision | Leonard Cohen - Suzanne | Telly Savalas - If | Lee Hazlewood - I'm Glad I Never | Lee Hazlewood - If It's Monday Morning | Tom Waits - Whistling Past the Graveyard (Screamin' Jay Hawkins) | Sledgehammer - London's Burning | Sledgehammer - I Am Watching You | Sledgehammer - So Very Friendly | Sledgehammer - Let Me Entertain You | Roses Never Fade - Fourth Horseman | Roses Never Fade - Fruition Revisisted | Roses Never Fade - Hotel Tomb | Roses Never Fade - Cellar Door | Roses Never Fade - Fade to Black | Picaninny Jug Band - You Gotta Have That Thing | Picaninny Jug Band - Tappin' That Thing | Picaninny Jug Band - Bottle It Up and Go | Picaninny Jug Band - I Got Good Taters | Picaninny Jug Band - Come Along Little Children | Chet Baker - Almost Blue | Integrity - Systems Overload | |
Wed, 10 January 2007
Guest DJs: Dave Byrd (Set to Explode, Striking Distance) and Steve McPherson (Brace, DJ Stereo Faith) |
Playlist: ... 86 Mentality - On the Loose | Government Warning - No Moderation | Coke Bust - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt | Marginal Man - Missing Rungs | Artificial Peace - Against the Grain | Brace - No Future? | The Abused - No End in Sight | Straight Ahead - Not Afraid | Antidote - Real Deal | Jerry's Kids - I Don't Belong Here | Corrosion of Conformity - Nothing's Gonna Change | Youth Brigade - Violence | The Vandals - The Legend of Pat Brown | Code of Honor - Fight or Die | Zero Boys - New Generation | The Faction - Skate & Destroy | The Dicks - Fake Bands | Assault & Battery - Evidence | JFA - Bouncer | Battalion of Saints - Modern Day Heroes | Set to Explode - Set to Explode | Absolution - Dead and Gone | Cro-Mags - Signs of the Times | Krakdown - Trust | Bad Brains - F.V.K. | S.O.A. - Riot | Beastie Boys - Riot Fight | Circle Jerks - Deny Everything | Fear - Let's Have a War | Striking Distance - Send in the Clones | Void - Self Defense | Big Boys - No Love | The F.U.s - What You Pay For | Koro - Dear Sirs | Decry - Falling | Zero Boys - Vicious Circle | SSD - The Kids Will Have Their Say | G.B.H. - Sick Boy | Token Entry - Antidote | Breakdown - Vengeance | Minor Threat - Stand Up |
Direct download: Dissonance_1-09-07_Dave_Byrd_Stereo_Faith.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:06am EST |
Wed, 3 January 2007
Guest DJ: Michael Saretsky (Police & Thieves, Chief Ike's Soul Club 51) |
Playlist: ... Dissonance - Last Generation | Black SS - Quick Fix | The F.U.s - Daisy Chain | The Mad - I Hate Music | Naked Raygun - Home of the Brave | The Effigies - Body Bag | Gray Matter - 4 A.M. | Eater - Room for One | Satan's Rats - You Make Me Sick | The Avengers - Car Crash | Endpoint - Endpoint | Swiz - Godspeed | Regulations - Fashion Girl | Rupie Edwards - Promoters Grouse | Joe Gibbs - People Grudgeful | The Caribbeans - Let Me Walk By | Dave & Ansel Collins - Double Barrel | Moondog Lawton - Dollars and Cents | The Younghearts - A Little Togetherness | Martha Reeves & the Vandellas - Show Me the Way | Junior Walker - Hip City | The Boys - No Money | The Undertones - You've Got My Number | Blitz - Razors in the Night | Sham 69 - Cockney Kids Are Innocent | Red Alert - City Invasion | |